Killer quit
When the killer leaves the game we want bonus points, just as the killer gets his when the survivors log out
Bonus points for making the killer ragequit? Very bad idea.
Survivors should keep their offerings when the killer dc's, though.
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No, to make the killer get angry ?? When for example at the end of the game the killer leaves, so as not to let out. What did you understand?
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Killers get points when a survivor disconnects because they're being robbed of potential sacrifice points. They have to stay and finish the game, but the game won't be anywhere near as lucrative as it might have been. The DC bonus is meant to mitigate that, similarly to how survivors will receive a bloodpoint bonus when their teammates disconnect (as of the upcoming patch) to compensate for the resultant drop in their odds of survival and therefore in their bloodpoint gains overall.
The reason survivors don't get compensation when a killer DCs is because they, unlike the killer, can just hop into a new match when that happens, and keep all their bloodpoints that they received up to that point. There's nothing to compensate them for.
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actually if a killer dc's they do get a bonus in the terms of a free escape bonus of 5k . Should the game play to full there is no guarantee that they would escape or get the full credit . This is most obvious when a killer dc's at the start of a match and everyone get the escape bonus of 5k for not even playing 20 secs . while the killer only gets 2500bp when a survivor dc's and they loose the ability to gain bonuses for things like bbq and they take a negative hit of 25% loss of bonus bp's total . I play for bp's and I would rather get a stack of bbq for a dc then the 2500 because in the end 25% of my total is usually a lot more then 2500 .
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I suggest leaving when you can. And don't try to stick around to taunt the killer etc.
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Does not matter soon as an exit opens they will DC. No time to run out - stop thinking survivors are the only toxic ones.
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I didn't assume all survivors are toxic. I simply said, leave while you can. If you have trouble using the doors to escape, there's always the hatch with key. Survivors do tend to stick around, for several reasons. I suggest if you want points, to get out ASAP. Because even if they add a killer quit bonus to survivors it will not equal to a full escape worth of points. That won't be balanced.