Clown buff idea - yay or nay?

Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

basically, i want to add his exhaustion add on to his basekit.

but before you go down there and write how stupid i am, etc. please let me explain this a little:

the clown is currently greatly lacking in two of the three main categories killers have to fullfill to be good and the one he is supposed to be good at is rather meh (without add ons, just his basekit):

1) map pressure: very bad

2) tracking ability: bad

3) chase ability: decent

so when we think about clown buffs, we have to allow him to get stronger in one of these categories and also pick which one is gonna be fitting for the killer and what could be done that is realistic.

personally, i once thought about adding jack in the boxes all around the map the killer would be able to teleport to, similar to demogorgons potals, though that wouldnt really fit the character's basedesign, so even though the idea is not off the table, it is very unlikely to be a realistic thing to be added.

so i thought again and wondered, why we dont just buff him in the one category he is supposed to be very strong at, which would be chasing, and leave the others alone for now?

currently there is no killer in this game who is able to really fight exhaustion perks at all, there are certain add ons for it, though no one can do that with their base power. though, we do have killers that actively fight healing perks, so it wouldnt be unlikely to at some point have a killer that can fight exhaustion perks. for clown it would make even more sense, as he throws poisonous gas filled bottles at survivors - and i doubt anyone irl would be able to start sprinting after being poisoned with gas you also constantly breathe in (the clowns base design also makes them slow down, so it would make sense to deny them the ability to sprint around while and after being intoxicated).

so, i know exhaustion add ons arent liked a lot by the community, so i added some other alternatives aswell.

please vote for which buff you would see as the best he could get, thank you.

Clown buff idea - yay or nay? 32 votes

make his exhaustion add on basekit! (chase buff)
Mister_xDWolff_BringerKilmeranDr_LoomisToxicboiiDicklayciaebola_weeb909 8 votes
add the "jack in the box" idea! (map pressure buff)
AshleyWBKnucklesUnnamed_FreakLeonardo1itaNullSp3cErsh 6 votes
add a gas cloud around him that will reveal survivors too close to him by making them cough loudly! (tracking buff)
PandomGodNapAhoyWolfnickofford 4 votes
your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)
Ark_the_BonsaiBlueberryAChaoticKillerxEaAwakeyRaven014Creepingcam1070Yung_SlugOkKiLLerthemirrortwin 10 votes
clown is fine. no changes needed!
GamingZebra88RainbowPatooieCreeRoyaltyPhoenix_Wright 4 votes


  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    make his exhaustion add on basekit! (chase buff)

    so apparently hitting enter when trying to add something to the poll will post the discussion, so...

    i'd like to mention that i am willing to rework the time that the survivor is exhausted after being hit by the clowns gas to something similar to 5 seconds.

    that way it wont be a thing during a chase, though its rather easy to obtain your perk when no longer in a chase.

    please tell me if you would prefer this or not, thanks!

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    None of those ideas.

    Here is mine:

    • When you intoxicate a survivor, you get a stack of Bloodlust for 5 Seconds
    • If you land a direct hit, the survivor is intoxicated for 100% longer.
    • Remove clowns vaulting noise
  • ebola_weeb
    ebola_weeb Member Posts: 12
    make his exhaustion add on basekit! (chase buff)

    I believe that clown needs a rework, he is fundamentally broken. He is supposed to be a chase killer, but he can't even do that very well. (Imo he's the weakest killer)

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    I don't think a teleport would suit him, the exhaustion buff would only help with specific survs, and the gas cloud would just make him a budget doc (which he already is tbh)

    I think he needs a rework above all else. He was made to do one thing that every other killer in the game does better due to them having better utility. He was made to chase.

    Of course, if we had to simply do a buff I'd make it so that his gas clouds were permanent but any time he reloaded they'd all fade and he'd have a cooldown before he could use them again. This way he'd still have 4 bottles to spam in a chase if he chose to play that way but he could also preemptively set up areas.

    This would help his garbage map pressure and tracking but it wouldn't really help his glaring lack of mobility.

  • OkKiLLer
    OkKiLLer Member Posts: 118
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    Clown is a good killer idea but he is kind of lacking in some areas.

    1. He should be able to move at normal speed while reloading so he can do it in chases and then change VHS porn and the smelly inner soles add on.
    2. Flask of bleach should be part of his base kit so he can catch up to survivors faster.
    3. The blurred vision intoxicated survivors get should be more blurry and distorted so it’s hard to determine his location
    4. Intoxicated survivors shouldn’t be able to see the clowns red stain for help with mind games.
  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    I've thought a lot about poor clown and here are a few things about your suggestions:

    1) Adding exhaustion to his base kit is too strong. If he got exhaustion with 2 other addons, I think it might really buff him a lot (but I could be wrong).

    2) I 100% agree with @xEa, these are excellent suggestions. Especially the odd vaulting noise not seen in other killers.

    Here is mine:

    When you intoxicate a survivor, you get a stack of Bloodlust for 5 Seconds

    If you land a direct hit, the survivor is intoxicated for 100% longer.

    Remove clowns vaulting noise

    3) Teleportation doesn't fit into his theme, sadly. Even though you are right map pressure is his greatest weakness.

    4) I also agree that reloading bottles is a HUGE weakness. Either add more bottles to the base kit or increase the base speed of reload.

    5) Maybe add Oblivious to the gas effect (i.e. can't hear the heartbeat)

    6) Maybe simply add the increased blurred vision (like the purple addons effect but not as great) to the base kit.

    I'm not sure, a full rework might be the best but who knows.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    make his exhaustion add on basekit! (chase buff)

    I mentioned in a thread recently the idea of Clown having the ability to blow up tonic filled balloons and leave them around the map (gens and exit gates for example). These balloons could pop on close proximity and intoxicate the survivor/s. This would increase his map pressure.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    I would allow him to rig lockers to explode with gas... a kind of trap that gives map awareness and possible chase potential. A lot of lockers can be found near gens, so I think it could work... however it would be weaker on maps like corn maps.

    Another thing is to give him the ability to drink a bottle for a temporary speed boost and survivor detection in his TR (indicator would be KI like a frenzied Legion).

    The main problem with clown is he takes no imagination to really play. Adding either option or both could give him more tools.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    The clouds should last a lot longer. Then he could not only use it to completely shut down loops, but also throw one on a gen and know if someone goes near it after he leaves, like plague.

    Maybe he could also throw one directly at a gen to make it filled with gas, and the next survivor to touch it will release the gas.

    Gen protection abilities would also combo well with Pop Goes The Weasel.

    There should also be more of a reward for landing a direct hit with a bottle on a survivor.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    He just needs an overhaul.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited October 2019
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    I think he needs the slow window vaulting from his gas returned and to turn the blurred vision intensity of his gas up tremendously.

    Tbh you could even put his Redheads Pinkyfinger into his base kit.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    your own buff idea - please share in the comments! (seriously, i'd love to see some)

    I have an idea!

    Just rework him.