Freddy is too much now
Freddy is so toxic to play against now its not even fun first it was camping and teleporting to a gen so the survivors couldnt get borrowed time now if they're asleep no borrowed time aswell its too over powered to go against you can't do anything against it freddy was strong already why do you have to make him even worse
How about you plan your unhooks to happen when the Killer is AWAY from the Hook?
There's also nothing that speaks against sacrificing a team mate against a camping Freddy if it means you can power through gens.
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DS says hi.
Freddy even isn't a top 5 killer, so there is really no reason to complain about him.
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I feel like he's okay. Maybe he needs a bit of a nerf to his lunge tho.
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Killers always take advantage of teams that are thirsty for unhooks. If you consistently have one or multiple teammates plot the unhook as soon as it happens the killer is just gonna proxy the area and punish it. If you do have borrowed and want to stop a second state or player dying on hook go wake yourself up and then go for the save so the terror radius is enabled. Insane how many games I play with high level survivors and we lose in like three minutes bc everyone just throws themselves at the hooks for saves.
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I’m almost afraid to ask for your top 5 if Freddy isn’t in it. For fun I’m guessing nurse spirit billy hag huntress?
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That is true, but we can't pretend like smart freddy players don't hook a player near a gen or proxy camp when they see no BBQ proc. If it's not a SWF all people are doing for the most part is trying to farm hooks because sitting on gens isn't gonna make you pip.
The lack of communication allows killers to take advantage of these kind of scenarios sometimes. I can count how many times I hide in a locker from a far to watch my teammates hiding around the hook ready to farm it, lol
The fact the player has no control over if his teammate safe unhooks is bad design. This is why SWF is so rampant, as in solo queue a lot of things are out of your control.
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Yes, he is.
Getting the oblivious status as a passive was too much; if it was earned it wouldn't be a problem. I love the new Freddy in fact, he's my killer main, but anyone who plays both sides can see that it's too much. All of a sudden he's brainless...and let's not talk about how obnoxious puddle spamming gets lmao
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Forgot to add that the way things are currently most killers make sure that the lobby they launch is in their favor. They avoid SWF lobbies by checking profiles, achievements, etc to make sure these scenarios happen.
Not everyone does this, but if you don't think it's happening tons, you're lying to yourself.
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Stop asking for more Freddy nerfs.
He payed once he isn’t paying twice.
Previously Freddy was trash who couldn’t do anything against experienced survivors.
Now he’s threatening like a good killer should be and he doesn’t hurt stealth like old Freddy did.
Honestly if you think Freddy is overpowered then we need to have a talk since the devs granted him this second chance.
Survivors should be punished for bad plays.
You are not gods or invincible in this universe, the entity is and it probably wants you dead by daylight.
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People having problems playing against freddy
i can already smell "NERF FREDDY" threads coming again.
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The only thing wrong with Freddy is how stupidly long his lunge is.
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Use DS and don't farm your teammates.
If he has snares, treat him like a Clown or run through them.
If he has pallets, get that memory working. And don't take too many risks.
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The smart survivors have figured out that snares are countered by immediately dropping pallets. Others try to loop him like everyone else and then complain about "snare spam" in postgame chat.
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That's what you do against Clown, and that's why I said that.
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His lunge is the exact same range as ALL other lunges, the only difference is his animation makes it appear longer
It's same the illusionary effect one can have playing a killer like Ghostface or Legion and think their lunges are shorter because of their animations
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Whimpy survivors. I love going against Freddy it's brilliant. Just deal with it that we have viable killers. We all know as killer mains survivors would rather killers stand in the corner playing with themself and giving you free escape.
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As far as I know, the lunge on freddy is the same as all other killers baring the t3 Myers and uncloak/post phase wraith and spirit.
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Maybe don't farm and this won't happen!
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You know at the lowest and the highest ranks killers generally stay very close by, right? It's only mid rank where you don't generally expect the proxy camp in my experience...and that of many others.
He's already loaded with built in mindgames and map pressure; (which is great) he doesn't need to counter BT simply by EXISTING.
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Yes, that's my top 5.
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Yeah well, you have to try to be awake most of the time. bring a friend. If you play in a team, 2 people will need to come for the rescue in case if Freddy hits somebody making them asleep and not triggering BT. Or just more DS.
