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Would survivors whine less about camping if...



  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    @Beardedragon said:

    @Siggerad said:
    If the killer is camping, face camping, he just move 2m and back is camping too, etc; give survivors BP this maybe prevent a lot of DC; with less dc more BP for the killers too.

    if survivors gets BPs for being hooked, i will officially stop playing the game.

    I say BP for survivor if the killer is camping; why you care if the survivors get BP? perhaps you enjoy 2 dc survivors games.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Beardedragon said:

    @Siggerad said:
    If the killer is camping, face camping, he just move 2m and back is camping too, etc; give survivors BP this maybe prevent a lot of DC; with less dc more BP for the killers too.

    if survivors gets BPs for being hooked, i will officially stop playing the game.

    It'd only work if the killer is camping the hook and only for gen progress done and gates being powered. You'd base it off a hidden killer terror radius neither side would know but could be x amount of hooked victim. Some killer simply go just out of terror radius and camp with M&A and then wait for someone to come into view while others just hard camp.

    I don't have an issue with camping someone once the gates are powered but camping at 1st hook and then just standing there nodding and smacking the hooked person is just being an ass.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    edited July 2018
    sigh.. another extra post while I received waiting for approval message
    Post edited by Russ76 on
  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Being camped is not fun, same as how being teabagged and taunted is not fun.

    Everything else is a side issue.
    I agree.  I don't tbag and hate when I see my other survivors doing it.

    qpwoeiruty said:

    the person stuck on the hook got points towards the evader emblem? Like the same amount you'd get from doing a generator or whatever in their terror radius but not being chased...

    make them distraction points, but yeah I think it would go a long way toward making me less bitter when I get camped.
  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    edited July 2018
    sigh.  the waiting for approval is going to kill me.  these were posted yesterday.
    Post edited by Russ76 on
  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    No points for failure. Ever. You failed to escape and landed on the hook. You get nothing but death for that from me. You do not deserve anything but a busted keyboard - another reason i got tired of playing surv and switched to killer.

  • cookiedal
    cookiedal Member Posts: 23

    Devs allow it to be a strategy because it will happen. Games too hard for the killers. Baby steps for beginners I guess. You can counter camping if you play in a squad easily.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Envees said:

    No points for failure. Ever. You failed to escape and landed on the hook. You get nothing but death for that from me. You do not deserve anything but a busted keyboard - another reason i got tired of playing surv and switched to killer.

    Bah what harm could a few points do, other than acknowledge I am being a distraction? Oh wait I know.. it means survivors will be more accepting of defeat and not give up so easily while hanging on the hook meaning that you actually have to spend more time camping them allowing more generators to get done, thus further hurting your job of actually going out to find the remaining survivors
  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Issue with camping is it's not fun or engaging for anyone involved. As much as Killer mains want to defend it, it's the most boring approach Killers can take. I have camped in losing matches or frustrating matches, but it's boring and skill less. More could be done to make being camped less of a chore.

    "But Survivors have crutches/etc." - Yes, there is problematic balancing issues on Team Survivor that are annoying and OP. But ignoring bad game play on Team Killer just cause you're salty about the other side is bias, ignorant, and childish. Both sides have design flaws, accept it or accept that your viewpoint is heavily fogged up.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Visionmaker said:
    Master said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    Being camped is not fun, same as how being teabagged and taunted is not fun.

    Everything else is a side issue.

    tbagging and taunting is BM while camping is a strategy

    Do you see a difference?

    If you wanna compare tbagging and clicking to sth, then this would smacking a guy on the hook or mori canceling someone

    Getting the killer tilted is a valid strategy. I'd happily suck away attention from my teammates so they can finish gens or escape. Killers complain anyway because it takes away the enjoyment from their game.

    Tbagging at the end of the game next to the exit gates is BM. Slapping the last survivor dying on the hook is BM.

    By this logic then so is camping. Getting a SWF team tilted and having them come to the hook is a valid tactic.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @Visionmaker said:
    Master said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    Being camped is not fun, same as how being teabagged and taunted is not fun.

    Everything else is a side issue.

    tbagging and taunting is BM while camping is a strategy

    Do you see a difference?

    If you wanna compare tbagging and clicking to sth, then this would smacking a guy on the hook or mori canceling someone

    Getting the killer tilted is a valid strategy. I'd happily suck away attention from my teammates so they can finish gens or escape. Killers complain anyway because it takes away the enjoyment from their game.

    Tbagging at the end of the game next to the exit gates is BM. Slapping the last survivor dying on the hook is BM.

    By this logic then so is camping. Getting a SWF team tilted and having them come to the hook is a valid tactic.

