What are your top 3 priorities/improvements/fixes for dbd?

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
Share your top 3 things which you think need improvement urgently more than anything else. It triggers me when I see angry tweets saying "omg they fixed that but didn't do this". The dbd community should have a clear view of where the game can improve and where it's doing pretty good...so far.


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Orion The amount of times I've seen people getting mad at the fact killers need buffs is actually astounding. I think there is quite a fair chunk of the playerbase who just want to have an excuse for not being able to win. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AshleyWB said:
    @Orion The amount of times I've seen people getting mad at the fact killers need buffs is actually astounding. I think there is quite a fair chunk of the playerbase who just want to have an excuse for not being able to win. 

    "Winning" is not the issue, balance is. I can kill just fine, but when one Survivor (25% of the Killer's objective) can loop the Killer long enough for the Survivors to complete 3 generators (60% of the Survivors' objective), there's a big balance issue.
    The "depip squad" proved that Killers cannot succeed if Survivors play as efficiently as possible and don't make mistakes. When one side can't win unless the other makes mistakes, we call the former "underpowered" and the latter "overpowered". This being an asymmetrical game, the roles are reversed.
    Killers only "win" when Survivors play recklessly due to the amount of safety nets they have. I pointed this out way back in the Steam forum. I said that Survivors were dying not due to a lack of safety nets, but due to an overabundance of them.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Reworks/Buffs for most killers until every killer is as balanced as Billy.
    Collision Boxes for survivors and killers need to be the same size. (this would instantly solve looping)
    Overall brightness of the game. There are some maps which are pitchblack, then comes a flashlight and my eyes hurt.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Orion I couldn't agree more. Base killer need buffs. And maybe a new mechanic where they can sense survivors. An idea inspired by dishonored (completely lifted) is a heart killers can pull out which beats heavily whenever nearby to a survivor.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @AshleyWB said:
    @Orion I couldn't agree more. Base killer need buffs. And maybe a new mechanic where they can sense survivors. An idea inspired by dishonored (completely lifted) is a heart killers can pull out which beats heavily whenever nearby to a survivor.

    That's just Whispers, or the Terror Radius in reverse. The problem isn't finding Survivors; the problem is actually catching them. It's no coincidence that the most played Killers at high ranks can either get Survivors down in one hit, or can catch up to them very quickly. Chases are simply too long to waste any time on them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @Siggerad said:
    1. Hide and seek mechanics.
    2. Remove aura reading of the game; killers have generator aura, scratches, crows, alerts,etc; survivors reading auras remove the sense of danger of the game.
    3. Try to appeal more to other kind of players if you only appeal to toxic players this game never gonna be more than a niche game.

    Scratches, crows, and alerts are not auras. Furthermore, without stillness crows, Survivors could hold the game hostage indefinitely by staying in the same area or in a locker.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    nerf nurses auto aim for blinking it's stupidly op once mastered. get rid of decisive strike and remove the ability to SWF in ranked lobbies.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited July 2018

    @ChraizE said:
    nerf nurses auto aim for blinking it's stupidly op once mastered. get rid of decisive strike and remove the ability to SWF in ranked lobbies.

    There is no more aim assist for Killers, thankfully. What you're seeing is likely some form of lag compensation or the Nurse is just good.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @RemoveSWF said:
    1. Remove SWF.

    1. Remove looping.

    2. One blink Nurse.

    ONE blink? Are you high?

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    1-) Map designs are just terrible and they need to be changed. Windows and pallets should be there for a survivor to create an opportunity to hide from the killer, not a way to get to another one, then another one, and then another one. By improving map designs, hide and seek part of the game should be improved.

    2-)The hillbilly can cross the map quickly, put pressure on people easily, and if a survivor makes a mistake, he can easily punish him. These features should be other killers' features too. Survivors need to be afraid of the killer. In this current state, survivors are not afraid of the killers except for nurse and hillbilly. Even billy has hard time sometimes. Nurse needs a nerf because she takes survivors only weapon from them.

    3-)Games are too quick to even enjoy them. If you don't use ruin or the ruin gets destroyed in 30 seconds, against a competent team, you will lose all the 5 generators in the match under 5 minutes.

