Gens rush and perks as killer

Honestly there needs to be something done about how fast generators go right now some bandaid fix so the devs can work on something later just like bloodlust. Just increase the time it takes to complete them and make some change to survivor objectives and remove the increased time if a fix to objectives or change will ever happen. This also restricts perk usage by a ridiculous amount to where if you aren't using almost all perks to slow gens it's a big chance at losing vs more skilled survivors. All of my perks on killers is just thantaphobia, ruin, dying light, and bbq or corrupt intervention. I'd like to actually use other perks instead of the same sh*t every game just to have a chance.
It's been this way for years now so unfortunately I don't see it ever getting fixed by this point.
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Yeah, I have to agree with @Blueberry
And to be honest, this is one of the few PvP games I've played where the devs seem either incapable, or disinterested, in making changes to force a Meta change every so often.
I can't fathom how the long-term players have put up with the same Meta for years in a game with only one mode of play, to boot.
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I made this post to express frustration to the meta is basically forced up your a** playing as a killer meanwhile survivors don't have to use meta perks because it just gens just 1 objective and evading a killer. Killers have to chase hit down pickup walk to a hook then hook and restart which takes so much time enough for 2-3 gens to already be done
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Gets tiring having to use the same killers and same perks for 3 years yeah :/
They wouldn't have so much turn over on their player base if more killers and perks were viable to allow change of play. We aren't even talking heavy work loads here either, many killers and perks are being held back simply by just needing number changes, not even mechanical changes.
So it isn't a matter of work load, it's them simply not wanting to. Their idea of "balanced" is very different from our view, as they are balancing around low ranks since that's the majority of their player base. That isn't a design philosophy I would agree with though.
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I find this comment odd, in that it suggests your using only perks and killers that are 3 years old. Spirit is a year old now and VERY viable, while there's been many odd perk/killer combos that work VERY good together with recent patches. Personally, I've been having HUGE success with new Freddy.
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Nobody is forcing you to play those killers or use those perks, I play LF at high ranks and do just fine, hardly even use ruin.
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Spirit is the only exception to any of the things I have mentioned. One exception not being enough to discredit a trend or fix the core problem.
New Freddy is good, but not as good as he should be imo
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If you actually enjoy winning and don't want to play a bully simulator you do.
If you play LF at high ranks to success then you are getting potatoes. Any good rank 1 survivor group is destroying a LF.
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I don’t only face potatoes,I can still 4K against good survivors.
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Unpopular opinion, but I'd put my Freddy without add-ons next to any prayer beads spirit
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I wouldn't even put them remotely close with Freddy having full addons and Spirit with none.
To each his own though, I'm not gonna be changing your mind.