Unless Freddy runs pallet add on. Then you are screwed of course.
I think with his rework he is surely in top 5 killers. Maybe even top 3. His map control is ridiculously strong
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So let me ask you this. If you just waited 10mins to find a game and died on first hook in the first chase. Because he camped. Yeah you can be sacrificed forthe greater good. But let's be honest that's bullshit and you know it. No body at all wants to die in the first couple of mins. Just like killers dont want to be "gen-rushed" survivors dont want to be camped by killers for three stages. Gen rushed is by failure of the killer applying pressure to the map. Camping is a strategy that doesnt benefit any one. killer and survivor alike. Unless its EGC time when the doors are powered.
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Uhh, high rank killers prefer having their rank intact, so they won't stick by the hook, also being awake allows it to work, so don't rush hook while he is camping it, or tempt him to hit the hooked survivor and BT him
And low ranks camp, so work on gens instead
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Right, lets just nerf him again and restart the cycle.
Come on dude... lets have a compromise here on this one... He deserves the spot-light after being considered the worst killer for 2 years...
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BT doesn't work well even if it's activated. If the unhooked person gets hit, their timer will go down because they're put in the dream and therefore not in terror radius, basically making it like old BT. Still, people should just be more careful when unhooking.
BT is an extremely powerful perk anyway. And since another powerful perk, Adrenaline, counters Freddy, why can't Freddy be allowed to counter BT?
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Survivors are not entitled to survive a specific amount of minutes before they are allowed to be killed.
It's a risk you have to accept. If you get killed early on, call your loss and move on to a next game.
Do I personally like getting killed quickly? No, I don't.
Do I accept that it can happen and is a risk I take when joining a game? Yes, I do and so should everyone else. If you'd want to implement a mechanic that would prohibit a Killer from killing you within x minutes, then you'd also have to implement a mechanic that would prohibit Survivors from repairing any Generators within that time frame as well.
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Fyi there are perks that prevent genes from being completed. Corrupt intervention not common but still fits. the book. I never said that survivors are entitled to anything. I was saying that it's a game and should be at least enjoyable for all. But that's fine killers can camp. Then shut up about different perks and items to extend our lives. Just saying it's a never ending ######### fest between each other. Killers complain about things survivors do. And vice versa for survivors. I just want to play the game.
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All lunges are the same.
So no, that doesn't need adjusted.
Theyve said the animations/visual may look different, but range/hitbox is the same for all killers lunge.
I only know this because for a LONG time I thought hag just had super reach. It's just she LOOKS like she has a shorter reach so it seems further.
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Oh "Boo Hoo, 1 killer can suddenly make 1 perk useless so they must get nerfed!" you know who else can make BT useless? Doctor, Wraith, GF, Hag, & Shape.
Doctor can trigger BT with a hit, and then shock the unhooked survivor so that they have to get out of madness 3 before the timer runs out, which they never do in time (Madness 3 also prevents hatch escapes). Shape, GF, and Wraith either have a really small TR or can shut it off so it never triggers BT in the first place, and Hag can setup traps near the hooked survivor so that after they are unhooked without BT triggering she can Teleport right to you and knock them back down. Where's the posts demanding nerfs to them?
There aren't any because this isn't a problem and has never been one. You know what other perks Freddy defeats? Distressing, Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Overwhelming Presence, Dark Devotion; Those perks are completely useless to him now. Also, survivors have a plethora of other perks and items that ensure the rescued survivor escapes, For example: Ever since the stranger things chapter went live I've encountered multiple survivors with the Head on, DS, Inner Strength combo that make it so the killer can literally do nothing but take a stun if they tunnel the unhooked survivor.
This is nothing more than a knee jerk reaction to a slight buff that also acts as a nerf for 1 killer, and isn't even considering the alternatives. So what if Freddy defeats BT? That's not a reason to be crying for nerfs to a killer who, up until this years mid summer, had the worst reputation of being the most useless killer in the game. They haven't buffed him to the point of Being OP, hell, this doesn't even make him A tier. Quit complaining, suck it up, and adapt your builds or bring in an insta heal. BT hasn't been the go to "Get outta ######### free card" for a long time against multiple killers, and no one has had a problem with that because they've always had alternatives.
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Corrupt Intervention only blocks 3 gens, it doesn't prevent the other 4 from being repaired at all.
