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"Accept it and move on"

So I just got here from a horrible Demo game. Portals destroyed in mere seconds, could never lunge because of their optimal routing, and they put so much pressure on me that I could do nothing to pressure back, despite having Discordance, Pop, Ruin and Corrupt. All my juggling and hooking was futile in the end. It was on the Storehouse with the super-strong window open, and they left that gen for last, making things even worse for me. Still being salty from previous games I did a small rant of why that gen speed is allowed, and one of them told me, "the game was survivor sided from day 1, you can just make peace with it and move on, nothing else".

Should I listen to this advice?



  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    I tend to avoid mori's since I don't get my pop with them, but I can very much agree with everything else.

  • AWesley91
    AWesley91 Member Posts: 151

    Curious did you get a 0k. 1k, 2k, 3k??? You didn't say.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    0k with like 5 hooks iirc. Portals fell harder than my self respect.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well if you were looped around "fun" and "definitely not infinite windows" you pretty much have to move on, some maps to be playable require survs to not use those which is silly year ago devs made "fixing "not infinite" windows" well now there is 50/50 they will spawn or other window will spawn(except ironworks there window will always spawn)

    well i doubt anyone will ever do stuff like that but do you know how long that game took and how long it took you to get 1st down? because if you didnt get 1st down too fast its normal you lose thats how game works, as well as sometimes you can 4men slug and win game on spot, as well you can just lose when 1st chase takes over 60sec and survs want to push gens(those who believe rank matter will push gens)

    ruin can buy you some time but if you cant get 1st down fast every slowdown in world wont help you xd "Discordance, Pop, Ruin and Corrupt" have you considerate changing build and getting some perks that will help you in chase?? if you have a lot of maps with "definitely not infinite windows" i suggest bamboozle, on normal basis enduring/brutal strenght (if you respect pallets better survs will punish you as hard as possible)

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Sometimes you have bad games.

    You are not meant to “win” every time.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    You didn't play Nurse or Spirit, so this is what you should expect to happen against good survivors, especially on that map with a God window at their disposal. Devs won't fix gen speeds because of your post, so all you can do is move on and accept these games will happen once in a while.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    I got my first down from a gen that 2 people were working on, so I pushed 1 away and got the other. But it still wasn't enough. Every time I took a MF-ing breath, discordance popped. 80% of the game there were 2 survivors on a gen. There was also 1 toolbox and 1 styptic agent.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Yes. Survivors should always win against killers if they're optimal. Only Nurse, and maybe Spirit can actually be strong enough to win the game, and not the survivor being not optimal.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Yeah, its what happens against optimal survivors. You cannot win against optimal survivors if you arent playing Nurse, and to an extent Spirit.

    Though, how many optimal survivors are there in this game, anyway? Yeah it sucks to go against them, but im sure if the game were balanced around them the game would die quick, since most people ive played with and seen play this game are very casual and would get stomped every game very easily if this game were balanced around optimal survivors.

  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    Ive had games where its felt like I was powerless as the killer, even while having been well equipped with meta perks or the such. Honestly i dont think the game was survivor sided since day 1. But sometimes you do just go up agaisnt those kinds of survivors.

    Both the bullying kind and the not toxic type.

    Till recently it was very frustrating. But I accepted that it only happens only so often and as much as it is frustrating, ive had the same type of games where ive stomped survivors. And just as many where those type of teams have made mistakes which have costed them. Sometimes you win by a land slide, sometimes you get stomped. Other times its a close match and somehow i still 4k. You have to try and take this game in strides. In the end it is a game and as much as id love for it to feel like i could of improved or done better, even me at my best has not been anything but optimal agaisnt the players ive faced. Theres alot of ways the trials can go. Just try not to take one match to heart.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    It is true, dbd is biased towards survivors that's a simple fact.

    If you are playing as a mid tier killer and you encounter optimal survivors you will probably lose unless they make silly mistakes.

