New "fix"
I read the new patchnotes and saw this:
- Adjusted the matchmaking logic so that Survive With Friends groups are matched using the highest rank of all players in the group (instead of the average). The 3.2.0 patch introduced an issue that caused Survive With Friends group matchmaking to be skewed towards Rank 20, which is also fixed with this change.
So, the goal of the game is, that new players get rekt?
I guess the game lives (like any other game) from players get invited by friends.
This "fix" will break the game for new players.
When are people going to learn, that swf means playing with friends. SWF does not mean, that the team is good :'D
Not everyone likes it to play alone.
So it's evil to have friends I guess..
This is done to fix the mess that matchmaking is right now
The reason why they're making it so it ranks based on the highest ranking one is because killers ended up getting bullied by the high rank and the lower ranks would just get carried
If your friends are new then they will learn the hard way, we all did
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If you have a pro friend, you already have an advantage.
I for one would enjoy seeing fewer wild swings in rank from match to match.
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I agree, if it worked on average but then make that average rank slightly higher I think it would be fine. The friends I like playing with don't play all that much whereas I play at practically any chance I get. I don't really think it's fair that because of this, if I want to play with them it's practically a 1v1 rather than a 4v1.
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This is gonna be rough, if I’m not going against a boosted Killer, my friends are gonna get rekt constantly! They already struggle at looping and try to stealth the moment they lose sight of the Killer. Not to mention trying to hide the moment they hear the heartbeat, refusing to move until a minute after it stops. 😑
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Survivors aren't the only players; killers are players, too, and new killers get rekt by SWF with high-rank players. Survivors can get help from their friends in SWF; the killer is all alone. Survivors can choose who they play with; the killer can't.
This change is long overdue. It's only too bad it's coming after the Stranger Things DLC was released, 'cause those players who suffered at the hands of bad matchmaking are already gone.
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I have a couple of friends that definitely had that experience when they seen The Demogorgon and Spirit, but the others still need coaching, and alot of it lol!
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A rank 5 survivor is way better at looping and gens than a rank 15. Easy like that. The rank 10 killer will not have a nice match. SWF are usually on coms, so rhey got 90% of the aura reading perks included. I think matching that swf with a rank 6/7 killer would be balanced
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A rank 15 survivor with comms is, well, easy pickings for a Rank 6 killer, unfortunately.
That said, I can get behind this change. (Not that it really affects me, I don't really SWF). Perhaps this will assuage all the fears of killers who fear the SWF.
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Why do some people think it's fine matching a low rank killer against high rank survs but matching a low rank surv against a high rank killer is unfair?
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You must be new here.
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Because they might be those kinda survivors benefitting from the former system? Just a guess.
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This right here. Killers are players too and low ranked ones don't deserve being squashed by high rank survivors just because said survivors want to play with their friends. I had my share of that when first starting out but I pushed through it. Flashlights used to be so tilting to me.
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Some SWFs were clearly abusing smurf accounts to ensure that they could bully new players.
This is wonderful news!
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Because the survivors get to choose.
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we will lose more people from people abusing the current system of rank 1's Qing with a rank 16 to bully yellow rank killers than people Qing with their high rank friend and getting high rank killers. they know what they are in for when they Q, now it wont be abusable. SWF is bad enough and needed changes and this is the step in the right direction.
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As with everything in DbD's history Survivors had that gave them a considerable edge, they abused it. This was a change waiting to happen for a long time.
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This is the worst movement of BHVR in years. Do you want to kill the game? Do you think a new player can win against a lvl 1 killer?
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Putting aside that you're way off the mark with this one: why SHOULD a new Survivor win against a new Killer?
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A new good step in reducing the toxicity in this game.
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Well there was a time when it took the creator of the SWF lobby... So you'd get high skilled players with their new friend going against rank 20 killers... That didn't work....
They changed it to take the average... That went on for several years... It allowed red ranks to pair up with low ranks to get easier matches.
Now it is time to try taking the highest rank. Worth seeing how it goes.