You never said it outright, but the complaint is full of it. It doesn't take much reading in-between the lines to realise that.
And if you truly just wanted to play the game, then you'd move on from one where you died early on and not complain about it on here.
Everyone wants a fun game, that's true, but what's fun for side A often isn't fun for side B.
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For the fun. I just dont want to be camped. When camped no one has fun.i dont care if I die. At this point, I'm a rank 1 for months now. I play for the fun. I just want to play until i escape or die. But camping takes that away.
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Do you think Killers enjoy to camp? The majority of them does not, but they feel forced to depending on the circumstances and quite often, camping is a smart strategy to get kills. That last part is due to Survivors, especially SWFs often being altruistic to the point of being suicidal.
If you want to stop camping, stop rewarding it so much. Behind every Killer is another human, not an AI. No sane Killer player would leave the Hook in search of another target that they might not find, if they know precisely that the unhook-thirsty Survivors are already closing in when he barely starts to leave the general area. Those Survivors also aren't doing any gens at the moment and a rushed unhook can lead to an easy down of the unhooked Survivor, quickly advancing your objective as a Killer. It's a win-win-win situation for the Killer if Survivors continue to reward camping with their behaviour.
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That's true about the killer seeing the other survivors and going for them. Ok plot twist, killer sees other teammate. Chase them away for 5 secs leaves them and goes back to hook. Camped. And it doesnt have to be rushed. Killer can camp the whole time To stage 2, is that still a rushed unhook?
And I'm not talking about EGC either.
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As far as the Killer knows, that one Survivor could have been a distraction for a second Survivor to go for the unhook.
And then there are of course those few individuals that do enjoy to camp, or just want to punish the Survivor for something. They exist and there's nothing that can be done about that. You cannot stop people from camping. Every single mechanic that was tested to do so failed.
I saw your responses in another thread complaining about camping and tunnelling. You and that OP will have to learn to accept it as part of DbD. Just like looping, it's not going anywhere.
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The recent posts illustrate one of the most frustrating parts of playing as killer, being blamed for something that you really aren't doing.
If I am walking away from a hook and I see a survivor running for the save out of the corner of my eye, or see scratch marks headed that way, I run back because it would be moronic not to. Don't blame the killer, blame your teammates for not understanding how to make a safe save. Borrowed time is a good perk but it has taught players it's okay to make bad saves if they have it and they seem to not be able to unlearn that habit.
Also, if you clicky click to get a killer to chase you away from a hook it's so BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that most killers will fake a chase and go right back because they know what you're doing. Make it look like the killer has a chance and don't make it so obvious you want the chase and it will work more often.
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O well. Maybe one day it will be fixed.
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Freddy's fine, I don't have problems fighting Freddy.
My only issue with Freddy is Dream World is a huge FPS hit. Game turns into a slideshow against Freddy; that's the only reason I don't like fighting Freddy. I even sometimes considering killing myself so I can move on to a game with faster framerates.
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Every killer needs a rework in this section especially the hitbox and Target acquisition. Freddy is especially bad, he could lunge a full 3M behind you and it somehow hits.
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His lunge is the same size as the other killers. It just look big cause of his height. The only one with bigger lunge is Myers tier 3.
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His lunge is the same exact lunge as the other killers. It the same reason why the hag can hit you with her hands.
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I think with the dedicated servers next month we'll see a lot of that change but yeah I know it's all the same. All the killers hit air and it still counts.
On topic, I'm not sure what to think about oblivious. It just seems more annoying than anything especially the chore of having to wake up becoming more crucial.
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Freddy too strong??? Maybe you wait until freddy is gone and not unhook the surviver imidealty front of him.
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Waking Up would like to have a word with you.
Also now people have a legitimate reason for wanting to wake up now.
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No? You are basically saying Tier 1 Myers snd Tier 3 Myers got the same lunge. xD
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There different ways to wake up. Just mess up a skillchecks or start running to a clock. If you can't do either one cause it a chore then finish gens
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I know how The Nightmare works and all of the waking up methods including going to another Survivor who is awake. I still find him a chore Killer to go against, not fun or interesting. Maybe if the Dream World was another realm or at least had a stronger visual distinction it would be nicer.
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Freddy is completely fine, but his hits sometimes are #########.
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Well then you're gonna need to deal with him like this now or you can dc against him.