    It's the sad truth of this game, it's awful I know :(

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    Just remember the bad matches and improve on that. I remember when this Meg looped my dumb ass on Hag for legit 2 mins around a double truck pallet loop. Never thought to trap the loop/other side of the pallet, etc.

    Tbh I think the game is pretty even right now, and the way they are reworking and making new killers: map control seems to be their biggest focus. That perk build seems pretty good at stalling gen progress, however try running an aura reading perk and I can guarantee you'll get more kills. Once I had Nurse's Calling on Hag, I saw my kills per match increase tremendously.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,281

    I have a hard time accepting that any match is impossible anymore. Even at rank 1, im confident in my chances. Its been quite awhile since a team has managed to get the gates open while Ive been using my main. I guess none of the teams I face are the mythical "optimal teams" that so many ppl on here speak as if their the freaking boogyman.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    We've all been there OP.

    The randomness of wth is this match gonna be is what keeps me playing this. My perkless freddy got gen rushed to all oblivion a week ago (0K). I took my hit and moved on.

    I play 2 matches last night as a different killer and killed 8 ppl. I think being destroyed as killer is almost a rite of passage. Like being tbagged at the gates, then playing survivor and doing the same to others. It's kinda sick but i enjoy it.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    While Billy, Spirit, and Nurse are arguably the only viable killers at high ranks, that does not mean the developers haven't been trying to balance the game. BHVR had made several changes over the past year such as buffing trapper, wraith, ghostface, freddy, and so on. Furthermore, BHVR did some general changes that buffed all killers such as removing pallet vacuum, increased base healing time, buffed killers perks, and added the EGC.

    BHVR does care, it just takes time! :)

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Other than Freddy, who got a total rework, the other buffs have been pretty half-hearted. How hard it to start Trapper with multiple traps? Having to go around and collect them is absurd. They gave Wraith built in Windstorm, which is a minor buff, he is still one of the worst killers in the game. I don't even know where to start with Ghostface. Either he is constantly getting revealed with minimal effort or a survivor can look straight at him and still get exposed.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    The game is survivor sided, but it has never been as balanced as it is now

    The problem is full SWF teams that know what they're doing, you're never going to get those people

    What I can advise you to do is to never, I mean NEVER, rant if you lose, they're just going to make you feel worse

    Also Demo just came out, you still have time to learn how to play it properly

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2019

    That's true they have made changes in the right direction. However it's taken 3 years of those changes and we still only have a few actually high rank viable killers and the game is still essentially a bully simulator. "Almost" all the reworks for killers they've done have still left them non high rank viable with Freddy probably being the closest to making it. The meta hasn't changed at all. It's effort, but I'd call almost all of them a failure if in the end they still aren't viable.

    When are we gonna finally get there, 5 years? 8? I've lost faith.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Really, the only thing left for killers to receive are second objectives for survivors and map reworks. OP mentioned how there is a window that made survivors feel invincible, and currently, BHVR are looking into reworking maps and creating maps with less "safe spots"

    @Peanits told me they are considering the idea, but it's more tricky than it seems. Game balance isn't a slap it on and done type of thing, they want to do things that are dynamic for everyone. :)

    It's definitely something that's being considered, but there are no solid plans I can share.

    It's trickier than it seems. Increasing the times a bit doesn't slow the game down much (even if you add 20 seconds to a generator making it 100 seconds, that only adds an extra 100 seconds over the course of the game, some of which can be done simultaneously).

    Meanwhile, reducing that time and adding additional objectives around the map removes points of contention. Suddenly it's way harder to find survivors because they're not clustered around generators, they're spread out all over sneaking around.

    And then there's always the conundrum of 'if it's harder, it's more fair for the top 5%, but less fair for everyone else' thing.

    We are trying to see what we can do though, but it's definitely a lot more complicated than adding a new objective and calling it a day.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    That all depends on what one deems viable.

    There are players who can successfully play the ones people say are not viable at high ranks.

    Take Marth before a lot to these changes were made he took Wraith to rank one perkless and a few others have done the same with others. Personal skill with a killer does play a major factor in the game.

