Mid-Chapter Ghostface Buff Be Like

- Updated certain Killer powers with the Undetectable status effect: The Shape in Tier I of Evil Within, The Pig while in crouch mode, The Wraith while Cloaked, The Ghost Face while in Night Shroud.
Goodbye being stalked by a party, Hello Object user giving me wallhacks on them 24/7
Even better, he got his OG robe from the Scream movies. It's been datamined. 😎
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This patch couldn't be that good
I mean it's awesome but that is toooooo good
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True midchapter buff:
I'm licensed now, nerds.
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It's real, he is actually getting the costume. YES, Y E S, Y E SSSSSSS!
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Serious?! Where did you see this? I need to be sure.
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Leaks by daylight on reddit. Micheal myers and laurie got outfits too
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I love Laurie's one. Very movie accurate;
It also looks like they changed her hair, and her face looks more like Jamie Lee Curtis.
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yes... finally wraith has some power vs OoO
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Can't stress enough how excited I am for this. The only thing preventing me from maining Ghostface was OoO.
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@Dwight_Fairfield Please let this be real bro. I'm actually bout to cry from excitement.
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I promise you this is 100% real.
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So when are we getting rid of the lean prompt and having it happens automatically if possible ? He's clunky as hell to play because if it.
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hopefully they make revealing him more consistent to compensate. the killers nearly dc worthy when u have a face off and cant reveal
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Dc'ing because Ghostface doesn't get revealed? You do know you can still loop him right, you just need to pay more attention to where he is.
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Wait wait hey don't be baiting me here is this true?? Pig got buff??! 🐷
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How did you mess up using one of the best songs that works for ghostface in this situation/topic LUL
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You fool! That's Michelangelo's theme
THIS is Ghostface's theme
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As a new player and someone who just started maining Ghostface and absolutely loving him, can someone explain to me what this means?
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Aura perks can't reveal him now when he is in his stealth mode.