Play with your food change

Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
This is just an experimental little change I've been thinking of.

You would still have to gain stacks by losing your obsession for total of three stacks working how it normally does.
However after every offensive action you do puts one of your stacks on a 40 second cooldown instead of being completely removed.

Once your obsession is killed the cooldown is doubled to 80 seconds.

If this is a little too powerful you could make it so you can't have two stacks cooling down at the same time so for two offensive actions you will lose two stacks but only after the cool down for your first stack has finished will the cooldown for the second stack will begin meaning it will take you a total of 80 seconds to get both stacks back.


  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    it needs a rework... something that doesn't promote leaving a chase and something that doesn't have too much of a cooldown ta kick in.