Am Baby Clown, Please Help

I call upon thee @DudeDelicious Clown Main of the forums
Tell me what to do I have no idea what even works for Clown. I just got him with some Auric cells since he was the last killer I hadn't bought
Help me with builds, addon,s everything
Add-ons : Flask of Bleach/ Ether vol
Build you have many options but i advice you to do anti-gen build.
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Sloppy Butcher to add healing time. Even if you one hit and move onto another target then you can take the first guy off gen work or hook rescues.
I like both Whispers and Discordance for tracking. Get to players as fast as you can. Most games Discordance is useful because of SWFs or ppl starting together.
BBQ for points is good, and in bigger maps it's extra player tracking when you hook someone.
Decent and cheap add ons are those that give you an extra bottle and which can give survs exhausted status when you hit them with the gas. That takes some of their perks offline for awhile. Using throws to hit players directly can be a waste of time. When chasing if you get to a point where the player has two paths to choose from, throw the tonic where you *don't* want the player to run and hit him when he goes the other way to avoid it, ie. cut down loop time. Make them make bad pathing choices.
I tend to play him without Ruin, but might swap it in for Sloppy. You basically can't defend the totem though, so it's risky. Only good if you're secure in needing Ruin only up long enough to get that first hook and to get the action rolling. Another option for the Sloppy slot is Make Your Choice if you feel you can run back to hook areas fast enough to capitalize on the effect. You have to use your Whispers and be good at spotting faint scratch marks or player movement in the distance to shave off chase time and hit the Exposed before the minute is up. I don't use this on the Clown but for some of my weaker killers I use Monitor and Abuse to get the jump on the survivors.
For me doing well is getting my four BBQ stacks, and not necessarily the 4K. It takes a lot of scrambling all game long and zero stealth to get somewhere with him. Lots of pressure and not a lot of reward, but with this play style everyone is usually engaged and not simply gen rushing.
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Pro clown tip: Don't play clown.
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Clown is arguably the worst killer in the game at the moment. Gens will go like crazy.
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Use anti-gen perks and try to end your chases fast. He's really not that great.
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This guy gave a lot of good advice for starting.
I would add to it one small but crucial detail: Clown slows down while throwing bottles and reloading them, but not while aiming them. Don't feel like you need to instantly flick them at survivors. Wait for the right moment, try to be sure that you have a shot, then let it go.
Unlike a lot of newer killers, Clown has no secondary powers. His bottles are all he's got and reloading them in mid-chase is a major pain. You don't need to impress anyone with your aim (though he can pull off some cool tricks with practice), don't be afraid to get up close and bean the little squishes right in the head or chest. Though, starting off, you're probably best off aiming at their feet.
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I like Pop goes the weasel, Hex ruin, Brutal strength and NOED. clown has really good chase Potential but he has zero map pressure so you gotta make pop goes the weasel count. Clown is my favorite killer btw.
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I don't take matches seriously at all during Blood Hunts. So I picked up clown for the hell of it and actually ended up getting a bunch of 4Ks and 3Ks.
I went strictly anti gen with him. Pop and Thrilling Tremors were amazing and I wasn't even running ruin.
Use the add ons that expand the toxic gas, and I was also using the add on that increased the effect duration of the gas. I was ending chases QUICK, bonking survivors on the head and disabling their dead hards. I had a game where all 4 survivors had dead hard and I didn't see it go off a single time.
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Add ons
Usually i would run flask of bleach because base slowdown is so ass
And solvent jug because if you just waste 3 bottles just to get dead hard at a pallet i think that's just bull so yeah these 2 are what i run with very good results.
Ruin because it's a must
Bbq for points and aura reading
Save The Best For Last because a reduced cooldown plus slowing is really really strong. If im near or at full stacks i throw a bottle then hit the survivor so their burst of speed doesn't give them much distance
And pop goes the weasel just for extra gen destruction power.
Other than that i think just trying to get as much hooks and gens pressured as much as you can is really the best you can do with clown just like other many m1 killers. Usually you have to try to aim a little over the survivors so they have to run all the way through the gas. People say the gas is 2 seconds but its really not. The slow and blur effects stay until you are completely out of the gas and then the 2 seconds start. It's always a little over 2 seconds unless you hit them with the very edge of a bottle.
Base clown is low tier but with flask he can be a scary killer to deal with.
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Clown is the worst killer in the game. He doesn't have a power without Flask of Bleach, so you should definitely run that. Add-ons for exhaustion, reload time or even extra bottles are also good, but you need Flask of Bleach, otherwise you don't have a power at all.
Anti gen perks are a must for Clown ( but even with them you're gonna get gen rushed as Clown, because his map pressure is nonexistent ) and I heard that Save The Best For Last and Brutal Strenght is a good combo for him.
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Didnt know you can Interrupt vaults with direct hits, I am doing that with unhooks but if that works with vaults then you can do some sick plays with clown, I wonder I never saw someone trying this? xD
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Pro tip: Play Freddy
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Are we including add-ons in the discussion? Because Bing Bong can get kinda nasty with the right ones.
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Yeah got that, but I still wonder why noone does that as clown, either I never saw a clown main or actually noone knows that, me included. Or is the "brief" interrupt that short that it wouldnt matter because the survivor can still dropp the pallet fast enough before you can reach him?
