Thoughts on the new SWF change



  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I would say it's a good change. If you are a new player, and you choose to queue with higher rank players, you accept the risk of having a better killer. I daresay you probably learn faster too, if you're in a full SWF with high rank friends who can teach you good habits.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    I think it's good since it negates the rank cheesing seen in plenty of games.

    And with the new player argument, I can only really say that, wouldnt you want to learn from higher levels? The new player likely communicating with their friend, (and that alone gives the survivors an advantage), so wouldn't it be smart to get advice from higher tier players and use those techniques to get better?

    And if the argument is having fun or not... Is not playing the game with a friend or friends fun? I know I've had games where we don't actually try, having a blast as we get steamrolled by Myers. If your sense of fun is winning, again, giving advice would be beneficial, yes?

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    This just flipped the script on people trying to play with friends. This just benefits one smaller group of people who justify it by saying " they know what they sign up for at least"

    Queue times are longer for obvious reasons and these people who think flipping the script on survivor was a fix are delusional. Both system were broken at least before one queue time didn't take forever.

    A true ranking system with incentives is the only real fix. There needs to be a casual mode because this is a casual game. People are delusional to think it has any sort of balance.

  • Regionlock
    Regionlock Member Posts: 316

    Because it hurts a HUGE portion of the playerbase. The queue times are long on both sides now, and people who aren't that good at the game will refuse to play with some friends because they are red rank. That affects me personally and many other who play this game.

    No matter how much they try they will always get steamrolled by red rank killers. This started as a chill casual friendly game, but people want to make it out to seem E-sport.

    If you want true balance their needs to be a casual mode where people can play with their friends, and not have to worry about a sweaty match versus a Nurse or spirit. I don't even have fun myself at red ranks because that's the majority of what I see.

    Are you against a ranking system where people are actually awarded for their rank?

    Are you against a casual mode where all levels of play can queue?

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I still find inconsistencies in matchmaking. Am rank 13 survivor atm and when rank 3-4 with their swf friends also rank 13 join, I get a rank 13-16 killer. Not sure if "fixed" or not yet.