Something i found out in some map lores.

grayon444 Member Posts: 757

''But as the townsfolk started to see how the lights turned on and off at night, and even could hear the crusher working, they suspected something more. But all they did was to speed up as they passed it on their way to their now somewhat safer lives'' This is part of the lore for Autohaven Wreckers and events which happened after the police found out about the dead bodies in the scraped cars.Azarov was already probably killed by wraith and was made into a killer to roam the entity's trials.So then why is that ''But as the townsfolk started to see how the lights turned on and off at night, and even could hear the crusher working, they suspected something more. '' if the place was long abandoned?I know that part of the entity is there in the real world with that location but i was not aware that it can interact with real life objects such as the machines and making the lights turn on and off.


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Sounds more like that part of the story is just like a campfire story.

  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    It could be apart of a town urban legend. Or perhaps he spent some time there before the entity caught up with him. Its not specified that Ojomo was taken immediately. It just says he was never seen by anyone again.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Most likely it's just a story, or a side effect of the Entity's touch upon the real world.

    That said, on the note that Phillip might not have immediately taken, I always liked to imagine Phillip was given the Wailing Bell before he was taken to the Entity's Trials, and that he slaughtered the mob Azarov worked for, crushing their dead bodies in the same machines they used to dispose of their victims.

    I like it because it makes the Entity's choice of him as a Killer seem more natural, puts more menace behind the specific wording "he was never seen again", and still stays relatively true to the popular image of Phillip as one of the less mentally unstable Killers (he killed other killers, not random innocents).