Should Moris Activate After Two Hooks?
I can down someone 10 times, and they wouldn't even be close to being sacrificed.
Point is — downing someone doesn't equal hooking someone. :)
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That's a really good way to articulate the point. That one offering can eliminate nearly 70% of the objective that is otherwise required and requires absolutely no skill. People keep talking about tool boxes but they merely accelerate the objective and they don't work in perpetuity, whereas these offerings completely eliminate and bypass multiple steps without end. It's not like there's an item where after you complete one generator, the hatch is open for you and you can escape.
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The devs can do whatever they want with moris. Never cared much for them.
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That’s more or less your own fault cause flashlight saves/DS/body blocking are easily avoidable.
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You're not getting the point, downs don't equal a hook. Sometimes you're slugged and get picked back up by a survivor. :(
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Should keys only activate if 5 total generators have been completed and the exit gates are open?
Should instaheals only be usable outside of the Killer's terror radius?
Post edited by HP150 on0 -
Keys do only activate if 5 total generators have been completed, at least for all four survivors. A Mori VERY RARELY doesn't get a 3-4k. A key's balance should be considered with this in mind, because otherwise you're comparing a win for the killer with a win for the killer, and saying one win for the killer isn't as balanced as the other because a survivor got out.
Also an Instaheal is comparable to ONE Iridescent Head Hatchet.
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My suggestion was about one that only works in the end game, so spawning near the killer wouldn't be a factor.
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Thats the whole point. An offering shouldnt win you the whole game. Moris should be this fun thing to use, not something to abuse and win you the whole game. Same thing goes for keys so dont think im biased
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I always thought it would be cool if a survivor on death hook could be killed without needing a mori. Since they're already on death hook it won't make that much of a difference unless they had DS. Mori animations take time too, so I think it's balanced.
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Fix the survivor queue times first.
Also, keys and moris are not the same thing. The design team does not make personalized key escape animations for each survivor.
Making moris less accessible could negatively affect the already small killer base.
I use moris because I love the animations, not because i want to make people cry. Survivors dying on a hook is not visually appealing.
I''ve had games where 3 survivors died just to give the rancor obsession the escape. I don't think the hook a survivor 3 times would work.
I'm in favor of some type of base kit mori roulette system, but i feel the mori'd survivor would still find it "unfun".
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Would be safe from DS or a flashlight save. Not useless.