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People like to ignore the fact that many SWFs would pair up with a new account to go bully in yellow ranks
It wasn't some myth, it's a thing that happened and very, very, often. People continually try to use the friend argument to justify but here's the thing
When a mechanic is being exploited by a large amount of players, it doesn't matter the original intention. It's broken and needs fixing, or I guess the baby Trapper at rank 15 DESERVES the 3 object of obsessions Red Rankers on ColdWind
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Troll teams can no longer troll low rank Killers with their pro-team & 1 newbie.
Normal teams can, just like always, introduce & train their newbie in Kill Your Friends. (Or whatever the name is now.)
And solos are untouched by this change.
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It was always interesting how the rank 20 teammate knew where all the pallets were, could loop the killer, identify the infinites and flashlight save just as well as his three red rank teammates.
Very interesting.
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I play 60-70% of my time as survivor, the rest as killer, and i think this is a very good change. SWF are already favored, and unlike the killer they have a choice in taking the match.
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Not for killer site, let's tunnel the bad "free points" dude.
What about "1 rank 5" and "2 rank 20s" ? or "1 rank 5" and "1 rank 20".
Train 1on1 in kill your friends? Not every team is a 4 player swf.
I mean, your answers are good and I understand what you want to say guys, but as new player, I would uninstall if i get no chance to survive a single match longer than 2 minutes.
But as killer you can learn better and easier to get your kills (my opinion like in other multiplayer games), not every round has to be a 4k. You all forgot, that a game is made to have fun. And a new player plays to get points, not rank or winning.
All your answers are worst case scenarios, but think about the normal game as new player. It literally will suck for them.
But if you want to talk about worst case stuff. So every high rank could make a new account and play as rank 20 fourstack. To "fix" this "fix" xD
It's time to check how it works on the game and see what happens.
Thanks for all the answers :)
Post edited by drimmalor on0 -
You know the difference between a high rank survivor and a low rank killer, do you?
And even if you don't; if you decide to invite your rank 20 friends as a rank 1 survivor, you should know that this game won't be easy. Even if it maybe doesn't seem like it , you become better by losing games.
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Rank 1 killer vs 1 rank 1 and 3 rank 20 -> 4k and 3 uninstall the game
Rank 20 killer vs 1 rank 1 and 3 rank 20 -> 3k and 2 people are happy
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Totally agree with this. They should have simply take ranks slightly higher than the average. ( example: 3x rank 2 + rank 20 should result at least in a rank 6-5 killer, so they can't exploit it that much anymore)
Not everyone I team up with plays this game on a regular basis, they will probably never learn how to play it properly because they have lack of time.
Not every swf group is good. Actually when I play with 3 friends, we all loose the game much more often (against mid rank killers) than when I only play together with only one friend who's decent at the game.
So if I'm in red ranks and have friends in gray, yellow or green ranks with me, I don't think it is ok to let them face a red rank killer who's able to mindgame while they wasting all the pallets on the map, blowing gens up and I have to babysit while the killer completely slaughters our group...
This would rather result in that they would never touch the game again or don't want to play with me anymore because of my high rank.
And also I'm not a person who wants to say "I don't want to play with u anymore bc u are too bad at this game and can't handle red ranks."....
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This is much better.
First, only survivors can CHOOSE to manipulate the system. This change effectively eliminates that manipulation as much as possible.
Entering a game and partying with experienced players SHOULD come with the expectation that you are matched against experienced players, which the new system does. New killers should not be curbstomped by experienced players just because there is at least one new player in the match.
You're also much less likely to lose players who are joining for their friends due to rank disparity than you are solo players who are being regularly ######### by an awful system.
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As killer you can't create a new rank 20 account to bully survivors?
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Both sides can, but that's not a long term thing as it costs money every time, but picking and choosing your ranks to force high ranking players into low ranking killer lobbies is abusing the system of how lobbies are made.
Aside from deranking which any player can do and cannot be fixed by matchmaking, a killer cannot manipulate their party in a way that matches them against brand new players in the same way survivors can.
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I'm lvl 4. With this change when I'll see a survivor in lvl higher than 7 I'll lobby dodge. It'll be very difficult for swf to play games.
