Killer idea, Mrs Trunchbull from Matilda

> Mrs Trunchbull is sadistic principal from the Movie and book Matilda who hates children and rules over teachers and students alike. She will torture and have possibly fatal punishments for even the slightest missdeeds. She once through a child by her pigtails to a bladed fence only to be saved by Matilda's telekinesis. She is a stought imposing figure , a former olympian who strikes fear in all. Here are some of the ways I thought to adapt Mrs Trunchbull as a killer in Dead By Daylight.
> Mrs Trunchbull could be called "The Principal", " the Headmaster" .
> She could have 2 maps - the Trunchbull mansion with an attic, main level, basement and garden. The second map could be the School with it's bleek colors and several classrooms and recess area and the basement.
> She could have her regular principal outfit or her sweatshirt, messy bun, shorts and a weightlifting belt.
> You can have her be as serious or comic relief as you want.
> She could yell "tally Ho" when falling a distance.
> She can have loud intimidating footsteps and possibly yell while in chase.
> Her weapon is a horsewhip.or a mace and chainmace/ flail
> Killer ability. "Shotput" she could windup with a cannonball and throw it further the longer she charges. Her movement slows when charging. Her cannon balls could hit enemies, break pallets , or damage generator or hurt enemies if they are currently working on said generator.
> Killer ability add-on - ability to hold more cannonballs, can be refreshed from lockers.
> Add-on - less wind up time to throw further.
> More movement when winding up/ charging throw.
> Either you can have any random locker changed into a chokey at the start of the game that acts as a hook and needs to be released with skill checks and all or one of the basement hooks or a basement locker is cosmetically and animation is changed to a chokey.
> You can change the hooking animation to her grabbing survivors hair and spinning them by their hair in a semicircle and throw them onto the hook
> Totems are cosmetically changed to plates of her special chocolate cake. Animation for cleansing totem is switched to them eating cake.
> You could do more with chocolate cake.
> Perk ideas
> ( Special cake) If someone finishes you totem the heal themselves fully and or gets a speed boost for an amount of second but if they are hit after 15 seconds of working on a totem or hit within 10 meters of a totem(cake) they are downed/ auras revealed/ able to be mauried.
> (Special cake version 2) if someone stats cleansing a cake( totem) they are stuck cleansing until hit by killer or cake is finished.
> ( Nothing you can do about it) if after so 10 second in the same 15 meter area you gain a speed burst/ charge that can break pallets
> ( Breaking a pallet enrages you and gives you a speed burst)
> ( I'm watching you) when hit with pallet( aura reveal within 8,10,15 meters for 4 seconds
> You yell while in chase that longer in chase the heater the stacks of exhaustion
In my opinion, "The Headmaster" and "The Principal" are fine Killer names, but nothing else would be as terrifying and as iconic as simply "The Trunchbull."
Shotput is a great idea from a lore perspective, but my concern is how that would differentiate her from Huntress beyond "her shotputs also deal collateral damage."
I actually had the whole "lockers function as hooks" thing as a Trunchbull perk called "Into the Chokey!"
Post edited by TAG on2 -
I was thinking of putting " the Trunchbull" but I figured it wasn't well known enough and other killers tend to not use real names.
Plus there was talk of a teacher type in the coding already.
I was thinking she is an olympian javelin,shotput and Hammer throw but didn't want to use all 3 for it being too much. Shotput would have a longer startup than huntress but also have possibly more damage and more utility with the generator damage. They would bother be thrown but treated differently like hillbilly and leatherface's chainsaw.
It's tough thinking of perks. They seem to be either lame or game breaking haha.
It would be cool to have a locker specific perk.
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I hope she says "Some rats are going to die today" in the lobby and "Tally ho" when she falls from a high place, I'd love it.
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I think it would absolutely be worth going with "The Trunchbull" because it is a well-known title for her among people actually familiar with her.
It's a bit tricky because while the chainsaws could act differently in how they are wielded, it's not the easiest thing in the world to differentiate two things that are simply thrown. Actually, could it be possible to actually use all three? You get one of each (hammer, javelin, and shotput), each with different properties? And maybe you have to physically pick them up Trapper-style after you throw them?
Yeah, when I was thinking about Trunchbull perks, it was tough to think of one beyond the Chokey perk.
Oh, and I am super with her going "Tally Ho!" whenever she falls from a ledge.
Also, her mori has her hammer throw the Survivor. Bonus points if they have pig tails like Meg.
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Ya I was thinking with the hammer and or shotput throw it might not work with the first person view. Trying to be in mid chase then spin around and try to throw something. You would have to have a crosshair or center line maybe a for a straight throw.
Can you imagine the lols when you throw somebody with a Mori landing/ hitting random structures.
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Hm, that is a fair point. Admittedly, I'm not too sure how to solve the camera issue with the hammer throw.
Hammer throw someone from the top of Ironwork of Misery for maximum lulz.
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Not an idea I was expecting to see here, but I love it.
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I'll just throw out the little I've written about my idea here just because.
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Okay, okay, okay. Can "Tally Ho!" also be the name of a perk that is effectively the reverse Balanced Landing? Just to illustrate my point:
Tally Ho!
The Trunchbull Perk
"Whenever you land from a fall, Survivors within a 16 meter radius suffer slightly/moderately/considerably from the Hindered Status Effect for 5 seconds. Tally Ho! has a cool-down of 50/40/30 seconds."
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I like that Tally Ho perk idea. I can see that being just situational enough like many other existing perks.
What if hammer/shotput you had to commit to straight forward shot, then do one turn around and throw. Survivors could see you turn around and try to avoid. So it would be a visual warning instead of an audible one like the chainsaw.
Also can you imagine if whenever a chase music ended she did a frustrated scream. That could also be a perk too.
Perk: "Frustration" when a chase ends due to breaking of line of sight. You let out a scream that reveals auras within 5 meter range for 3 seconds. Or exposed status effect. So if someone doubled back and hid rather than ran a distance away they would be affected by the perks. You would also have to have a 30-45 sec cooldown.
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Here are my thoughts as far as the Hammer Toss specifically: What if the Hammer could compensate for the wind-up by also being a long-range weapon? Like, let's assume that her default weapon is the Riding Crop. If you switch to the Hammer Toss, in addition to being able to throw it at someone, the wind-up needed to throw it could also hurt someone in the process at an extended range? Maybe it might even be possible to down someone quickly by winding up the hammer for the first hit, and then the actual projectile could land the second? The issue with that, though, is that you'd need a certain amount of open space to prepare the wind-up, and having it clip through thin walls (in areas like jungle gyms or corridors like in Lehry's or Hawins) while winding up just doesn't make sense, so that creates a bit of a practical issue.