State of adept killers.

Currently the state of getting adept killers is an unfunny joke. With survivors constantly dcing, or deciding to kill themselves on the first hook, to being absolutely gen rushed because some killers have next to nil map pressure. To my favorite bs. End game collapse. Now I am a firm believer of not having things handed to me, but come on. When you crush a team because they are super alteristic, or you get 3 kills and the last guy escapes because you closed the hatch but couldnt get to the door in time. Or gens popped too fast so your gate keeper score is next to zero. There is so many factors that can hinder/stop a killer from getting the adept trophy. Not to mention with survivors able to have coms to better plan, its hard on most killers and damn near impossible on some.

Now im sure some of you are gonna jump in and say "ThE eNtItY fEeDs oN hOpE. ItS iN tHe LoRe" Yea well, the game isnt balanced on hope is it? its balanced around gen rushing and stopping the gen rush. Which brings me to my next issue: Survivors adepts vs. Killer adepts.

Here is the kicker, if you get into a swf group, and 3 of them dc and you get the hatch. You have the adept survivor trophy. Killer: If 2 dc youre fking screwed. If 2 die on first hook. Youre screwed. Hell in most cases if even one dcs or dies on first hook youre screwed. If you dont prolong the game, you are screwed. In most cases if one survivor escapes, youre screwed. (Key word. Most cases. Dont jump in saying: "YoU dOnT hAvE tO hAvE a 4k". The point is, adept achivement is grossly imbalanced and favored for survivors. Which as much as i see them posted in here, I hope the devs are going to do something about it soon. But I cant really say for sure, its like i have hope for this game... If the devs are the enity then well. they are fed af.

ps. Stop nerfing pig. :( She did nothing wrong. *sad oinks*


  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I'm glad I got most of these done before the change.

    Before though it was probably too easy - I definitely got some because people disconnected.

    Now's its really tricky - I don't think anyone runs the 3 perks together as a viable strategy once they have the trophy.

  • Nephs
    Nephs Member Posts: 21

    Yep, they're pretty horrible. I got Adept Plague a fewdays ago and it was a chore to say the least. It's taken me tons of attempts cause I was frequently denied it by Keys, disconnects, suicides on hook or simply a shortage on Chaser emblem points, solely cause of how her power functions.

    In the end, to get it, I had to extend the game to point of absurdity while also praying none of them gave up, constantly running around chain slugging them and then standing around in a corner letting them pick eachother back up.

    Fact is I could've ended that game in 3 minutes flat but that wouldn't have been good enough, instead I was forced to turn it into a 10 minute slogfest.

    Luckily I only have Adept Ghostface left but I imagine he won't be an easy one either as he suffers a similar problem with his Chaser emblem

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    this is absurd. Seriously. You had to prolong the game that long? Geezus..I didnt even start her adept yet. Im now dreading it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well I do agree with you. Adept should literally be getting a 4k because you destroyed them. The fact that Adept means you literally have to intentionally drag the game out as long as possible and then win after you've given them many more chances is just dumb.

    I will also also say though that the current Adept is quite easy to get. I usually get mine the first day a killer comes out. The way it's designed currently just doesn't make sense like you've said.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    I dont do Adepts with those Requirements. It is simply Bullshit that an Achievement is easier obtainable at Low Ranks than it would be at High Ranks.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I mean, it's ok, because before you could bring ebony mori and red addons and still get the achievement, but now it's gone too far. When emblem system will be fixed, maybe the achievement will be fixed too.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,094

    I mean, it could be changed to 4 Sacrifices. This would still make it harder because of DCs (I dont get that many DCs tbh, neither in Killer, nor in Survivor Games), but would remove the option to make it Super-Easy by using an Ebony.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    not to mention endgame collapse makes it hard as well. But still will be a lot easlier than trying to do it with this emblem system

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I like that they're actually a legitimate challenge, and they represent an achievement, not just a participation ribbon that everyone has.

    That said, the fact that the difficulty increases with rank artificially, and not just based on the players you're against is ridiculous.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I got a lot of my old adepts with at least 1 dc in them. It's so annoying trying to get them now though because sometimes killing all 4 doesn't give you enough emblems to double pip. This happened to me yesterday when I was going for my adept Bubba :-(

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited September 2019

    Who cares if they are "imbalanced".... They are achievements in the game.

    You have to play both sides in order to get them. If you "main" one side, that is your choice to play that one side... But achvs aren't meant to be a balance thing... Like mechanics in the game. Achvs aren't a Survivor VS Killer thing.

    You are a player of the game... You want the achvs, you then play the game to get them.

    Wait for a rank reset then do them.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I have all the adepts and force myself to play with the 3 perks of a new killer once they are all level 3. Plague took around 30 matches without me trying to "extend" the game. I just played normally and actually got better with Plague as a result.

    Keep trying and you will get it... if it is important to you.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    funny, because survivor is damn near a participation ribbon.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'd prefer the survivor one be AT LEAST one pip. Too many of them are easily done by just letting your team carry you. Or based on the character each could demand a certain bloodpoint category must reach 8k. (Dwight - Objective, Claudette - Altruism, Meg - Boldness, etc)

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Depending on your rank, you can get Merciless with three kills. The escaping survivor would have to be on death hook.