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Who cares? That's no different to what you could do since the ST chapter dropped which showed survivor ranks to each other in the lobby.
This only affects SWF, who are now accepting that if they bring a brand new player it's their party that faces a harder time, not the innocent killer they're matched against.
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You also have more than a fair chance to survive playing solo against your own rank players, it only becomes hard when you agree to party up with long time veterans and accept you will potentially be in veteran matches.
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Other question is: what about the randoms?
If I'm rank 4 and have a rank 15 teammate, we will get a rank 4 killer - which already sucks bc it is much likely that the rank 15 will get tunnled to death, it is an easy kill at least.
But what rank will the randoms have? Is this also related to the highest rank in the lobby? Or can it result in one rank 4 and three rank 15 with a rank 4 killer?!
If this could happen, it will break the game for survivors.
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I get what you want to say.
But you forget, I play with friends because they are my friends and we want to have FUN together. Not to destroy low ranks.
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It's much better for the new players to go against a player that knows what their doing in the game rather then watching their friend bully the inexperienced killer..... this way new survivors will learn how to play the game and they wont be carried as much, and new killers wont be bullied as much....
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I could be wrong, but I'm not sure a rank 15 Survivor is nearly as likely to be paired with a rank 4 Killer with the matchmaking fix unless they SWF with a rank 4ish Survivor, and that's on them.
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I play with friends for fun too, but what your goal going into it is, and what impact you actually have on the match are two very different things.
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Now if a see a lvl 1 and 2 lvl 10 I know the killer could be lvl 4 as me. Now if a see this lvl 1 and 2 lvl 10 I know the killer will be lvl 1
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You don't see new players long time ago, do you? I barely play killer, so I'm lvl 20, and I have almost 1.500 hours. You can slap them to death
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It still has the same RANGE, a rank 1 party can still be matched anywhere in the red ranks, and further based on queue time, their party is just matched the same way as a solo player who is rank 1 would be, which is certainly not against rank 1s every match.
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That's true, but I want to play with my friends because they are my friends, I don't care what their rank is and I think it is the same for them. Not every one has so much time to play the game to be able to rank up.
Or is this game supposed to destroy friendships now with the new matchmaking?
Believe it or not, but there are still people who play for fun and not to bully the killer. I just don't think it is fair to punish those because of some toxic people who exploit the system.
I think it would have helped to take a killer rank above the average of the survivor ranks.
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Why are you referring rank as lvl? And everyone knows that when going against rank 20 is the easy they don't know how to do a thing, what's your point?
My point is that this change was needed in the because of how SWF could be exploited.... 3 rank 2's hooking up with their noobie and giving the killer a good ole fashioned, fun experience that could cause them to uninstall shouldn't be in the game.... it should have never existed whether you wanna look at the pairs ( a 2 and a 20) or not, it's better for the community overall with how it's going to be after the change takes place...
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The problem is that if you fix the issue, it is at lower rank Survivors' expense, but if you don't, it is at lower rank Killers' expense. At some point, you have to decide who bites the bullet: The people who choose to team up together despite the sizeable gap in rank, or the person who doesn't really get a say in being matched up against them.
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So because it was bugging to not actually use average rank as intended, they decided that they had to make the opposite side suffer rather than fix the bug. Naisu. Smh.
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Fixing the issue would have provided a middle ground where 3 rank 1's up with a rank 20 wouldn't end up against a rank 20, but instead a rank 7/8. Killers at that rank usually already have to deal with red rank solo and swf survivors anyway, so it wouldn't be punishing them at all.
Oh well, doesn't affect me, but it's a bad; fittingly lazy change.
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The patch notes imply that what you're suggesting was already the way it was being done.
"Adjusted the matchmaking logic so that Survive With Friends groups are matched using the highest rank of all players in the group (instead of the average)."
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You wouldnt question it if you played killer and got matched with a 2-2-6-17 on rank 11.
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Three rank 1s and a rank 20 would destroy a rank 7/8 killer. The rank 20 will be a smurf account anyway.