Screw Who's the "Best" — Who's the Most Fun?

Shouldn't you be playing who you conceptually enjoy instead of who is most viable? Isn't slowly crouching and stalking a Survivor up close (Pig) much more fun than staring at someone from across a field (Myers)? I'm not telling you how to play or who's the most fun for you personally, but there's a lot of butthurt going around. And ya, a Killer not being viable despite his kool method isn't fun to play when 4 people exit every time, but maybe you're not very good at that conceptual problem you need to solve. (Yes, there are Rank 1 Trappers)
Up above is my Fun Killer tier-list (im on PS4). Share your top 3 Killers you enjoy and if you get butthurt enough to stop playing them.
You realize most of these tier lists are biased, so of course others opinions don't reflect yours.
For example, I don't think Myers is F tier for how fun he is to play. But that doesn't co-exist with your opinion that he isn't fun.
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Yeah expect the only problem is how can you enjoy playing a killer who’s lower tier when they get genrushed to death LMAO
I get you though. To answer your question, I think that Doctor, Trapper, & Plague are the most fun to me.
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"I'm not telling you how to play or who's the most fun for you personally"
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My top 3 is probably Hag, Myers and Freddy. Ironically I swapped Legion for Freddy after their reworks.
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"And ya, a Killer not being viable despite his kool method isn't fun to play when 4 people exit every time .... "
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Not everybody plays this game enough to be be a sweathead killer though like I don’t have all of the time in my day to play the game.
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My top 3 are Myers, Old Freddy, and Wraith.
Myers because Scratched Mirror is the best build ever and he doesn't even need it to be fun.
Old Freddy because I always did well as him and I liked the playstyle.
Wraith because I like putting on Bone Clapper and Blink and just spamming M2 while chasing people.
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I find Spirit most fun because of the surprise potential. Popping up and scaring survivors when they don't expect it is golden.
If I knock down multiple survivors with one chainsaw sprint from Leatherface, that is also super fun. But I'm not great with his chainsaw, so it's rare for that to happen.
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You didn't put Doc at top, therefore your argument is invalid.
IMO anyway.
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Scratched mirror Myers on a indoor map is the most fun you can have, love watching everyone start to get weary of corners 😂
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Just look at the avatar.
But in case I decide to change it. It's trapper.
And then in no particular order, ghostface, demogorgon, hag, huntress and legion.
Those are my magnificent 6.
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I think its pretty fun building my power up and then downing every survivor with in a 32 meter range
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I have the most fun with Doctor, Freddy, and Demogorgon.
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if only old Freddy was still a thing absolutely was a blast playing him
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Oh do I know the feeling… >:)
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How dare you put Myers in F-Tier.
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You mean the fun tier! :)
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It, it all makes sense now! F-Tier (Fun-Tier) is the best, that's why Myers is down there. We all know Leather Face and Hag are in S-Tier (Suck-Tier).
Spirit is in A-Tier (Annoying-Tier)
Plague is in B-Tier (Barf-Tier)
Legion is in C-Tier (Class Clown-Tier)
Demogorgon is in D-Tier (Demogorgon-Tier)
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Ghostface is the most fun killer for me. Everytime I yoink survivors from the gens it just feels so good
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I’ll put you in the I-Tier (Imaginative-Tier) .
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I love playing Nurse, because I love slugging and snowballing the game into a gg within 4 minutes lol
Just never gets old.
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I know, right? People like to denigrate the Nurse, but in reality she's a super fun killer to play. Nothing like spanking some sweaty rank 1 survivors who are used to M1 killers.
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For me its the Billy. Chain saw sprinting across a map and randomly downing a Blendette is just way too amazing. And for whatever reason I get this often enough that it deserves the mention. Haha
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Yeah The Doctor will always be the most fun for me.
Hilarious crazy laugh. Check.
Shock your enemies for maximum annoyance. Check.
Survivors trying to be stealthy? Treatment mode.
After youve got them located due to screaming (who doesnt love screaming??) Punishment mode for the Beat stick Beat down.
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My top 3 would be Clown, Pig and Freddy.
The ones who are the least fun to play as for me are Nurse and Spirit.
I know it's weird, I seem to enjoy less viable killers for some reason.
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Hag will always be top of my list for fun, there is just so much jump scare fun to be had, probably why I love scratched Myers too.
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For me Legion is most fun. Lemme stabs boii