Hex totem offerings
Bone Fragment (Uncommon) - Increases number of hex totems by 1
Bone Shard (Very Rare) - Increases number of he totems by 2
Dusty Bone (Uncommon) - Slightly increases the distance between hex totems.
Bloody Bone (Rare) - Moderately increases the distance between hex totems
Broken Bone (Very Rare) - Considerably increases the distance between hex totems.
Fractured Skull (Ultra Rare) - Allows you to place you hex totems anywhere.
Loose Skin (Uncommon) - Decreases the number of hex totems by 1
Scraped Kneecap (Very Rare) - Slightly decreases the distance between totem spawns.
Broken teeth (Ultra Rare) - Start the trial seeing the aura of a non lit hex totem
Loose Skin can't really be implemented since Killers can use a 5 hex totem build.
Broken teeth may not always work for similar reasons.
Players shouldn't be able to place hex totems anywhere because there will be OP totem locations and multi-hex killers could place all of their hexes together.
Distance should be based on distance from generators instead of distance from other totems.