Disconnecting is a huge problem

Why is it that every time people don't get their way, their one go-to choice is to disconnect. I was trying to use a green mori today on Ghostface (because of a ritual) and it took me at least four tries to even stay in a match because people would just leave while loading in. Not to mention that the q times are outrageous. Then on the survivor's side, if you loop the killer for more than two minutes they get mad and rage quit. When will we get a more severe punishment for those who disconnect during the game, and during loading times? No one cares about two de-pips. We need something more strict. What punishment would you see fit for disconnecting? Any outrageous stories?
there would be a huge decrease in dcs during loading screens if moris weren't so boring to face
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While it loathes me to approve of DC tactics, frankly I am 100% onboard with this movement. Moris are bleh.
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Don’t ya know dc stands for Darn Cowards?
There is very little room for a plausible excuse to dc. Real life emergencies, and perhaps getting one of those nasty bugs that prevents you from doing anything are the only ones I can think of.
I do have to say that there should be punishment for players who purposely go out of their way to make others think the only satisfaction from the match is to dc though. How small hearted and cruel do you have to be to enjoy inflicting misery on someone wanting to have fun?
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To be honest those dailys are a pain its a rock and a hard place.
I tend to run devour hope with my mori of choice but really best bet is ebony unfortunately to cover if all else fails method.
I tend to hook as many and often as possible also while trying to let the game go as long as possible and your mori on the last death hook to avoid the dc while mori. This seems to be the best method to provent the dc.
I truly wish I could go in with just devour hope but it never lasts unless your super lucky which is a shame.
Unfortunately moris are always going to upset people. But trying your best to be fair with your use of it might help.
I get the frustration though but I also understand it on both the sides.
But I'd never dc regardless I'm grateful with my defeats regardless of when why or how.
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People don't see how DC is both selflish (leave the whole team at a sudden disadvantage) and moronic (lose your BP, risk being banned).
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Facing 3 toolboxes is boring as well. 🤷
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Snoot booped
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The devs are doing something about DCing
If someone does it too often they will get banned
It will be easier for them to do so when the Dedicated Servers come live, hoping they aren't as awful as they were on the PTB
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Not really an issue in my games. At R1, nobody is really dc’ing. The only DC’s I’ve had in the past couple days are a few killers. Aside from that, I really haven’t seen it lately.
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Is that a telling off boop or a friendly boop? 🐷
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Friendly boop
Amanda is cute :3
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Hey don't worry if you DC during loading screen I'm pretty sure they're count that as DCing in match so don't worry friend, also dedicated servers will make harsher punishment for DCing.
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Really? When I was at rank 1 if you down a survivor in the first minute they would leave
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I just had this kind of situation a few min ago in my clown game. There were a 4man swf all russians and one with object tryt to get the attention, I just ignored him. And after a few chases without camping or tunneling I got 2 dead and slugged the 3th survivor, trying to find the last one. I didnt wanted to give the last one for the hatch because it was the survivor with the object.
After the 3th got picked up from the ground he teabagged me, after a 10sec chase he died and then dcd so the last one got the hatch and then try wrote in chat "ez baby killer".
I am so happy when the servers with dc punishment are there :D
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Maybe they should give killers more secret offerings, or not show the killers offering?
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Honestly, I don’t remember the last time a Survivor dc’ed In my lobby. I am R1 survivor and played quite a bit lately.
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At least the killers get a DC bonus when players leave during a game. Survivors get nothing, but maybe a depip. (And no that's not fixed )
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If a Survivor DC's after their first chase, that Killer will have a difficult time getting a pip.
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ok. then bring a mori. bs vs bs lol
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I'd hate that. something as powerful as a mori deserves to be known it's potentially being used
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I'm a survivor main and this is gonna seem weird coming from me. If I know that a killer is using moris on all survivors, as long as there's no camping or tunneling, I will make it a point NOT to dc even if my teammates have all disconnected. If you're not toxic I'm not toxic as well. I actually enjoy witnessing the moris animation
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I don't know if you mean that as a joke, but yes, this is the logical consequence.
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no I'm serious. I wouldn't want to face multiple toolboxes either
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Why tf are there so little people in this world with this mindset? I agree with you 100%