    Yes, that's exactly my point. They're both valid strategies that people don't like because of how and why they work.
  • qpwoeiruty
    qpwoeiruty Member Posts: 98

    No points for failure. Ever. You failed to escape and landed on the hook. You get nothing but death for that from me. You do not deserve anything but a busted keyboard - another reason i got tired of playing surv and switched to killer.

    Being hooked isnt of itself a failure. Now I made the post, I could care less about getting points for getting camped. But I have so many scenarios where I get an 8 emblem and no pip (especially during rank reset), someone would be getting camped and I would go for take a hit/borrowed time/ trade places and get hooked, then watch as the other survivors heal him, do the rest of the gens and leave while im on my first hook lol.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You should also get more BP for being on a hook, as well as double pip if you get fully camped.
    And escape points since dying is sort of an escape (even tho it's not)
    Fair stuff.

    I think if they manage to Kobe that should automatically put them on death hook status. It's absolutely ridiculous that they have a chance at getting away, you have to chase their ass back down again, hook them again, and you still have to wait a minute and a half or whatever for them to finally die.

    Also, feck Unbreakable. I hate that perk too. The number of times where I've slugged 3, go after the last guy, only for a Kobe or Unbreakable to completely take that away from me is ridiculous.

    Why aren't Killers told they have Unbreakable like we're told they have DS? Oh wait, we're only told if ONE guy has DS and not all of them because reasons...

    lmao what

    I have over 600 hours on Dead By Daylight, most likely a slight majority of that going towards survivor. Do you want to know how many times I've kobe'd in all the times I've tried? under 6. I have kobe'd less than 6 times. (I say less than six because I can't remember if it's 4 or 5.) Already the chances are so low, and having there be such a large penalty for something that's supposed to be a last resort one final chance thing is ridiculous.

    If you can't chase and down someone who's injured (1 hit to down again) after a kobe or unbreakable that probably means that you don't really deserve the kills.

    Killers aren't told because there's no reason to be told. Both can be countered pretty easily, especially if DS is nerfed. And you're not even told if one of them has DS, you're told if they're the obsession. Killers and survivors have perks, hell there are even some addons that inflict obsession status upon a survivor without said survivor having DS.

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  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Tombstone218 said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You should also get more BP for being on a hook, as well as double pip if you get fully camped.
    And escape points since dying is sort of an escape (even tho it's not)
    Fair stuff.

    I think if they manage to Kobe that should automatically put them on death hook status. It's absolutely ridiculous that they have a chance at getting away, you have to chase their ass back down again, hook them again, and you still have to wait a minute and a half or whatever for them to finally die.

    Also, feck Unbreakable. I hate that perk too. The number of times where I've slugged 3, go after the last guy, only for a Kobe or Unbreakable to completely take that away from me is ridiculous.

    Why aren't Killers told they have Unbreakable like we're told they have DS? Oh wait, we're only told if ONE guy has DS and not all of them because reasons...

    lmao what

    I have over 600 hours on Dead By Daylight, most likely a slight majority of that going towards survivor. Do you want to know how many times I've kobe'd in all the times I've tried? under 6. I have kobe'd less than 6 times. (I say less than six because I can't remember if it's 4 or 5.) Already the chances are so low, and having there be such a large penalty for something that's supposed to be a last resort one final chance thing is ridiculous.

    If you can't chase and down someone who's injured (1 hit to down again) after a kobe or unbreakable that probably means that you don't really deserve the kills.

    Killers aren't told because there's no reason to be told. Both can be countered pretty easily, especially if DS is nerfed. And you're not even told if one of them has DS, you're told if they're the obsession. Killers and survivors have perks, hell there are even some addons that inflict obsession status upon a survivor without said survivor having DS.

    I have 800 hours. Know your role and shut your hole.

    Whenever someone pulls that "I have two thousand hours in DbD!" You immediately lost all legitimacy. You can say you have ten thousand hours, two hundred hours, two hours, whatever! It doesn't matter if you're wrong. You god damn buttmunch.

    So every proud killer main in this thread needs to shut their hole right?

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Tombstone218 said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You should also get more BP for being on a hook, as well as double pip if you get fully camped.
    And escape points since dying is sort of an escape (even tho it's not)
    Fair stuff.

    I think if they manage to Kobe that should automatically put them on death hook status. It's absolutely ridiculous that they have a chance at getting away, you have to chase their ass back down again, hook them again, and you still have to wait a minute and a half or whatever for them to finally die.

    Also, feck Unbreakable. I hate that perk too. The number of times where I've slugged 3, go after the last guy, only for a Kobe or Unbreakable to completely take that away from me is ridiculous.

    Why aren't Killers told they have Unbreakable like we're told they have DS? Oh wait, we're only told if ONE guy has DS and not all of them because reasons...

    lmao what

    I have over 600 hours on Dead By Daylight, most likely a slight majority of that going towards survivor. Do you want to know how many times I've kobe'd in all the times I've tried? under 6. I have kobe'd less than 6 times. (I say less than six because I can't remember if it's 4 or 5.) Already the chances are so low, and having there be such a large penalty for something that's supposed to be a last resort one final chance thing is ridiculous.