    Overall, map designs, killers' power, and match duration should be improved. These are my and almost everybody's top 3 priorities.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018
    1.) Update current maps to make them more bigger while keeping a consistent pallet number. (Every map will have 20 pallets, it won't be randomized on how many pallets you'll get)

    Reasoning: Bigger maps allows for stealth play for survivors. Additionally can make finding generators, pallets, vaults, totems, chest, lockers, traps, and etc more challenging to find (since the map is bigger, everything will be spaced more apart) which can buy killers more time to sacrifice survivors.

    2.) Make killers strike the fear of God into survivors instead of being a laughing stock AKA buff killers or nerf survivors.

    Reasoning: Do I need to explain why lol?

    3.) Better hook mechanics in general such as replacing the struggle button with skill checks and make the "Attempt Escape" action more consistent during the summoning phase.

    Reasoning: I made a post about this but it's really lengthy and no one didn't comment on it. Here's the link if you have 10 minutes to read it all, https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/5584/hook-phases-more-long#latest
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    1) buff killers! at red ranks I shouldn’t only be going up against 2 killers!

    2) some maps need fixing. Thompson house has that dumb exploit! And the fact that sheltered woods has over 20 pallets. Bloodlodge still isn’t completely fixed and I still see double pallets on maps.

    3) I’d say nerf meta perks (still waiting on DS and self-care)
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Nickenzie said:
    1.) Update current maps to make them more bigger while keeping a consistent pallet number. (Every map will have 20 pallets, it won't be randomized on how many pallets you'll get)

    Reasoning: Bigger maps allows for stealth play for survivors. Additionally can make finding generators, pallets, vaults, totems, chest, lockers, traps, and etc more challenging to find (since the map is bigger, everything will be spaced more apart) which can buy killers more time to sacrifice survivors.

    2.) Make killers strike the fear of God into survivors instead of being a laughing stock AKA buff killers or nerf survivors.

    Reasoning: Do I need to explain why lol?

    3.) Better hook mechanics in general such as replacing the struggle button with skill checks and make the "Attempt Escape" action more consistent during the summoning phase.

    Reasoning: I made a post about this but it's really lengthy and no one didn't comment on it. Here's the link if you have 10 minutes to read it all, https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/5584/hook-phases-more-long#latest

    First change is terrible to be honest. One of the most problematic aspects of the game is that killers can't cross the map quickly. This is why nurse and hillbilly is kind of meta as well even though it is not the number 1 reason that people prefer them.

    Bigger maps won't make traps more dangerous. In which maps is the hag more dangerous? The game. Bigger maps will kill hag and trapper for sure. Hag won't be able to teleport to her traps, trapper will have to walk around the map god knows how many times to pick up his traps and place them.

    Finding generators is the easiest part of the game. It won't make a difference I believe.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Tighten the 'play area' up. So gens are more squashed together rather than being split evenly across the map. More frequent trifecta's of gens (final 3 close to eachother) it sometimes already happens through rng but positioning of gens is important to control the gens.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @RemoveSWF said:

    @Orion said:

    @RemoveSWF said:
    1. Remove SWF.

    1. Remove looping.

    2. One blink Nurse.

    ONE blink? Are you high?

    Nurse main just wants to play as an OP killer. Can't handle one blink? You have no skill.

    Good Nurses will adapt, scrubs will go back to playing Huntress, the second most OP killer.

    Who said I'm a Nurse main? You'd do well not to assume things.

    1 blink is not enough. It hampers map presence and makes chases extremely easy for Survivors. The point of the second blink is so the drawback of her ability (Fatigue "stun") not outweigh its usefulness (movement and bypassing solid matter).

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2018
    Delfador said:

    First change is terrible to be honest. One of the most problematic aspects of the game is that killers can't cross the map quickly. This is why nurse and hillbilly is kind of meta as well even though it is not the number 1 reason that people prefer them.

    You have a point but it can go both ways as killers will be slow to cross the map and survivors will struggle to find generators or pallets. Additionally, it helps out with the pallet loop issue since you can't easily go to one loop then go to another one.
    Delfador said:

    Bigger maps won't make traps more dangerous. In which maps is the hag more dangerous? The game. Bigger maps will kill hag and trapper for sure. Hag won't be able to teleport to her traps, trapper will have to walk around the map god knows how many times to pick up his traps and place them.