    I think it comes down to that some killers are more viable to the masses like the nurse/billy/spirit so you see more of them.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    He's not low tier, but he is loopable. You don't have to think outside of the box to loop him, so he is maximum A-Tier, more like B.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Marth would agree with my entire statement there. Being playable at rank 1 and able to get them to rank 1 perkless and addonless is not what I'm referring to when I say "viable". Rank 1 perkless and addonless is very easy with any killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This is true, but it is not an excuse for balance issues (not that I am saying that OP's scrnario is or is not a case of this; I am speaking generally).

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    So you have multiple survivors working on gens together as opposed to alone and every time you put a portal down they cleanse it? They aren't playing optimally at all so it sounds like you just had a bad game.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Games more balanced than it ever has been. Tbh. As a Solo Survivor last season I escaped less than I was sacrificed so..

    Don’t see me making forum posts all upset about not having the outcome I would like.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    The best you can do is recoding those hardcore matches and show it to us. We can always give advice for improvements OR when you already played as optimal as a human is possible we can show it the devs to ask them explaining this unbalance nonsense. It's win-win

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    I play at low graphics, even tabbing out for longer than 10 seconds slows down my performance. Tho I am planning on getting a new PC in a few months.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Try out the inbuilt windows recording Programm (only available on Windows 10 tho), it nearly doesn't require any performance as long as your HDD is not terrible slow at writing.

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    I suppose you watch a lot of TydeTyme and Marth88, because they're the only 2 people I've ever heard recommend not doing gens together but spreading out. I understand that, but 90% of the survivors don't do that, which is proven by my discordance being active for like 70% of the match at least. And besides, they stopped destroying the portals after they completed the objectives, so I couldn't place them whenever. This is why I'd recommend allowing him to refresh portals but make him unable to place them near exits.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You are not wrong that the game is more balanced than ever, but it still has a decent ways to go in my eyes.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Portals are weak and need more destroy time

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Trapper is still a weak Killer and Wraith isn't much better off. I don't pat the devs' back just because they attempted to do something, if the end result didn't change much or anything at all.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    if all 4 survivors know what they are doing there is little to no chance of winning against them with any killer except nurse or spirit

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Well then they are viable. If you can get to rank one with a killer and stay there they have to be viable they just don't wield the same results over and over as others.

    The main problem I see is when people lose and lose badly they forget the game is still dependent on who you are versing and sometimes a set of players can be just better than you.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Yeah the game is survivor sided and will always be survivor sided. At least at high competitive tier play. Your best bet is to play for fun, and try to stay in low ranks.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2019

    "stay there"

    Is not what was said. Not all killers can stay there and consistently do well. We said get to rank 1. The vast majority of killers are not high rank viable.

    "The main problem I see is when people lose and lose badly they forget the game is still dependent on who you are versing and sometimes a set of players can be just better than you."

    3/4 of the killer roster at rank 1 will lose every single time against an equally skilled group of rank 1 survivors. This is because the majority of killers have to rely on survivor mistakes to capitalize. If they don't make mistakes you lose. The few viable killers are the ones that can make plays regardless of survivor mistakes.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Literally everyone makes mistakes, survivors and killers included. Being good at the game doesn’t change human nature.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited September 2019

    It's dumb advice. the game is not survivor sided. They just outplayed you. Bring Bamboozle next time if the window is too strong for you.

    What you should accept isn't that the game is survivor-sided, you should accept that you got outplayed by a better team of survivors, and move on.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    They could've just forgotten about the Trapper and Wraith update, but they took the time to give them something — That's my point. Sure, they aren't viable, but that's because their powers are too straightforward. :)

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    The best played killer will never win against the best played survivor group. This is the way the game is balanced so as killer:

    If you got massacred, you were just outplayed

    If it was a good, close/long game and you ended up losing, you were probably evenly matched.

    If you beat them but it was close, you outplayed them.

    If you destroyed them, they were probably nowhere near your level and likely potatoes.