Keys are extremely unfair

Just had a game where everyone was on death hook, I'd been sweating heard vs a quad Dead Hard, BT, DS, Adren swf. Well, there was 1 gen left (was playing Wraith btw) and 3 injured. Well, what happened? Skeleton key. I could've at least gotten 1 more kill but they key immediately let them escape and I only got safety pip. I know rank and pips aren't important but I felt robbed despite playing that game so damn well. It was hard, and I got that as a reward. A free ez win with no chance of loss for the survs.
I don't disagree but then again... moris, prayer beads, omegablink, etc.
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I would be fine with keys if it only allowed the person who used the key to escape 4 man escapes cause of 1 key is annoying
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I camp and hard tunnel anyone with a key.
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Yep, same here. I saw the key and knew I needed to tunnel but he came across hatch. It came from a chest apparently.
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yep, they are.
especially on SWF.
honestly, imo they would be in a better place, if:
purple keys would onlly allow the key user to escape
the survivor using the key could be grabed out of the hatch
(add a longer animation? so its actually a little bit risky to use one and you cant just jump into the hatch in front of the killer mid chase?)
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I always run Franklin’s when I see a key, makes my life a lot easier, works against insta-heals too. ;)
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Franklin's doesn't work at all against keys. Just pick up the key again. Just did it yesterday, no problem at all. Free escape.
Keys absolutely need to get changed.
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It isn’t always that easy, keys are hard to see on the floor, it doesn’t do much on an indoor map but on outdoor maps you might lose your team the game by looking for it.
Keys are honestly fine imo (I think moris, prayer beads and iri heads are fine too before anyone mentions them).
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Today I had 2 or 3 consecutive matches that I got 3 kills and the last person just found the key (from a dead person) and jumped to the hatch, which I closed after the kills. Totally unfair because I was patrolling the exit gates, so... Lol very fair
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close hatch is totally unfair
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I am a surv main I think keys are BS. They are just an easy win especially with swf ,but killers also can counter with Franklin's or just bring a mori
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I had my first unpleasant surprise from a key user last night, myself. SWF, corn map, you get the idea. Lots of running back and forth, trying to be everywhere at once. Thankfully I was playing Freddy and teleported around like a boss, but it still got pretty sweaty.
3 dead and hatch stomped, feeling pretty good. Go to chase the last Meg standing, then I guess she pops the hatch right back open. Oof. Didn't even know they could do that.
Still a 3k out of a tough game, so not all bad, but what a nasty little twist. I'll be taking keys seriously from now on.
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No need to call people out because of their opinions. :(
Keys are pretty OP, but they are other things that need to be looked at too.
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I agree. There is a good amount of things that need looking at.
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OP Killer Add-ons (looking at Prayer Beads, omegablink, iridescent hatchets, etc)
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You arnt wrong man. Also the fact that half the Killer roster is in a bad spot.
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I can't see the problem. Playing demogorgon, I always set up a portal next to a gate and sit at the other and wait for the survivor to show up thanks to the killer instinct effect.
Things like Gen grab spirit , omega blink nurse, moris, BBQ, and gate portal demo exist. Honestly deserve to get a key escape when those exist.
Tbh the key complaints are somewhat eh. I see better complaints on insta heals. I agree it could use an animation, but people... if you're holding a key in your hands how long does it take you to unlock something? Animation or not wouldn't make a difference in speed tbh.
The "One person escapes with a key" idea feels a bit redundant. And I doubt something like that sounds appealing to the devs, when they just reworked Left Behind to be for that very purpose... hatch escapes.
And you can grab survivors entering hatch. It's been done.
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I have issues with most of this stuff as well. The arms race has gotten out of hand, we need an armistice of some kind.
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Since EGC survivors are utilizing keys way more than they used to.
I think many of them have stockpiles from before EGC where keys were not brought out nearly as often.
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You can't grab from hatch anymore.
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I dont mind keys. There are a lot of crazy stuff for survivors/killers and if we just start nerfing everything that sticks out the game will become dull.
