Want to imagine something hilarious?

Nurse: Decides to bring her Ultra Rare 3 blink add-on that disables blinking through walls.
Survivors: *Burns Hawkins or Lerys offering*
Man i'm so excited to see this actually happen one day xD
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It's like scratched mirror Myers on Coldwind :P
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Or the Nurse can simply burn an Autohaven-Offering. At least this is what I would do when using this Add-On.
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I think it will be a miracle to see a nurse after this massacre
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Most of her new addons are okay. I hope the decrease of the blink cd stacks.
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Which doesn't mean that the Autohaven offering would win if the survivors bring an offering themselves. 🤷
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Did I tell you the story from the one time I had to play scratched mirror Mikey on Gas Heaven?
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That match will give you actual depression lol. Probably the unluckiest thing that could happen to someone
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It's not a massacre. At least wait until the ptb has been out for days.
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No you didn't :O
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Short story: I got a 4k.
Long story: The survivors played incredibly un-smart and I managed to kill 2 before the gens were done. Got the other two with NOED.
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Or, get this, the PTB will allow the devs to adjust this add-on so that situations like this don't happen.
Imagine that, the PTB being used to test balance, what a crazy idea.