Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Guilty Pleasure perks

What are your guilty pleasure perks (perks that people don’t really use or say that are trash, waste of a perk slot, not meta, etc.) This can apply to both killer or survivor perks.

For killer I would say Lightborn. It’s very situational and it’s not the most powerful perk but I cannot deny that I do get a good feeling when I hit people who are trying real hard to blind me.

For Survivor I would say Stakeout. I don’t play survivor as much as I do killer so my skill check game mainly consist of good skill checks and maybe one or to great skill checks if I’m lucky. So I like this perk because it gives you the value of a great skill check by hitting a good skill check. Plus I usually play super immersed (because I suck with chases) so I can gain stacks easily.
