Call Me Crazy

Nerf Keys or the Hatch.After the EGC,keys were indirectly buffed.With the collapse,hatch grabs are no longer possible.Now there’s nothing more frustrating than chasing an injured survivor who happens to run over the hatch,only for them to use their key and jump away with the killer only able to smack them for 300 points.
You are crazy.
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and your post is interesting.
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It’s the truth.
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Keys are not an issue. They might be annoying when they happen, but they aren't a problem.
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There’s not a whole lot of counter play sans Franklins.
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Sooooo certain keys can't unlock things? One of their MAIN functions?
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I’m not saying to rework or change keys completely I’m saying either give them a delay/animation or bring back hatch interrupts
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Right, now that Killer's got instaheals out of the way, it's time to move on to the next thing and make keys useless.
Of course things like Ebony Mori, NOED etc. that require no skill are fine and can stay without any adjustments.
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Not a killer main for anyone wondering I play both sides about equally.Im also for needing ebonies there’s just enough threads about that already.
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If they're able to use a key, that means enough survivors have died or enough gens have been completed to allow hatch to spawn. Does it suck to lose survivor(s) over the hatch opening? Absolutely. But there are conditions to meet for it first, and you can always bring Franklin's or try and tunnel them to death if you really hate keys.
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I'm pretty sure that hatch interrupts are still a thing. You're probably not doing it right. But if i'm wrong I'll take the L
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Hatch grabs have been removed. Killer just hits you when you jump through / key
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Stop please! Devs are on the GAME'S Side. Not Killer or Survivor! Things take time to fix, if they will get fixed! Trust me! I played in 2016-2017! Just breathe!
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Oh ok that actually kinda sucks. But I'm ok with keys.
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Which is my issue.That is all
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It's just really questionable to me how something gamebreaking like the ebony mori are still in the game after the recent Survivor nerfs. Would have been great to nerf it together with instas. I really hope it's going to be looked at next, together with keys.
Kinda off topic but wanted you to know, it's not that i want my main role to be stronger than the other. I prefer them to get rid of/adjust the unfun stuff in the game for balance.
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Same! I love a back and forth battle!
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Im kinda on the fence with keys but lets be honest blood amber is busted though.