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Well when I am at home I will definatly try to interrupt pallet dropps like a wanna be doctor, thanks for telling me that btw, I appreciate that!
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Even if we aren't, Clown's power is truly useless without add-ons.
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Because getting direct hits with bottles is pretty hard + I think someone said that the actions are intrerrupted just for .33 seconds or something like that.
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This is tougher, but I'd still put Wraith ahead. He has uniquely strong interactions with perks like Play with Your Food and Make Your Choice. I can't think of anything in Clown's base kit that synergizes quite as well with specific perks.
That said, I would probably pick Clown if I personally had to play one of the two without add-ons. While I think Wraith has the potential to edge him out performance-wise, Clown is much more straightforward. Plus, I like control.
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Nurses calling, monitor and abuse, bbq and chili, and pop goes the weasel work best for me. Still not the greatest killer by far.
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How much salt do you want to reap? Flask of Bleach/Solvent Jug is his most viable add-on combo. The only success I've ever found with him is chain downs on smaller maps. Bamboozle/STBFL/Enduring/SF. He has the worst mobility of any killer due to reloads. Don't bother trying to pressure gens. You'll do that indirectly by downing people.
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Play anybody but that bug we call clown.
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I have Clown at level 31 right now, thank you all a TON for the advice and lengthy posts, I really appreciate it
Right now I'm using Soda bottle, Either 5% with STBFL, BBQ, Ruin, and Weasel as my best addons and perks at the moment
I definitely see what you guys are talking about with Gen control, Clown can't afford to give up his pressure and momentum often
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Don't play clown.
I just saved you hundreds of hours of playing a useless killer.
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That's cool and all but let the man or woman play who they want to play.
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No killer is useless just less powerful. I don't care about Tier lists hardly, I don't care about the Meta-teers, I care about what's fun to play and playing everyone but the Meta-Teers is fun for me
Heck my favorite killer honestly is the Wraith and Ghostface is starting to get up there too, despite how horrible my initial playtime with him was. Every killer occupies a certain niche, plays better on certain maps, and suffers from awful RNG, I'm already starting to learn Clown and he's pretty fun. Yes, he may be weaker than Doctor who in turn is weaker than Wraith or Ghostface, and his anti-looping abilities aren't as strong as Trapper but that makes the wins all the funner and hard earned and he is still strong in his own way
Besides what other killer can you use Grievous quotes with?
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Yeah I will say against a SWF he is probably the weakest killer, mostly because he has nothing to really control the map
Trapper has his traps, wraith has his mobility, Ghostface has Nightshroud and insta-down, Bubba has chainsaw, Michael has tier 3, but Clown unless you use insta down perks or ultra rare
You have nearly nothing to really snowball or get some serious pressure or make the survivors scared
A bit annoying
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Does the animation cancel when the survivor is partway through the animation, and if so how late can it happen? Like can you hit a survivor halfway through a vault and they'll zip back to the first side?
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Yes. He's still the worst.
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Genuinely only play High Rank clown if you are up for a challenge, It is like a legitimate curse how fast gens go as clown. Games are seem to be done in about 5 or 8 mins with him and I don't know why, I play leather face and still get fun games that don't fly and LF has just as much map pressure imo. My advice is good luck
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How do you know it's the end of bloodhunt?
Good grief the amount of SWFs and item stacked survivor teams I've gone against these past few hours
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I think it's even more inconsistent than the Doctor's shock. It only seems to work if they haven't started vaulting yet and the stun is very, very, quick so you have to be right on them to make it work
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Did anybody else scroll down to try and find DudeDelicious or is it just me?
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An interesting condrundrum with the Clown, he's nowhere near as hard to learn as Ghostface was. I'm having way more fun than I was when I was learning Ghostface and overall I'm enjoying the clown
Still I have to put in so much effort to keep the game from being rushed and unlike with other killers it can be insanely hard to bounce back from a bad beginning or mid match
Currently I'm running Enduring, Ruin, BBQ, and Monitor on him. I really want to get STBFL for him but its yet to appear in the web
The biggest issue I have with the clown is I can't afford to be nice, if somebody gets farmed I'm going to have to risk Decisive or rehook him. With a character like Ghostface I can let the farmed guy go but with Clown. I have to be rather rude to keep my pressure and that is something I don't like
Not one bit
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Spirit fury and enduring, its just fun
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The Bamboozle, Brutal Strength combo sounds ridiculously over the top, but it's just great. With his bottles being used to mostly negate or get a free hit, it can close loops and close the distance between the Clown and the survivor.
I tend to go with this build: Thrilling Tremors, Pop Goes the Weasel, Bamboozle/STBFL, Brutal Strength. If you aren't super skilled and good at mind gaming, the add-on for exhaustion and extra bottles is super amazing to run. It will definitely help you, other than the obvious pinky finger.
The most important part about Clown is using his bottles-- opposite to popular belief, you don't always need to be conservative and need to re-fill them. Listen, negating 2 spots for 1 hit is what you want, you don't want the possibility of the survivor getting another loop. Refilling bottles doesn't seem time consuming, but seconds in game can be game changing, believe me.
Ideally, the best time to re-fill is when you just placed someone on the hook and you're proxying away.