Hatch change suggestions?



  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited June 2018

    @mintchapstick said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Survivors are the scum of this game. Entitled, greedy, selfish, and nothing but wannabe bullies since real life hasn't been to nice to them and they watched a few Ochiduh videos. Survivors are scum.

    Christ, do you read your own posts before you press submit or do you just spit out this massive ball of misplaced rage and call it a post? You seriously need to take a massive step back.

    I hate this hatch situation a lot & I think it's 100% unfair and not at all balanced, but I'm not going to demonize people who play killers.

    Yeah I do read my own posts and I know the truth hurts but someone has to say it. I mean you seem to wonder why you have so many survs that run DS with a purple flashlight and tbag to try to pester the killer. You also see mot of the surv population having to run in circles around a pallet which ruins how the game was supposed to be played according to the devs since they said pallets were just for distancing yourself from the killer; not to play Nascar with. Sorry if you diagree with I say, but what I say is true. Hell, you have a good chunk of survs that want the game to stay as imbalanced as it is because it seems they want to say they're good at the game when it' actually the game itself carrying them. Survs are scum except for maybe like 5% that actually want the game fairly balanced and made. While the other 95% are complaining about the small pallet change and the small hatch change and are seeming to think they are ruining the game when the fact is it's just ruining their scum tactics. This game is supposed to be a horror game for the survivors, not a bully simulator.

    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Yeah I do read my own posts and I know the truth hurts but someone has to say it. I mean you seem to wonder why you have so many survs that run DS with a purple flashlight and tbag to try to pester the killer. You also see mot of the surv population having to run in circles around a pallet which ruins how the game was supposed to be played according to the devs since they said pallets were just for distancing yourself from the killer; not to play Nascar with. Sorry if you diagree with I say, but what I say is true. Hell, you have a good chunk of survs that want the game to stay as imbalanced as it is because it seems they want to say they're good at the game when it' actually the game itself carrying them. Survs are scum except for maybe like 5% that actually want the game fairly balanced and made. While the other 95% are complaining about the small pallet change and the small hatch change and are seeming to think they are ruining the game when the fact is it's just ruining their scum tactics. This game is supposed to be a horror game for the survivors, not a bully simulator.

    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

    Okay, so now people who use the downvote feature to disagree with something are scum. Sure, whatever. They can be scum along with everyone else who use perks & features that you don't personally like in a game.

    Also in what world are mods free from being downvoted? Downvotes aren't a downvote against the person, they're a downvote against an opinion or a post. Peanits was expressing an opinion in their post, and their opinion is open to disagreement just as much as anyone else's. Being a mod doesn't make their opinion God-like. They're just a person with thoughts on the subject that we're discussing, too?

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

    I can't think of anything more pathetic then worrying over the down-vote option. You're upset people don't like your opinion? Jesus Christ, who the ######### cares? Clearly not the people that down-voted you...

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

    I can't think of anything more pathetic then worrying over the down-vote option. You're upset people don't like your opinion? Jesus Christ, who the [BAD WORD] cares? Clearly not the people that down-voted you...

    Evidentally they must've cared enough to down vote me in the first place :P

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918


    Please come out an reveal you were baiting or joking... no seriously, what you said was completely messed up... like, a lot. And That’s coming from me of all people.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Evidentally they must've cared enough to down vote me in the first place :P

    Because they don't like your opinion.

    Why do you care if someone doesn't likes your opinion?

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Evidentally they must've cared enough to down vote me in the first place :P

    Because they don't like your opinion.

    Why do you care if someone doesn't likes your opinion?

    I only care to the extent that it proves my point that when people are called out, they'll take the cheap shot over the direct hit. In other words, can't really say anything back and so only depend on the voting for their own satisfaction.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Jack11803 said:

    Please come out an reveal you were baiting or joking... no seriously, what you said was completely messed up... like, a lot. And That’s coming from me of all people.

    I know but I just have to say what I experience from survs in this game. I only call the majority of survs scum because that's how they portrayed themselves. You're one of the few that aren't and that is golden.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    Please come out an reveal you were baiting or joking... no seriously, what you said was completely messed up... like, a lot. And That’s coming from me of all people.

    I know but I just have to say what I experience from survs in this game. I only call the majority of survs scum because that's how they portrayed themselves. You're one of the few that aren't and that is golden.

