the nurse changes are really interesting, but spirit is better NOT be the next one being worked on

after these changes spirit will obviously now be the best killer in the game,
she has been untouched for nearly a year or so and only NOW people complain out of nowhere, she's been fine 7 months ago so now why do people complain?
because they simply lose, spirit is perfectly fine and with the right perks and plays you can survive against her, you could 7 months ago, you still can now.
I know the devs didn't say anything about spirit and nothing as been said about changing her, but still, do NOT change spirit after the nurse.
This. Spirit has so much counterplay but people refuse to counter her
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I would rather face a Nurse than a Spirit honestly.
And if the devs go through with these changes to Nurse, it's a safe bet that Spirit will be next on the chopping block.
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Meh... They'll probably rework some of her addons, with a slight itsy bitty super microscopic tweek to her base-kit 😉
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Don’t worry, if it’s not spirit it’s gonna be legion
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that would be wonderful!
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Yeah, I like to play legion, but they need to by more competitive
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Shes safe for now..... if you look in to a Q&A horvath mentions Doc and Myers after stating that they wanna give nurse the overhaul.... itll be good touching on either doc or Myers tbh.... both need help... with what the team knows and is capable of I bet they could do some really good shiet with Doc now...
Freddy lives now let's see Doc breathe and exhale RED.
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It's funny because the only people who say she has a lot of counterplay main spirit.
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We just gonna see some really slight changes, nothing big, only a few tiny tweaks.
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I think doc is next, then the chainsaw killers add ons (I think), Spirit isn’t getting changed any time soon.
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If ppl cry enough because they only want to go against f tier killers and streamers like angrypug DC everytime they see her promoting that behavior , then it is probably coming.
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good good :) she doesn't need any changes
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can we help Legion and the other low tiers? Please?
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Op, never mind. I saw your user name after I posted. You've seen it.
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I would like to see Doc illusions follow or Lunge at the survivors, give them the paranoia of if it's the Killer or not.
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Doc is getting next rework.
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because we know what works, simple as that, we know what to do to counter ourselves
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I would like to see him get an addon that's like the fake pallets but push it further.... gens that haven't been worked on appear completed and vice versa!
That's to start anyways..
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I always thought that! I've never been fooled or seen anyone fooled by the illusions, there should be a lot just walking around at tier 3
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The people who play her know more about how to beat her than the people who instantly DC without trying? Weird.
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Actually, she has the less counters than other killers.
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Tbf, it isn’t easy learning how to counter her. It took me forever and now I don’t even need Iron Will to do it (although I still use Iron Will).
I didn’t dc but it sure took me awhile to learn how to counter her.
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the only thing I want to change about spirit is disabling her collisions when phasing to avoid the "bumper car" effect (aka slapping your face into her while she vaccums across the map and getting your head sliced in two like a coconut).
Other than that she is fine (not even gonna bring up prayer beads since they are already the hot subject)
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Pretty sure Spirit will be next on the chopping block.
"Just as planned."
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I think Spirit needs a small nerf but I'm not sure on what. I think the endgame goal for the game is to do the impossible task and try to make every killer equal. But let's face it, it's impossible to do something like that.
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I feel as if she's fine -shrugs-
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I mean there are spirit mains who are really good at the game who do say there is little to no counterplay at all so.
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Yeah, she is. Survivors always complain about optimal killers. Now that they know the devs will butcher one of the top three, they'll feel empowered to up the complaining about her.
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Personally I would rather go against a NURSE than a EZ-Mode Spirit.
I say this with a few reasons.
Spirit can't be blinded (very difficult due to her animation)
No vault animation
Silently able to move.
I do realize she is able to be beat, any killers are. But it is just a very very strong killer without a lot of play.
When I first started I played all killers and immediately stopped playing Nurse because she was really hard to learn. Had I kept playing I am sure I would have picked her but but I digress.
I bought the Spirit and got to rank 11 with her without even trying really. For me it was hit someone, spirit walk to them, down them. Rinse Repeat.
If I ever got stuck by a pallet I just walked around it and hit them again. Her movement I think is a bit too fast, and her CD on her power is a bit too low.
I spent a lot of hours playing killer and way more playing surv. I will say that I had a very very easy time killing people who were way better than me as Spirit, and only as spirit (because I suck at Billy and Nurse)
I do think she needs some changes, and I do think she will get the same treatment with a CD to her power, and less of it.
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can we buff lower Tier Killers at least?
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One thing that I want to change with spirit the most is that her ability to track in her phasing. Even when not injured, a spirit that have good headset will be able to track you down extremely well, the time phase for a survivor to juke a spirit is much hard compare to nurse, since for nurse , a LOS juke is much less harder to pull off than a spirit scratch mark/ window juke, maybe remove her ability to listen to survivor grunts of pain and breathing, and add it back to the prayer bead addon
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it is almost as if the people who play both killer and survivor know what makes both sides tick, making them better players on both sides because they understand the roles and what works and what doesn't work. playing spirit to know what works against you and what doesn't then changing how you play based on that knowledge. funny I bet you a lot of people who complain about spirit don't play her
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A lot of killer mains have attested that they can't get to Rank 1 using any other killer but when they use SPirit they can easily get to Rank 1.
Spirit really is EZ Mode. It's not to say you can be braindead and win with her, it still takes skill, but she is by far the easiest killer to get good results with a low skill floor.
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I'm not gonna bother checking if someone already said this, but Legion, Doctor, Pig, Myers, Hillbilly, and Leatherface were all mentioned by the Devs as their next most likely intended targets for add-on adjustments after Nurse.
Of course this doesn't mean they won't adjust spirit in some way between now and then, but it's simply unlikely considering their stated views.
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She really is easy mode. I played as spirit for like 10 matches in a row at red ranks recently, only one person escaped. Totally balanced btw.
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You can deny it all you want but her addons do really need some adjusting and prayer beads needs to be reworked entirely.
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You can bet she will. Spirit is probably the number 1 reason why survivors dc. If Nurse got that much nerfed without even people asking for that you can be sure spirit is next. The question is just when. I think the devs milk her with cosmetics as much as they can and then drop a nerf or rework.
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What addons make her op? Other than PB, what makes her OP exactly?
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If people complains about Spirit, it would be nerfed.
They need to please streamers, because they influence people, and what they say its the "Truth"
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The purple ones especially make her too powerful in my opinion. Like one addon improves 3 things about her power with no downsides. I'm not saying they should make them useless or anything. Just tone them down a bit.
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Amulet + wakizashi is all i can really think of tbh
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Lol she’s being reworked right now
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It is toned down to just moderate. If that addon said "considerably" on all 3 things, then you'd have an argument for it being OP. Plus that addon isn't even that great. That's her only good purple, the cherry blossom and the sheath are mediocre.
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She's most definitely the one that's complained about most, but even if she was nerfed it's then be Billy, Then Freddy and so on..
The Top Killers are always going to be complained about and asked to be nerfed until there's a direct counterplay to every killer, which in my opinion is a horrible way to balance a 4v1 game.
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I personally wanna see Billy nerfed more than spirit but I can why they want her nerfed.
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Don't you love a good post that warns the devs? That's the way to do it!
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Can you show me in a KYF this counter? No Iron Will, you don't need it.
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I’m on PS4 Scott
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