Practical problems of BE

There are concepts of alpha and beta test. Normal developers use them to track major issues, feedback, and bring the game to a finished state. The subsequent patches only polish the balance, eliminate rare bugs and add new content.
Why do BE believe that releasing a raw product full of such wonderful things as:
- Lack of actual balance
- Endless downloads
- Crashes
- Inability to unload a game from processes without task manager
- The endless bugs that have followed us since the release
- Monstrous Optimization
- And many other funny things
- is that the norm? Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that people are actively donating to products on which the “release” plate stands? But maybe then it is worth at least to stop lying directly to the community, or to remain silent when you are asked logical questions? Does it really not matter to you that most players who have been familiar with the game for at least a little longer than a couple of weeks have disdain for you? There must be people among you who create games not only for commercial gain.
Maybe BHVR thinks they're at the finish line and this is the new normal.
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S’all right- I’m down here with the rest of the autistic folk =3