Hallowed Blight Event Hype Train

Well, folks, it's almost that time of the year again. Who's excited for the potentially upcoming Hallowed Blight event?
I know that I'm already thinking up Event perk builds to help everyone have loads of fun.
What are your thoughts guys?
by "event builds" do you mean iri & infantry mori Huntress? or sabo blendettesquad with Insta heals? these events bring out the most toxic cretins in existence. I don't understand what kind of person gets pleasure from causing others misery...
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I'm looking forward to any event at all, especially since we didn't get one this summer. They're usually pretty fun and give the game a little variety. Also hoping for some great outfits.
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The outfits have really been on point here lately
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I know! You would seriously think when either party streamers or events are offered - but especially events - (lord knows enough killers just put in streamers for lack of pudding, same with survivors and cake) that people would take this opportunity to play nice and fair so everyone gets a slice of pie. Instead it’s literally the opposite and it’s really disheartening and mean.
I hope the old Hallowed Blight skins are still on offer too. As a Doc lover, I missed out on his skin. Not a big deal if it isn’t but still.
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It'll be called Hallows End not Hallowed Blight.
Survivors will do gens instead of flowers this year. According to the new pustula petal description.
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I'm most excited for the event theme music, 2017 and 2018 had great themes (2017 is very nostalgic and creepy for me)
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I don’t think he/she meant that. I’m sure they meant by builds just stuff to farm some points figuring it’s somewhat of a .5x bp event with the included offering. However, it does bring out the worst in players
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Well Wraith already has his cosmetic of the event, so it'll be pretty hard to get hyped.
2x BP is nice.
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@SleepyWillo When I said event builds I was talking about mixing up my survivor perks and items to help folks achieve the event goals.
For example, during the Summer BBQ event I ran Deja Vu and a map with the Very Rare bead add-on that shared aura reveal so that I could make sure we could keep finding the event gens.
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i only played the event for maybe 5 matches or so last year. that was back when i pretty much only played killer and wait times were a pain for me and i ended up not playing much. i did, however, play the summer event and i had a lot of fun with that. so im definitely looking forward to this years event. im going to be saving up bloodpoints to i can actually have tons of offerings to use.
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I am already planning on ruining some peoples fun with a mori on GhostFace
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This is unfortunate indeed..