Help! I Can't Escape!

I've been playing for a while now. Sometimes I'd escape and sometimes I wouldn't. But for several weeks now (or is it months?) I rarely, if ever, escape.
Even if the lobby has all-green rank survivors, we often end up all getting killed. The killer could even be in yellow ranks, such as rank 18. Doesn't matter who the killer is either: clown, trapper, whatever.
I'm usually around green ranks (say rank 10) as survivor. I prefer a stealthy approach and use a typical 'Claudette' build, such as: self care, empathy, botany knowledge and urban evasion.
I do objectives. I'm altruistic, I heal people and make safe hook-saves. I'm often an asset to the team. I must be doing something right to reach green ranks.
However, I'm not good in a chase. I can run the killer around for a short while, if I get caught in a safe area – but that's about it. If I break line of sight, I can sometimes lose them.
I suspect the issue here is that for survivors to escape, there needs to be at least one of them who's good in a chase. So if the lobby fills up with four stealthy 'Claudette's', even green ranks, the chances of escape are low.
Any thoughts on this? Please be nice!
Low ranks I think its a bit harder to escape because green rank survivor dont know the priorities or are just randoms..
that said in those ranks is where you can make the most difference since its easier to overwhelm the killer.
I don’t know how you play but generally speaking the mistakes I see are usually being too much altruistic and not doing gens.
I usually never go to unhook a survivor unless he is near me or is going into phase 2
ps: NEVER let anyone into phase 2 in a single hook unless he is getting camped by killers like bubba, facecamped or is camped in the basement. In this case you have to genrush really hard.
It happens A LOT to ser 3 people crouching near my hook doing nothing for like 1-2 mins trying to save me. That is just not going to work
Take into account that worst case scenario there should always be AT LEAST 1 guy doing gens.
Bond helps particulary well to have game awarenessand understand what you should and shouldnt do.
same goes for healing.
is it worth to waste 3 mins selfcaring with sloppy butcher on? Maybe not unless you are dead on hook.
heal timing and positions matters too.
Again, dont waste the whole game looking for ruin, its fine even if you dont hit the perfect skillcheck which you indeed can improve. The gens btw takes longer but still goes on, and chances are another teammate will cleanse it or youll bump into it eventually.
using good perks can help too
replacing the nasty urban evasion with ds or adrenaline. Using borrowed time etc.
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Tracking has consistently been buffed over time, while being chased has been nerfed.
Its tough. I don’t escape a majority of my games and I am a R1 player since the beta.
I would say get comfortable with the maps. Try to learn their tile patterns the best you can.
Unless you’re running Small Game don’t waste time searching for Ruin.
I would suggest changing your perks entirely. I have been using Iron Will, We’ll Make It, Inner Strength and Borrowed Time or sometimes Balanced Landing.
I think equipping only Iron Will you’ll be surprised how much harder it is for a Killer to track you.
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Ps: The fotm build is Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time.
Other perks I find strong are Iron Will, We’ll make it, Unbreakable
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Thanks @premiumRICE, you've made some excellent points.
Being good in a chase is important. But survival is also dependant on being efficient in this time-critical game. I make many of those mistakes you mentioned and often mistake 'enthusiasm' for 'objective-efficiency'. This is what makes the difference between green and purple rank survivors.
Lack of co-ordination between randoms also impacts gameplay. I almost always use bond or empathy to mitigate this. But nothing replaces the benefit of voice comms in a SWF team.
I'm so used to using urban evasion and feel naked without it. I can pull off some great feats with it, such as urban evading away at an angle from the killer during a chase, to lose them in the cornfield. Then there are those games when I don't take it and go against a hag. I need to move away from using it though.
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against some killers like trapper and hag urban evasion is convenient but usually you know where traps are placed so its not worth using a perk slot for almost no advantage at all.
A chase usually works around pallets, windows and the loops more than hiding mid-chase which works rarely especially against more experienced killers.
My golden rule is: if nobody do gens i’ll do it myself
even without communication try to read your teammates moves. If u see somebody going for the unhook just go back on the gen for example.
Try to cut dead times. You either working on gens or in a chase or straight unhooking.
Remember that sometimes you have to commit to a gen, no matter what happens.
Also remember gen priority, usually gens in the middle of the map should be completed first
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@altruistic said:
Tracking has consistently been buffed over time, while being chased has been nerfed.
I believe my lack of survival has been due to various factors, but this sounds like it is among them.
Now let's talk about perks. I usually run the following:
- Self care
- Urban evasion
- Bond or empathy
- We'll make it, botany knowledge, spine chill, small game or borrowed time
Maybe I should swap out Urban Evasion for an exhaustion perk or something else?
I suppose I could even swap-out Self Care - if I have a med-kit and am using bond.
I like Iron Will, as killer I've found so many injured survivors due to hearing their grunts of pain. I should use it more often.
I'm not keen on Decisive Strike, although its a favourite amongst many. I just feel it buys you a few more seconds, whilst annoying the killer - I'm probably wrong though.
I used to use Unbreakable a lot when I first started playing, but then stopped using it. It's one of those perks you might never get use out of the whole game. But when it is used, it's a life-saver. I'll consider using this one again.
I'm not used to using Adrenaline, although a lot of people use it. I often don't last that long for it to be of use. But I'll try it out.
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I’d drop self care that has been nerfed some time ago and urban evasion.
decisive strike is a super strong perk and a playmaker. 5 sec stun let you go to the nearest loop and gain free time, or let you make an aggressive play/save at the end of the game. It goes well with unbreakable since they cant neither slug you nor pick you up.
Having an exhaustion perk is mandatory whatever you can afford but the best are Dead Hard and Balanced Landing.
btw unbreakable gives you more recovery speed which is always useful.
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One of the issues about running Self Care is that you tend to waste a lot of time healing instead of doing gens. Using Iron Will or Adrenaline (or both) are ways to make yourself feel okay with being injured for a while.
As far as Urban, I remember how naked I felt without it in the early days, too. Same with Self Care. But trust me—you’re better off trying builds out if your comfort zone because it’s how you learn. You’ll find yourself using different chase tactics and adapting to what you have.
That’s not to say this is the magical escape solution. But I do think you’ll find you escape more when you relax about your meta and try new things. I escape more when I play Perk Roulette and experiment than I do running meta perks. Just something worth trying.
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try something like
DS+Exhaustion Perk+Bond+Borrowed Time/Choice Perk
Spine Chill is strong too especially vs the new meta spirit