Everyone talking about red ranks is full of crap

I’m fully convinced that 99% if the people who comment about what red ranks are like don’t actually play there. It’s extremely apparent now when the nurse nerfs are being discussed and the most popular comment is “only spirits in red ranks now”.
For all of you pretenders, here’s what red ranks are actually like. Contrary to the community memes, red ranks are full of good players. I know that hurts a lot of egos, but it’s reality. Everyone claims the games are full of bad manners and sweaty players. That’s just not the case. You run into the same people a lot and, for the most part, everyone is very pleasant and we have a lot of fun.
Good killer players play every killer at red ranks. I’m not saying the tiers of killer don’t exist, but anyone saying “X killer isn’t viable at red ranks” doesn’t actually play there. Good survivors aren’t running around clicking their flashlight and teabagging in every game. Anyone claiming they do doesn’t actually play at red ranks.
When survivors are playing friendly and not sweaty abuse you can use most any killer in red ranks. Because they are LETTING you do it.
If you face those sweat squads, and personally I do a lot more than I get chill games, you don't get to use any killer you want. I would love to use Freddy and Hag but they know exactly what to do and when to do it to make every chase as long as humanly possible and cranking all gens at the same time.
With Nurse I can actually influence the game and stand a chance IF I AM DOING WELL. I don't get rewarded for playing bad, only when I am accurately and consistently landing blinks do I create pressure. It is so hard to do that with any non S tier killer right now.