    Traps will be harder to find instead of being easy to find in smaller maps since there are more places for the trap to be at. Additionally if the hag really struggles with teleporting, they can also always increased the teleport distance from the trap. They can test my idea on the PTB and see how it plays out from there, if something is OP then at least it's on the PTB, not the live build.
    Delfador said:

    Finding generators is the easiest part of the game. It won't make a difference I believe.

    Maybe they can remove the flashing lights above the generator or decrease the size of the light pole so survivors can see them from a far. Additionally it would be nice if the environment blocks some sides of a generator to force certain generators to take longer.
  • TangledHelix
    TangledHelix Member Posts: 89
    1. Dedicated servers. Or some way to deal with P2P hosting and how exploitable it can be via lagswitching etc.

    2. Make hiding and stealth more viable. If this means a nerf to aura perks on both sides so be it. More types of hiding spots beside lockers etc.

    3. Less pallets fix Windows. You could be feet away from the windows and still get hit. So to fix Windows I think less pallets would be okay.
  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605
    1. Press Quit
    2. Press Uninstall
    3. Press Yes
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited July 2018

    @AshleyWB said:
    Share your top 3 things which you think need improvement urgently more than anything else.

    1. Quality of Life adjustments to SWF that benefit killers such as hiding killer loadouts until all survivors have left the trial so loadout cannot be ghosted

    2. Rebalancing of older content although this is already in the works as shown by the last PTB.

    3. A complete overhaul or removal of the report system and clarification of the rules if it's kept. Punishment for those who abuse it such as repeatedly reporting for camping and removing the body blocking from list of reportable offences. Too many times I see a survivor BM a Hillbilly / Leatherface post game complaining they were body blocked into a corner and couldn't move as they are downed with a chainsaw and threaten the killer with reports because of it stating it's against the rules. Even with this being a minority the placebo effect of the current state of the report system empowers these people to keep waving around the report system like they have authority.

    For the most part though I think the devs are doing a good job as of lately so I'll trust their judgement in future updates. I just hope eventually they revisit these issues.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
    edited July 2018

    @Nickenzie said:
    1.) Update current maps to make them more bigger while keeping a consistent pallet number. (Every map will have 20 pallets, it won't be randomized on how many pallets you'll get)

    Reasoning: Bigger maps allows for stealth play for survivors. Additionally can make finding generators, pallets, vaults, totems, chest, lockers, traps, and etc more challenging to find (since the map is bigger, everything will be spaced more apart) which can buy killers more time to sacrifice survivors.

    Ehm no. One of the biggest issues playing killer is time management. If the maps get bigger it would be even harder to see, find and catch anybody than it already is. Current state of the maps is still bad because of too many looping and safe spots.

    Post edited by megdonalds on
  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370
    edited July 2018

    Change the nine lives that survs have now to less than 3. As in it takes less than three hooks on a single person to kill them. Even if this means killers get slower. The amount of second chances they get is really frustrating.

    Rework the maps/perks/killers to severely limit survs ability to loop while maintaining the same survivability/running/hiding ability. Wont happen since pallets are entrenched so deep it would take a total rework of the environment. With one person working on maps this is not going to happen.

    Give substandard killers, non-meta killers, the ability to deal with loopers if the above cannot be met.

    Give all killers a proper means to deal with people who use coms. The fact that devs are ignoring this facet of the game is really sad. What can they do about it? I dont know. How do you begin?

    Make playing killer actually a fun experience. The fact that it is not for a large percentage of players should tell the devs something about the state of their game.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Dedicated servers (no more loss in game because of rage quitters, also should fix lag switching, and bans)

    Pallet loop areas

    Frame Rate

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    1. Make the game scarier.

    Remove/heavily nerf most aura readings from the game (aside from hooked survivors). Darkness should be dangerous/scary for survivor so there should be a reason for doing and being near completed generators. (Fear meter that increases survivor noise if in the dark or looks at killer too long. Difficult to see red stain in darkness. Etc.) Fog and completed generators should be impairing to the killer. Remove instant saves from flashlights, instead make flashlights blind, slow, then root killers only if holding to direct light.

