New survivor idea: Zander Daws (Feedback Please) (Added new quote and edited background)
”I saw a man, bald on the top and wearing a suit. He looked like a business man, but in a way for crime. Somehow he always knew where the monsters were and we would all get to safety. It was weird, but everything in here is a hell hole anyways”
Zander Daws is a spy working for the FBI. His talents in know every detail about the enemy makes his teams life easier. Ge would always be scouring our the area and knew when to take the right calls. He once had a shootout which he went around from behind and shot him without them knowing. Zander Daws went out on a mission to scout. Before he could do testing somebody spotted him. However, from the crime scene, there was a pool of blood and that was it. Zander Daws woke up on the ground next to a campfire with new people and a new mission to complete.
Zander Daw’s 3 perks Comeback, Underlying, and Disclosure help give out information to others and get know when the killer is there or not.
Comeback - Teachable at level 30 or higher. (Uncommon, Uncommon, Rare)
You’re 2 steps ahead of the game. Whenever the killer sees your aura you also see their aura for 4/5/6 seconds.
”You just gotta use your mind” - Zander Daws
Underlying - Teachable at level 35 or higher (Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare)
You can sneak around the area without being noticed. For every 14/12/10 seconds you’re in the killers terror radius you see their aura for 3/4/5 seconds.
”You have to know when it’s okay to go and when it’s not okay to go” - Zander Daws
Disclosure - Teachable at level 40 or higher (Rare, Very Rare, Very Rare)
You can get information others wouldn’t from the naked eye. Whenever in a 20 meter range from the killer and the killer uses a perk, the last 1/2/3 perks they use will be notified to all other survivors for 20 seconds.
“Just wait until he does something” - Zander Daws
I actually like it! His backstory could use a bit more info, but its still nice! :) I feel like since we have Tapp we should have a female Agent or Cop though...
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I was in a bit of a hurry, plus I needed to get his perks down so I’m glad you like it :D