Guys, BHVR did us proud.

I could go on and on about all the things they did, balance and just overall great changes. Really, I mean it.
Also Michael getting cosmetics?! Ghostface getting his original outfit?! Laurie Strode finally wearing something that makes her not look broke?! Wow. Also Stranger Things but I could care less.
Whoa, Laurie's highwaist pants slam don't sleep on her default outfit. I am happy for the new face tho.
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Where did someone say that our Hallobeasts are getting cosmetics and Ghostface?
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We still have maps like Haddon Field that make most killers want to stand in a corner because that would be more fun than running a house over and over
We still have toxic death squads
We still have games that last 3 minutes because gens are increasingly getting worse and worse as the stale mechanic ages poorly
We still have people who camp and tunnel
We still have huge issues left to solve and they nerf one of the only 3 killers capable of dealing with it?
I don't enjoy getting tbagged as Nurse on PTB because I'm artificially limited and they know they can drag the chases on for extremely long periods of time and rush gens on the other side of the map because I can't possibly travel it fast enough now.
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If they would give a guy fawkes mask to ghostface then I would not only buy it in a heartbeat but I may never play a better looking killer ever . Short of that cosmetics are nice but I care more about gameplay otherwise I would go on about how we get reject freddy instead of original .
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If it wasn't for the nurse changes going too far imo and the completely unnecessary medkit buffs I'd agree.
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Wheres the face? I must see her face *scrambles through the web*
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I think the insta heal rework and med kit add ons are eh okay, it only works to you healing others.
I agree, Nurse change was too much.
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What new face?
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Medkits got nerfed overall, don't know what you mean about it being buffed. Also nurse is not as bad as people say she is. She charges her additional blinks while in fatigue, so it's not that big of a deal imo.
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Unnecessary? They took out Insta Heals. I never get people healing without them anyway. This HELPS Killers if people feel the need to heal more.
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the nurse nerf is trash, the insta heals nerf is good I am conflicted about this update
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@Ihatelife The hair is longer and has more volume in the new outfit
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Those are not Ghostface's original robes but they are close.
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Can you please post the Michael cosmetic???
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There is like a lot of the cosmetics my dude... I don't really see any difference on her face
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The new skin for michael looks horrible. Its demogorgon chains tier of cosmetics
Soon we will have string chocker susie
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Better than what we've had.
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Couldn't agree more, so happy to see Laurie getting her sweater/skirt outfit from Halloween 1978, and I'm REALLY excited for the classic Ghostface robe 😀 I just wonder when they'll be released. The month of October seems very fitting.
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I wasn't referring to the insta heal nerf, I was talking about the regular medkit healing buffs. They already healed very well and the game didn't need faster ally healing.
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No, medkits did not get nerfed over all. The only things nerfed were the 2 insta heal addons. ALL of the medkits were buffed substantially.
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Its not a big deal if you use her two green add-ons since this allows your blinks to pretty much be ready once your fatigue is up. BUT without using those add-ons she simply cannot catch up to survivors unless in a tight space where they cannot run far away.
I'm also not a fan of the notion that Killer A is "fine" when using add-ons because this requires a constant BP investment on a RNG bloodweb to maintain. I know many people have already said this but, because the blinks can no longer be used as a reasonable means of traversal/catch-up her base speed needs to be 105% at minimum. Even then I still think the blinks got hit hard but at least you won't lose ground while waiting for the second blink timer with a base movement speed increase.
Another thing no one ever mentions is the fact that the Nurse change just took the 4 PS4 players who actually enjoyed Nurse and removed them from the game. This nerf hits console players very hard.
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I'm not sure why they didn't give Ghostface his OG outfit as at least an option if they could do it all along, but it does seem to more closely resemble the FunWorld robes you'd see in a halloween store, rather than the sparkly movie robes from Scream, so either they waited to put in the original robes, or they got the license, which I still think is less likely.
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What's wrong with you people? You realize in patch notes it still says:
"Known Issues:
Trapper is sometimes unable to pick up his traps."
This is among some of the most elementary things that are still wrong with the game. How low are your standards? I swear to God some of you have to be shills. It blows my mind otherwise.
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I did not notice that cause I don't play Trapper, I don't like not having any power.
Also, you need to relax buddy, go take a walk or something.
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I'm on klonopin almost all day. It's biologically impossible for me to not be relaxed.
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Oh I got you! Alright my bad, that would explain the rant.
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They have done everything except for balance the base objectives. Thats all we need. If they do that I would be happy. Finally I could rest and see the good in this game if they actually realized that the gens are boring and too quick.
So therefore I remain disappointed. After dedicated servers, I expect it be next.