    Thanks, i try to be. But anyway, what you said was definitely not a good thing. Just like you, gotta give the reality check that it was quite absurd, for your own good as well as others.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I only care to the extent that it proves my point that when people are called out, they'll take the cheap shot over the direct hit. In other words, can't really say anything back and so only depend on the voting for their own satisfaction.

    Calling people scum just because they down voted you is taking a cheap shot mate.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Jack11803 said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    Please come out an reveal you were baiting or joking... no seriously, what you said was completely messed up... like, a lot. And That’s coming from me of all people.

    I know but I just have to say what I experience from survs in this game. I only call the majority of survs scum because that's how they portrayed themselves. You're one of the few that aren't and that is golden.

    Thanks, i try to be. But anyway, what you said was definitely not a good thing. Just like you, gotta give the reality check that it was quite absurd, for your own good as well as others.

    Well I'm sorry that you feel that way, but with all the survs that proved what I said to be true, it's gonna take a lot to change my mind. It's nothing against you, it's just over 2k+ hours as killer showed me a lot of surv's are scum.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    I only care to the extent that it proves my point that when people are called out, they'll take the cheap shot over the direct hit. In other words, can't really say anything back and so only depend on the voting for their own satisfaction.

    Calling people scum just because they down voted you is taking a cheap shot mate.

    I never said survs are scum because of the downvoting, that's just my overall view of survs since they, themselves, proved that to me time and time and time again.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918


    A good metaphor for this would be you being a kite that was blown to high, and I’m trying to pull you back down, though you are right that some survivors had the strong to their kite released... and they’re gone forever... some killer mains too. But you seem like a good person that just made a heat in the moment comment.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    I never said survs are scum because of the downvoting, that's just my overall view of survs since they, themselves, proved that to me time and time and time again.

    Quit your ######### sir

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Jack11803 said:

    A good metaphor for this would be you being a kite that was blown to high, and I’m trying to pull you back down, though you are right that some survivors had the strong to their kite released... and they’re gone forever... some killer mains too. But you seem like a good person that just made a heat in the moment comment.

    Alright I gotcha man. Just damn this game, as a killer, pushes you to your limits and I appreciate that you're understanding enough to know when someone is pushed over the edge. You're a good person too and that's cool of ya. Thanks man.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    A good metaphor for this would be you being a kite that was blown to high, and I’m trying to pull you back down, though you are right that some survivors had the strong to their kite released... and they’re gone forever... some killer mains too. But you seem like a good person that just made a heat in the moment comment.

    Alright I gotcha man. Just damn this game, as a killer, pushes you to your limits and I appreciate that you're understanding enough to know when someone is pushed over the edge. You're a good person too and that's cool of ya. Thanks man.

    It’s cool dude, I main doctor... you can trust me... ;)

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    I never said survs are scum because of the downvoting, that's just my overall view of survs since they, themselves, proved that to me time and time and time again.

    Quit your ######### sir

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    And another reason why I say survs are scum is that a you scroll down this post, you see people that actually present logical and good ideas and actual points upon their posts and yet, they're downvoted by people like you just because they disagree and don't even provide why they downvoted. You survs are scum. Yall can downvote all you like, but people will still read and see what yall try so desperately to hide. Yall even downvoted Peanits who's a mod just because he stated that survs don't deserve a free win with the hatch. Yall are pathetic.

    As for you. Stfu and be more like @Jack11803

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited June 2018

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    As for you. Stfu and be more like @Jack11803

    No one can be like @Jack11803 .

    That boy is a gem.

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Alright I gotcha man. Just damn this game, as a killer, pushes you to your limits and I appreciate that you're understanding enough to know when someone is pushed over the edge. You're a good person too and that's cool of ya. Thanks man.

    Tbh, you just really have to keep that in mind. I'm not entirely innocent myself. Sometimes if I play too long, I also fall into the "them vs us" mindset trap & forums and stuff actually make it worse, because you see inflammatory posts from people who have the same issue, so it just compounds the problem for everyone involved.

    But no one involved on either side is scum. We might disagree on things. I hate the hatch, you like it, I think some killer perks are OP, you think some survivor perks are OP, and so on and so forth, but no one is scum. Not even those flashlight wielding P3 Claudettes. They're probably just 15 or something.

    & as a sidenote, when it comes to downvoting: it generally isn't because people don't have anything to say back. It's because people want to express an opinion, "I don't like your opinion/I disagree" but it isn't worth an argument, or they don't want to go around quoting every single person they disagree with. It's a fast way to go, 'well, I don't like that', and move on.

