Why was the "Switch to Killer/Survivor" tab removed?

Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

I noticed this since they added the Party system changes (I'm assuming) since I was gone for several months. Was this ever explained?

I mostly play solo and I do play both sides, but why remove the quick role switch tab :/. It's a bit annoying to go through an extra hoop to just get to the Survivor tab to check their Bloodwebs, switch out loadouts and/or play. I know there are bigger fish to fry with this game, but I get really irked when some QOL options get removed.

Best Answer

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    Answer ✓

    It's a consequence of the new in-game party system.

    I know it sucks to lose the quick switch button for solo play, but, for the majority of players, it was outweighed by a very beneficial QoL buff to playing with friends :)
