This is why this game is slowly dying

The devs clearly haven't learned anything. Something needs to be done about totem placement. I spawned literally right next to the ruin.
Sounds good to me. Instant Inner Strength and tasty 1.5k!
And if it's Haunted Grounds it adds a little spice to life!
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Oh different title. No, the game isn't "slowly dying" the player base has been consistently at around 20k-ish for the past couple of years.
The game isn't dying by any stretch.
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I actually hardly believe that would be a reason if the game is in fact dying. Awful map design with braindead loops, getting camped and tunneled as survivor, awful matchmaking, that's the kind of stuff that makes people quit playing the game.
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You mean deathgarden
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Yeah as long as they constantly spit out cool new dlcs dbd isnt going to die, tons of people might quit but their going to end up being placed with the next SuPeR cOol LiCeNSeD kIlLLeR pEnNyWiSe tHE ClOwN... pls dont add him
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but thats okay. That doesnt mean that the game is dying.
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@Pulsar where's that famous quote of yours
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Totem placement is the reason why the game is dying
Lol, ok
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I just needed a nice title lol. But yeah totem placement is an issue.
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Clickbait uh?
Damn it
I fell for it
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Perks like "Inner Strength" are the real reason this game is dying. And yes, paired with "Head On" and optionally "DS" it got no counter.
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Did you understand the point of this post?
Totem spawns like the one I had make the game very unfair to the killer. From the beginning of that match, the killer only had 3 perks because one was taken out instantaneously.
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It's not dying, its actually been fairly the same for awhile now. But that's actually not a good thing either...
If the game stays at a constant state for years, it'll eventually dip down because people who do keep it in that sustained field will longer present in the future. Take for example the Legacy Players, (Circa 2016 - Early 2017) these players have only dwindled in numbers over time because of many things. They could've 100%'ed everything during their time, their friends don't play anymore, the game hasn't changed in terms of objective so they quit, etc.
Of course, these players are not all gone, but the majority can safely be said to not be around anymore... And this is applying to people from Late 2017 - Early 2018 soon to... And I mainly blame the lack of objective and overall change in the game to be the cause honestly. Sure, new DLC is nice, but if its the same game for years, you'll eventually get bored of it...
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Equip Pharmacy or PERISH
Bloody Self-Carish gamers!
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Depends, which quote are you talking about
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The totem placement might be a problem, but that is not a reason why the game is dying, at all.
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@Pulsar "Not even good bait"
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Ah, if you insist.
Not even good bait, come back when you want to put some real effort in.
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I couldn't help but think of it
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Yes totem spawns need some major work, but this game is in no way dying, this past year has been the biggest growth in the games history.
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Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not. High risk, high reward, that's how totems are supposed to work.
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Yeah, it sure is dying.
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Running a hex is a risk you're willing to take. I've played many games as a survivor where we NEVER found the hex totem and ended up being destroyed by the killer. Should I start a thread entitled "Hex totem locations ruin survivor experience"?
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Nothing about Death Garden's decline was slow, though.
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The counter is to stop tunneling and kill someone else.
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I don’t use Hex perks anymore, so they’d aren’t killing anything for me.
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How spoiled have we become? Back in the 90's I played the same game for years. There were no updates. I think I played Civ 1 for five full years without an update. Master of Orion 2? I think I played that exact same game for more than a decade. Counterstrike? Other than new maps I played the original for at least five years.
Games don't need new objectives or changes to the game design, really. Good games you can play for years over and over and over. Multiplayer games have it even easier because of emergent gameplay. Good games don't even need new content really. It's a nice bonus, like what we're getting now, but hardly necessary.
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This happens to me all the time 🤣
''line of sight check'' yeah the line of sight check REALLY helped, definitely couldn't see it but it was still RIGHT THERE 😂
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The devs themselves explained how to counter EXACTLY the combo youre talking about on an earlier post!
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I usually down people in twenty to thirty seconds. So tunneling is downing and hooking someone, downing and hooking another person and getting DS in my neck. K then.
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Quote please i don't saw it. Best name btw.
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Thank you very much and ill find the post rn!
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If you can kill people every 20 seconds you should stop complaining, you are already dominating the game.
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I mean I've also been found by the killer within 2 seconds of spawning. I'd say that's much worse that a totem.
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Ignoring the title, totem placement is a joke, I can agree. At the bright side, an early clean gives you a straight lead to a survivor. Paired with Thrill of the Hunt, *insert Noice meme*
but placement still sucks
Maybe a custom placement of a few/all totems by the killer on a 2d map, before the match, would do the trick. Maybe
(Original PTB fact : 28 after trial's start, I cleansed a Ruin totem. 2 seconds later I got smacked by a Nurse and luckily escaped with a pallet stun. Even without her Thrill of the hunt, she would had a good lead on me. Fast-traveler killer may help with totems
but they still suck)
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i Agree with you. and so many people i know deleted the game already!
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The issue is gen speed.. Not the totem.. you are worried about ruin cause gens go on so quick without it.. Its the gens that need fixing (mainly at high ranks)
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I'm not complaining. Just saying that DS is not fine in it's current state.
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Thanks. @Peanits is kinda right there. Still bothers me that it got no counter from killer side. I mean Q&Q/Lithe/Dance with me can be countered too by several detection perks.
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Yeah, this is also one of the issues too
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If it turned off when jumping into a locker it'd be just fine. But people turn into MF-ing Hyenas on these forums (especially this Mochan dude) when you dare say anything about DS being too strong.
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this game isnt dying because of your hex placement, this game is dying because killers decided to run 2 slowdown perks per game (when doing gens is pain in the ass without them) and no i dont run slowdown perks on killers (except sloppy on my wraith but i like hit and run) xd exciting m1 xd
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This /\ .... and the slowest/lowest player count months have increased over the years.
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Not dying, but not growing
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.... Yes, a game is dying due to totem placements.
It's obviously not the toxic and controlling community telling eachother what is or isn't allowed despite it not mattering and that people can run what they want.
Or the depressingly weak killers or powerful killers being nerfed into Oblivion.
Or the babies yelling out for nerfs because of a mechanic they're not familiar with.
Nope. Just the totem placements.
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I think in this game specifically, holding M1 and being chased every-game by multiple Killers for say 1k+ hours can get really dull after awhile... OR in turn chasing said Survivors around loops that have yet to be fixed, or loops that're way too easy... Its not even just about chasing, the entire concept of just protecting generators and chasing Killers can get boring, maybe they could add something where you have to find certain parts of the generators and protect them? Idk. Something...
Same with Counter-Strike or any other game that revolves around a repetitive mechanic... If you play it long enough with nothing else that interests you, than eventually you'll force yourself to move onto other things whether there is anything or not.
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We're all slowly dying, in the end.
Edit: Yay, my 500th post.
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Stuff happens. A game isn't going to die because every once in a while the totem placement algorithm effs up and you spawn next to Ruin.
Get over it.