    2. Make the game more interactive.

    Implement alternative objectives that influence the game. I.e. Prying open the barn house entrances to gain access to a generator and a potential hiding/loop location. A lever that opens an escape route/bridge to another area. Multifaceted generators that require parts, minor puzzles, maybe even mechanical failures. Implement alterior hiding spots, like in a trash bin, under crevices/crawl spaces, underneath beds, inside cupboards, etc. Allow killers to interact with the environment by tipping over lockers to instadown survivors or block pathways, or tipping over trash cans on fire to create environmental hazards.

    3. Balance the game.

    Regularly take data and openly work to nerf overused perks/killers/strategies/gameplay styles and buff underused perks/killers/strategies/gameplay styles. 

    In all, take a few lessons on horror from other games to shake things up and create a less bland game. Over two years and it's obvious that the veteran player base is getting bored of tag.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    Wait wait. Real answer:

    #1: Let me see the store in a lobby.
    #2: Auto requeue if killer disconnects.

    If I'm gonna be dodged, I should be able to window shop while I'm waiting.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    They need to either implement a smooth reporting system or have dedicated servers. We need one if them pretty urgently but having both of these would be quite time consuming which would delay everything else they plan to do.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Wait wait. Real answer:

    #1: Let me see the store in a lobby.
    #2: Auto requeue if killer disconnects.

    If I'm gonna be dodged, I should be able to window shop while I'm waiting.
    Dodged in lobby for 15 minutes straight, keeps auto queing , notification pops up "hey are you still there?" #netflixandKILL
    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    I can't think of anything other than this: (maybe because the fact that killers aside from the two mentioned later are so weak) Buff basically all killers except for Nurse and maybe Hillbilly. All killers should be viable in their own ways, and not require specific circumstances or situations to suddenly become viable for a match. How they would be buffed I don't know.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    1.) Balance is number one. Nerf the survivor's biggest meta perks to a more reasonable level, adjust the maps (i.e. less looping spots, pallets more spread apart), address genrushing (i.e. possibly add other objectives for survivors to complete) and tweak some of the weaker killers.

    2.) Improved report system. The current one is completely unusable and does absolutely nothing.

    3.) A bigger penalty for disconnecting. There's no real punishment for it besides losing bloodpoints. Perhaps add a time penalty that builds every time they disconnect. For instance, the first time you DC, it's five minutes, then ten, then fifteen, and so forth until eventually you're banned until the next rank reset. This would punish people who DC without being too debilitating to someone who's internet might've cut out during a game.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Ehm no. One of the biggest issues playing killer is time management. If the maps get bigger it would be even harder to see, find and catch anybody than it already is. Current state of the maps is still bad because of too many looping and safe spots.

    Omg I'll tried explaining this so many times but no one doesn't look at this from two sides :angry: Bigger maps will make finding generators and pallets harder, I'll repeat myself again, BIGGER MAPS WILL MAKE FINDING PALLETS AND GENERATORS WAY MORE DIFFICULT!

    Current state of the maps is still bad because of too many looping and safe spots.

    Again if maps where bigger, survivors won't be able to find pallets very reliably during a chase thus leading to the killer getting a hit on the survivor. Hiding will now be more viable since finding pallets during a chase will be more difficult, which I prefer survivors who can stealth rather than loop pallets.

    If the maps get bigger it would be even harder to see, find and catch anybody than it already is.

    Isn't that what killers want, more hiding and less looping? Not including the Nurse, Billy, and Huntress... The moment that survivors start hiding like the killer is a GOD nurse is when I'll consider that the game is balanced. Additionally I'll call you out on saying "It would be even harder to seefind, and catch anybody than it already is." Because I never have a problem finding a survivor, sometimes I do get the occasional great stealth survivor but are you saying you can't find survivors? You cannot be serious with me lol. Oh, don't take anything to heart... I'm just upset that DbD players don't see the positives from adding bigger maps. It's like everyone focus on the negatives and yeah there are some in having big maps but they don't consider the positives :(

    Again thank you for the feedback!
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    Biggest issue this game has had for over two years is it’s balance is completely out of wack. Map design, SWF and totally unbalanced survivor perks giving them 9 lives are the biggest issues. There’s zero fear of a killer right now. 
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @RemoveSWF You’d figure someone as ruthlessly and blindly hateful of anything and everything Survivor-related as you would at least have enough synapses in their brain to realize how ridiculously difficult the Nurse is and why one singular blink would turn her from the Killer with the most potential to the least.