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A very large number of mechanics in this game are designed to turn the tables and completely cock-block your opponant from succeeding. Keys is just another one of these things.
So... welcome to Dead by Daylight.
If these type of things upset you, this might not be the right game for you.
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Devs need to get rid of all the unfair crap in this game, or create a separate mode for ranked play.
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Yes ranked in dead by daylight so the bozos with an ego can flaunt in your face that they are a master killer/survivor and provides an accurate representation of how much they are better than you
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Iri hatchets isn't OP, it's only OP when you have 3. Having 1 hatchet is so bad.
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You cannot grab survivors.
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Keys are quite powerful.
Ebony Mori
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Everyone says this. This helps nothing.
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That's because it's practically the same thing.
Survivors use key to escape earlier
Killers use moris to kill off survivors earlier
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O,o Franklins demise is my solution. To keys. Better if they forget we’re u hit them first.
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and both are stupid, but in the game for now. Moris arnt going anywhere, cause they have animations with each Killer. They aren't tossing all that work.
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I find it funny when I play survivor and use a broken key with ability to track other survivors. Many killers work so hard to kill me only to let 3 to 4 escape.
I see a key, I might use Franklin's or I move to a gen protector build. It never helps to get tunnel vision.
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If keys are unfair to you, bring franklins. /topic
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This is not even an answer. No one should be forced too play a certain way just because of an unfair mechanic in the game. The devs simply need too add hatch grabs back, and keys won't be so overwhelming. Anytime I see a survivor with a key I always tunnel them so I don't have too worry about someone escaping for free when they did nothing (happens a lot).
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I agree 100%. Keys are complete bs now because it's a literal free escape with no consequences. There really shouldn't have been a reason too remove hatch grabs, and adding it back in would fix keys.
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OP said the key was found in a chest, so cant really equip Franklins in anticipation for finding the key.
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True, that can be annoying.
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I love the killers crying because they couldn't 4K due to a key. Y'all know the game is balanced around a 2K average, right? Hatch is bullshit now without a key anyway. In a game with 2 survivors dead high rank killers will slug the 3rd to look for the hatch so they can close it after hooking. At that point what the ######### else is the last survivor to do? Killers will just patrol the doors (which have a bad habit of spawning near each other) so what hope does the survivor have? There should always be a CHANCE. A lot of people would stop playing a game where smart killers remove all hope of escape because that's not ######### fun.
There have been a lot of ######### playing today on both sides, so my viewpoint at the moment may be tilted.
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Agreed, But a lot needs to be balanced
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You don't have to go looking for the Key as soon as you first realize you dropped it. You can do so once the Hatch has spawned.
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What if you’re the last survivor and the killer has whispers?
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If only I could camp and tunnel a killer with Ebony Mori....
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I think keys opening the hatch and ebony moris gotta go. I had a game a couple months ago, I'm chasing Jane, hit her, she finds the hatch during her burst of speed and escapes with her key. I close the hatch, turn, and a Claudette opened the damn thing again with her own key! So pissed!
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You literally cannot balance. Game of a 2k average. You know what happens when a killer does a 2k? WE DEPIP.
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Yep. I've depiped off 3ks...
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Well, that's a different story altogether.
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@CrowFoxy @UlvenDagoth I've pipped both in games where I've got 0 kills and in games where I've got 1 kill so how are you trying to imply that if a killer gets a 2k it's automatically a de pip?? Maybe you just played badly in the matches you de pipped for you to not even get a safety pip.
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Yes, keys are op, but Moris are also. An ebony basically makes every survivor dead on one hook. People could also argue hatch close is OP, but the counter is a key so they don’t really have a right to complain
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The only way all 4 escaped is if they finished every gen.
It is a legitimate item in the game. I feel robbed when I get immediately Mori’ed off first hook.
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It wasn't all 4. It was 3 and 1 gen was left. So yeah, it is extremely unfair. You are another person who quite literally harasses killers thinking they're actually stronger than survs lol