    I know I personally don't have the time to disagree with everyone that posts an opinion I disagree with. Like, I'm a web developer; I only have a few hours of free time a day, and I don't want to use all of them arguing with every opinion I don't agree with, but I will click 'downvote', and people are free to do the same on my posts if they disagree! It doesn't hurt anything.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    As for you. Stfu and be more like @Jack11803

    No one can be like @Jack11803 .

    That boy is a gem.

    IF I remember, tomorrow I’ll draw ACE THICCSCONTI in the shittiest drawing style you will ever see! I’ll post in fan creations... just you wait! (I then proceed to completely forget)

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Jack11803 I will pay for the thickest Thiccsonti you can produce.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Jack11803 I will pay for the thickest Thiccsonti you can produce.

    Now im thinking on 2 things, 1) do it, or 2) totally bamboozle you and just draw a locker. Edit: AND I JUST SNEEZED ON MY PHONE. #########

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Jack11803 I will pay for the thickest Thiccsonti you can produce.

    Now im thinking on 2 things, 1) do it, or 2) totally bamboozle you and just draw a locker. Edit: AND I JUST SNEEZED ON MY PHONE. #########

    Welp, gotta do ACE, soon as I thought about the locker karma sneezed on my phone

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    Jack11803 said:

    Welp, gotta do ACE, soon as I thought about the locker karma sneezed on my phone

    I'm expecting the finest qualities of Jpeg

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Welp, gotta do ACE, soon as I thought about the locker karma sneezed on my phone

    I'm expecting the finest qualities of Jpeg

    I think I got an idea of what I’ll draw, it’ll be a close up, side profile, with his face and FINGERGUNS in view, including smoke coming from his fingers. It’ll be hand drawn as well, and I’m NOT an artist.... this can only go well :) The picture of it will just be a phone camera, so it’s JPEG enough

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @mintchapstick said:

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    Alright I gotcha man. Just damn this game, as a killer, pushes you to your limits and I appreciate that you're understanding enough to know when someone is pushed over the edge. You're a good person too and that's cool of ya. Thanks man.

    Tbh, you just really have to keep that in mind. I'm not entirely innocent myself. Sometimes if I play too long, I also fall into the "them vs us" mindset trap & forums and stuff actually make it worse, because you see inflammatory posts from people who have the same issue, so it just compounds the problem for everyone involved.

    But no one involved on either side is scum. We might disagree on things. I hate the hatch, you like it, I think some killer perks are OP, you think some survivor perks are OP, and so on and so forth, but no one is scum. Not even those flashlight wielding P3 Claudettes. They're probably just 15 or something.

    & as a sidenote, when it comes to downvoting: it generally isn't because people don't have anything to say back. It's because people want to express an opinion, "I don't like your opinion/I disagree" but it isn't worth an argument, or they don't want to go around quoting every single person they disagree with. It's a fast way to go, 'well, I don't like that', and move on.

    I know I personally don't have the time to disagree with everyone that posts an opinion I disagree with. Like, I'm a web developer; I only have a few hours of free time a day, and I don't want to use all of them arguing with every opinion I don't agree with, but I will click 'downvote', and people are free to do the same on my posts if they disagree! It doesn't hurt anything.

    Yeah I getcha. And thanks for understanding it's jut damn I've fought with so many a$$holes it's just second nature to man the guns and fire.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Jack11803 said:

    Welp, gotta do ACE, soon as I thought about the locker karma sneezed on my phone

    I'm expecting the finest qualities of Jpeg

    I think I got an idea of what I’ll draw, it’ll be a close up, side profile, with his face and FINGERGUNS in view, including smoke coming from his fingers. It’ll be hand drawn as well, and I’m NOT an artist.... this can only go well :) The picture of it will just be a phone camera, so it’s JPEG enough

    Now that it’s posted... Is that JPEG enough!?

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    Since they just released the new hatch idea on the PTB, what do y'all think about the new idea. Just to keep discussion going.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    I think it’s a bit better, skips the whole waiting on the hatch; straight to the action.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    @Zanfer said:
    Since they just released the new hatch idea on the PTB, what do y'all think about the new idea. Just to keep discussion going.

    I think its a bit better, the killer can patroll both doors but the last survivor can keep getting little bits of progress on them repeatedly. It's an interesting idea, im excited to try it!

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    I like the new changes lol bitter murmur NOED meta anyone?