    Guess not. Then again, you do main Leatherface, and those people are about as mentally stable as the character they play, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Blueberry said:
    Biggest issue this game has had for over two years is it’s balance is completely out of wack. Map design, SWF and totally unbalanced survivor perks giving them 9 lives are the biggest issues. There’s zero fear of a killer right now. 

    And the big thing is that all the problems feed into each other like an Ouroboros.

    Survivors could play perkless at rank 1 and it would still be unbalanced, that’s how bad things are.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    What if there was some mechanic which stopped survivors working on gens straight away. Whether that's finding a part, fixing before repairing gen or whatever.
  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    @Visionmaker said:
    Wait wait. Real answer:

    1: Let me see the store in a lobby.

    2: Auto requeue if killer disconnects.

    If I'm gonna be dodged, I should be able to window shop while I'm waiting.

    totally agree,

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    I would give killers the ability to ban a map from the match (just one) so ex: LF wouldn't be put on laryes, I think it makes sense, I mean he's the host sooo (?)

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296
    1. Increase the time it takes do gens by 50 to 100%( gens without toolboxes atm can be done in 2:30 with epic toolboxes/addons but no brand new part 1:50 with great skill checks 2% of maximum which are easy to do you can get even lower) or introduce a second mechanic like needing fuel after its already repaired.

    2. Nerf or remove second chance perks, DS, unbreakable, exaustion perks.

    3. Add full map aura reading after 5 min when there is only 1 survivor left so your game cant be taken hostage for ages.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @AshleyWB said:
    Tighten the 'play area' up. So gens are more squashed together rather than being split evenly across the map. More frequent trifecta's of gens (final 3 close to eachother) it sometimes already happens through rng but positioning of gens is important to control the gens.

    I cant agree with this. A properly executed 3 gen strat can be extremely hard to counter for the survs if they were unfortunate to leave them that way. I want a game that is fair and not a roflstomp. I can handle the gens as they are now...or were a month ago when i stopped playing.

    But putting 3 gens in close proximity to one another will automatically make killers go for this strat. When i play doc this can be very effective but having this every game is simply unfair. But then again they use coms but that is another subject.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Envees not too close together but still pretty close where it is pretty easy to patrol. Just that i like larger maps and gens shouldn't be split evenly across the map.
  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    1) Buff ambush killers (pig, wraith and EW1 Myers) by forcing survivors into first person when repairing gens, searching chests, clensing totems and sabotaging hooks so they cant see the killer coming from a mile away.

    2) Nerf killer and survivor meta perks and buff the bad perks until there are multiple, viable ways to play and there is perk veriety in all games

    3) Rework all Hex perks and remmove totems
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @M2Fream said:
    1) Buff ambush killers (pig, wraith and EW1 Myers) by forcing survivors into first person when repairing gens, searching chests, clensing totems and sabotaging hooks so they cant see the killer coming from a mile away.

    2) Nerf killer and survivor meta perks and buff the bad perks until there are multiple, viable ways to play and there is perk veriety in all games

    3) Rework all Hex perks and remmove totems

    First advice is terrible tbh. There is a reason why Wraith does not completely vanish but become somewhat visible in his cloaked mod. If they wanted something like that they wouldn't give these features to the killers. They want survivors to be aware of the environment so they can avoid ambush killers. Also, pig or myers can easily grab people from generators. It is not going to happen.

  • skynight
    skynight Member Posts: 38
    1. New side objectives that could alter objectives, provide temporary buffs and ailments or create special trial conditions. Such examples could include: hatch to spawn in a predictable location or early (or late) for a short time, disable an exit door panel for a short time, make a generator explode when completed, respawn loot in the chests or trap the chests, revive a cleansed hex perk (albeit a weaker version), enhance status recovery and so on...

    2. Additional ways to foil the opposing side, such as environmental destruction and environmental hazards unique to each realm. Autohaven oil slicks, Swamp sinkholes, collapsing walls at MacMillans, electrocution at Lery's and so on.

    3. Crows (and other "woodland creatures") are more invasive and threatening to disturb; alternate ways to attract their ire. My impression of the lore is that the crows are an extension of the entity. You should want to avoid them at all costs. Even a killer could be deterred from disrupting them too often.