    If you can't chase and down someone who's injured (1 hit to down again) after a kobe or unbreakable that probably means that you don't really deserve the kills.

    Killers aren't told because there's no reason to be told. Both can be countered pretty easily, especially if DS is nerfed. And you're not even told if one of them has DS, you're told if they're the obsession. Killers and survivors have perks, hell there are even some addons that inflict obsession status upon a survivor without said survivor having DS.

    I have 800 hours. Know your role and shut your hole.

    Whenever someone pulls that "I have two thousand hours in DbD!" You immediately lost all legitimacy. You can say you have ten thousand hours, two hundred hours, two hours, whatever! It doesn't matter if you're wrong. You god damn buttmunch.

    Cool yourself, I'm just showing that I have enough hours to know what I'm talking about. Get rid of your false sense of superiority and process what you say before you say it.

  • This content has been removed.
    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Tombstone218 said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Tombstone218 said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @Runiver said:
    You should also get more BP for being on a hook, as well as double pip if you get fully camped.
    And escape points since dying is sort of an escape (even tho it's not)
    Fair stuff.

    I think if they manage to Kobe that should automatically put them on death hook status. It's absolutely ridiculous that they have a chance at getting away, you have to chase their ass back down again, hook them again, and you still have to wait a minute and a half or whatever for them to finally die.

    Also, feck Unbreakable. I hate that perk too. The number of times where I've slugged 3, go after the last guy, only for a Kobe or Unbreakable to completely take that away from me is ridiculous.

    Why aren't Killers told they have Unbreakable like we're told they have DS? Oh wait, we're only told if ONE guy has DS and not all of them because reasons...

    lmao what

    I have over 600 hours on Dead By Daylight, most likely a slight majority of that going towards survivor. Do you want to know how many times I've kobe'd in all the times I've tried? under 6. I have kobe'd less than 6 times. (I say less than six because I can't remember if it's 4 or 5.) Already the chances are so low, and having there be such a large penalty for something that's supposed to be a last resort one final chance thing is ridiculous.

    If you can't chase and down someone who's injured (1 hit to down again) after a kobe or unbreakable that probably means that you don't really deserve the kills.

    Killers aren't told because there's no reason to be told. Both can be countered pretty easily, especially if DS is nerfed. And you're not even told if one of them has DS, you're told if they're the obsession. Killers and survivors have perks, hell there are even some addons that inflict obsession status upon a survivor without said survivor having DS.

    I have 800 hours. Know your role and shut your hole.

    Whenever someone pulls that "I have two thousand hours in DbD!" You immediately lost all legitimacy. You can say you have ten thousand hours, two hundred hours, two hours, whatever! It doesn't matter if you're wrong. You god damn buttmunch.

    Cool yourself, I'm just showing that I have enough hours to know what I'm talking about. Get rid of your false sense of superiority and process what you say before you say it.

    And no one gives a [BAD WORD] about how many hours you have or your e-peen points.

    did you literally not read what i responded with you illiterate #########, i don't care if you grease my dick up with the admiration of my hours, i'm literally only saying that so that you can actually consider what i say instead of dismissing me as another rank 20 survivor main who needs to git gud or some bullshit like that

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tombstone218 said:

    did you literally not read what i responded with you illiterate [BAD WORD], i don't care if you grease my dick up with the admiration of my hours, i'm literally only saying that so that you can actually consider what i say instead of dismissing me as another rank 20 survivor main who needs to git gud or some bullshit like that

    He doesn't care, you could be the worlds number 1 killer and master of all saying the same thing it won't matter. He'll resort to insults and petty crybaby tactics if you disagree with him. If you confront him with facts then he resorts to even more insults and tempter tantrums like a 2 year old stomping their feet in a corner.

    He's probably never once actually put forth any constructive ideas on how to solve anything and when challenged on this it's insults galore.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @powerbats said:

    @Tombstone218 said:

    did you literally not read what i responded with you illiterate [BAD WORD], i don't care if you grease my dick up with the admiration of my hours, i'm literally only saying that so that you can actually consider what i say instead of dismissing me as another rank 20 survivor main who needs to git gud or some bullshit like that

    He doesn't care, you could be the worlds number 1 killer and master of all saying the same thing it won't matter. He'll resort to insults and petty crybaby tactics if you disagree with him. If you confront him with facts then he resorts to even more insults and tempter tantrums like a 2 year old stomping their feet in a corner.

    He's probably never once actually put forth any constructive ideas on how to solve anything and when challenged on this it's insults galore.

    Sounds about right. That's all he's done so far.