Please let the HB happen a little later this year.

So, not going to lie, this is a little bit of a beg, but can the Hallowed Blight happen just a little later than last year please? Shift if back a month. A lot of us aren't free in the space of the 19th-25th, so we lose a lot of serum hunting. Perhaps make Halloween the high point of the event instead of the grand finale. Consider, dev-chans.
So you want the Halloween event to happen in November?
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Personally, I'm away on holiday for the Halloween week, won't get any games in and will be gutted to miss any of it. But hey-ho, rough with the smooth and all that! :/
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It's happening on the 10th which is in 8 days.
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I heard on Pauli’s Esther channel that it’s happening on the 17th
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It’s for Halloween so it makes no sense for the event to be in the next month.
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Well, last year it DID end on November 2nd.
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As above, last years even likewise ended on November 2nd.
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The absolute latest I can see it starting is the 29th
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Wish Halloween was Eternal- praise Samhain! Xx
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It's usually two weeks. There will be plenty of time.
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Yeah well if didn’t start on the last day of October.
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That's shifting it back a week or so though, not a month. Shifting it back a month as you suggested would mean having it happen at the end of November, which would be weird for a Halloween event. So their points are valid according to what you posted, if not according to your actual meaning.
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I hope they cancel it to fix the game
*Cancels event* Game still broken
Be careful what you wish for. Just saying bugs pop up, are fixed and reappear no matter what.
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You said push it back a whole month in your post lol. I mean it most likely already will end a couple days after Halloween.