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @weirdkid5 said:
    I like the new changes lol bitter murmur NOED meta anyone?

    Oh yeah for sure :)

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @GolgiNea said:

    @Zanfer said:
    Since they just released the new hatch idea on the PTB, what do y'all think about the new idea. Just to keep discussion going.

    I think its a bit better, the killer can patroll both doors but the last survivor can keep getting little bits of progress on them repeatedly. It's an interesting idea, im excited to try it!

    Always down to try new things with it. The more ideas people come up with the better it will get.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @GolgiNea said:
    The killers ability to close the hatch is not ballanced at all. You're lucky to make it that far in a trial to begin with, let alone complete one more gen to re-open the hatch. It will be nearly impossible to get a hatch escape with the killer just patrolling the last remaining gens.

    Here are my suggestions on making it more ballanced:
    Remove killers ability to see gen auras when one survivor remains in the trial.
    Remove the ability for the killer to grab a survivor from the hatch if the survivor has found the hatch first or has re-opened the hatch.
    Give the survivor a significant speed buff to completing the gen they need to re-open the hatch.
    Hatch can only be closed by the killer once per trial.
    Alternative switch for the hatch to be re-opened that the survivor & killer have to find somewhere in the level.

    A combination of these suggestions could make the hatch change more ballanced and more fun for everyone. :)

    i agree on everything except the hatch can only be closed once per trial and the speed buff (no speed buff cause they have a perk in the game for that if your the last survivor for each generator needed to be completed you gain a 25% boost for each one) maybe have it to where killer cant see the auras of the gens, remove the ability to grab a survivor when they jump in the hatch and have the hatch re spawn around the map in different alternate spots. i am a P3 lvl 50 survivor main with almost every perk in the game and only play killer for the forced killer rituals and find this would be a great addition although i wish i didn't happen at all since i love bullying the killer by finishing the remaining gens when they face camp the hatch and seeing them freak out when gens start popping is funny. sometimes they dont care and just wont let me get the hatch but instead only through the doors which then i just wait for them to either hit me so i can jump through the hatch if i haven't maxed out on gen repair by then or them dc'ing so i dont get the hatch. either choice i am fine with due to not caring how long the game lasts i have all day.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @GolgiNea said:
    The killers ability to close the hatch is not ballanced at all. You're lucky to make it that far in a trial to begin with, let alone complete one more gen to re-open the hatch. It will be nearly impossible to get a hatch escape with the killer just patrolling the last remaining gens.

    Here are my suggestions on making it more ballanced:
    Remove killers ability to see gen auras when one survivor remains in the trial.
    Remove the ability for the killer to grab a survivor from the hatch if the survivor has found the hatch first or has re-opened the hatch.
    Give the survivor a significant speed buff to completing the gen they need to re-open the hatch.
    Hatch can only be closed by the killer once per trial.
    Alternative switch for the hatch to be re-opened that the survivor & killer have to find somewhere in the level.

    A combination of these suggestions could make the hatch change more ballanced and more fun for everyone. :)

    i agree on everything except the hatch can only be closed once per trial and the speed buff (no speed buff cause they have a perk in the game for that if your the last survivor for each generator needed to be completed you gain a 25% boost for each one) maybe have it to where killer cant see the auras of the gens, remove the ability to grab a survivor when they jump in the hatch and have the hatch re spawn around the map in different alternate spots. i am a P3 lvl 50 survivor main with almost every perk in the game and only play killer for the forced killer rituals and find this would be a great addition although i wish i didn't happen at all since i love bullying the killer by finishing the remaining gens when they face camp the hatch and seeing them freak out when gens start popping is funny. sometimes they dont care and just wont let me get the hatch but instead only through the doors which then i just wait for them to either hit me so i can jump through the hatch if i haven't maxed out on gen repair by then or them dc'ing so i dont get the hatch. either choice i am fine with due to not caring how long the game lasts i have all day.

    another thing i forgot is the idea of the exit gates being powered when the killer closes the hatch is fine to but they would have to substitute for the lack of lightbringer badge as well as if this was a thing the killer might just camp the hatch until he sees you so that he can just chase you after he closes the hatch this is why i suggest the survivor not being aloud to be grabbed out of the hatch so the killer doesnt just camp the hatch because i sometimes run urban evasion and can just sneak up on the killer and jump in the hatch. this would cause the killer to want to close the hatch so they have a better chance of finding the survivor.