did you find it?

Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

How was your Bloodhunt experience? did you find it? 37 votes

LavernneJawsIsTheNextKillerRicardiBacardiMavi6568RydogCreepingcam1070danut1311creepjerky 8 votes
Darkside84icemancatCancan71TAGAhoyWolfStarkeyChan 6 votes
FibijeanIhatelifedouggie123LCGasterGrandkuramaKnucklesTheRockstarKnightGrootDudeBoosted_DwightpalletsryummyBulbasaur2008Dicklaycia 12 votes
LaMupfelStevoVolantConch1719NullSp3cDr_Loomisanonymous31337Junceus_ 7 votes
HoodiedKnayterLeonardo1itaGorgonDorgon 4 votes


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I like bloodhunts and all, but I wish they were longer. And honestly I think bloodpoint gains should just be permanently doubled or at least increased at this point, with the amount of characters and perks in the game now.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    There was some matches that I liked to play, even against the Spirit and Nurse and there was a matches that I hate the most.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It went great for me! Across 44 matches, I got:

    • 13 Survivor matches, with 7 escapes and 6 sacrifices.
    • 31 Killer matches, with 21 of them resulting in 3+ kills (80 total kills).
    • 4,037,333 total Bloodpoints (average was 91,758 per match).

    That was enough BP to top off Nightmare, so he now has a full inventory of Killer perks (or at least, the 59 of 63 that I have access to). Plus, I had some leftover to get Steve Harrington about halfway to 40.

    I had a good, productive Blood Hunt, all in all. Looking forward to polishing off most of my remaining characters during the Christmas/New Year event.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited October 2019

    Enjoyed the BPs

    But during the event I have never found a killer that didn't hard camp or survivors that knew what they were doing

    So I didn't have a lot of fun

    It took me days just to get the daily to get chased for 2 minutes or so because the killers did nothing other than stay at the hook making sure no one got close

    I did work on gens, I'm not stupid, just I couldn't get the points I could have gotten if 1. The killer played properly, and 2. My teammates actually helped

    As killer it wasn't fun either, survivors going down like flies, no challenge whatsoever, if one escaped it was due to the hatch

  • Dicklaycia
    Dicklaycia Member Posts: 147

    I enjoyed the double Bloodpoints for sure, but my matches that I have played during the event were all rather frustrating for one reason or another, like poor connection dropping me frequently or getting an annoying Killer to face.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    The waiting times spoilt it.

    As many have mentioned, there are too many characters and perks in the game to cater for with such a small amount of bloodpoints.