Fnaf Chapter (needs work please help)

Killer: The Rotten (Springtrap)
Power: Springlocks
The Rotten starts with 5 springlocks which can be placed onto generators, hooks, or dull totems. After being placed, they can’t be retrieved unless activated. When a survivor uses something affected by springlocks, the survivor will be trapped in the animation for 30 seconds (or until completion, whichever comes first) or else they will enter the injured state. During this time limit, multiple yellow skill checks will appear in random places on the screen. Failing will make the survivor stay stuck for another 5 seconds and injure them if not already with the effects from failing skill checks normally.
Mechanical Malice
Your knowledge of mechanics proves a dangerous tool.
At the start of a trial or after a Generator is completed, the next Generator you damage will have skill checks that are 5%/10%/20% more difficult for until completion
“No light can save you now.” - Nightmare Freddy
You’ve done this too many times before.
All of your attacks are guaranteed to apply a negative status effect on a hit survivor for 30/45/60 seconds.
“S A V E T H E M” - Unknown
Shock Factor
You know exactly when to strike to cause the most fear.
After damaging a survivor within the first 10 seconds of a chase, breathing will be 10%/25%/50% louder for 20/30/35 seconds.
“If I get jumpscared, YOU get jumpscared!” - Toy freddy
New survivor: Mike Schmidt
Light the path
You never let light go to waste.
While holding a damaged flashlight for 30/25/20 seconds, some charges will be reapplied to the flashlight. (please make a quote for this)
Calling out
You yell for help with a distinct tone, making yourself more recognizable.
Survivors can see your aura while being carried within 32/48/128 meters.
“Uh hello? Hello, hello?” - Phone guy
On watch
You have a knack for knowing who or what is nearby.
If within 8/12/24 meters, the killers aura is revealed to you for 3 seconds. On watch has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
(need another quote help)
New Map/Realm: Fazbear Entertainment
The map is composed of 3 sections. The Fnaf 1 map, the Fnaf 2 map, and the Fnaf 3 map. here is a thing for example
Provide feedback as this is my first concept.