I like the rift.

I complain about battle passes til its on a game I actually like. I was scared it wouldnt give the money back for finishing it. I really appreciate that It does and well played devs... this time.
The skins are pretty good although I hope the next ones are better. The nurse skin is the coolest. Wraith has some goodies as well. Maybe survivor skins are all I hope for improvements on?
And again: Well played devs... this time.
if each battlepass is like this one, that'll be perfect.
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I wished they could find a way to have general cosmetics. Like a jacket that fits all of a certain gender and such. The pass is better than I thought, but I don't really play more than one character. Which makes the pass kinda pointless to me.
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I love it! I really want to get that vile of Blight. Idk I find that charm pretty cool. Reminds me of the blood viles from cod zombies :)
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I’d just like it if there were less charms and more clothing or offerings or something, I don’t mind it much though Maybe even if they added a new perk to the free pass so everyone could get it, but it’d still be earned by effort.
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They will do the other characters after. They do free characters first usually. I mean if you look at the first hollowed blight, most of the skins were for free characters (or atleast for the special edition it is free) now all the skins minus jake are the killers that cost. I am sure they will get better and If you play killer (which you totally should) then you would get use from most of the cosmetics as you play killers for their different abilities.
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@WickedMilk03 I play Laurie, Leatherface, and Myers. I won't hold my breath.
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Well I am sure you have seen the new Michael myers chest apparel and weapon skins?
Also new Laurie skin...
Now that stuff may not come to rift but the devs are trying to satisfy all players. (except for me because all I want is a balanced game)
Also... you play leatherface??? do you have fun mate XD
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In all honesty yea its actually really cool, lets hope they can keep that up
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@WickedMilk03 I saw the leaks. What I meant by that was that most likely the rift will only include the og characters and rarely at times the license. It just doesn't make sense for someone like me.
When I'm on a roll as LF it's amazing,but when it's bad, it's BAD. I tend to notice that I either snowball and 4k or get the pity 1k.
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@Sairek That would upset the BP economy silly!
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dont forget, the free track will have the Putrid Serum for the event as well
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*cries in Legion main*
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That was very insightful and well thought out. /s
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I'm glad you think so.