Diversify Your Notification Sound Effects for Good Heavens

Much as I hate to sound as a toff what with my little git brain, it'd be fabulous that you take a non-deciduous idea of not allowing strange explosions occur throughout the map when other options can be included.
What is your crime?
- Fast vault = explosion sound to Killer. Yes, the person vaulted so fast they exploded. Perhaps another loud sound effect with the visual notification of a reddish vault-silhouette (similar to that of Doctor's notification) last for 1.5 seconds over said vault.
- You have Iron Maiden. Someone leaves a locker, so they explode. Bloody hell. Booming locker opening sound would be preferable, with same silhouette.
- Someone missed a healing skill check, so they explode. How about ... well, ... you know, ... use your imagination.
- etc.
Adding the diversification of sound alerts will allow immersion into the game and personify it, rather then it's opposite ... BOOM! You made the change to the Ravens, you can do it here.
I have no hopes for you. I don't think you have the time, nor money, but at your next meeting, at least confabulate it some so it can be dismissed appropriately by saying, "Well then we can't add more cosmetics."
Thank you for your consideration.
Art Team is different from sound and design.
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Their own team allocates money to each dept. I just can't stand this, "Different dept." ... argument that is perfunctory among you rabble. BHVR is a corporation, thus, acts as it's own totalitarian agency — without external pressure from regulations that mandate how the DBD team, in particular, allocate their resources. Stop this "Different dept." nonsense.
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Diversity in audio notifications is a pretty nice idea in my opinion.
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No, I’m not planning to. No matter how you run a business, you can’t simply cut off people’s jobs. You can’t. There’s no reason to do so. Money is a thing you can’t just take away without reason; and cosmetics are because DBD has a ART team who’s majors are likely in graphic design and or, just art. You put people who major in art in sound design and they wouldn’t know what to do unless one of them had a minor in music, but that can only go so far.
Resources are limited, you can’t change that. This is also not the only thing BHVR puts their time into. They provide assets, and they make their own music. While notification sounds are annoying you need to understand the visual aspect of it. Notifications shouldn’t matter, visuals should. BHVR is a corporation but they have 600 employees and they all have different objectives. BHVR as a company has a right to put more money into a certain team than another for budgeting, but if BHVR wants money, cosmetics do the trick. BHVR regardless of how you put it needs to have enough money to support its workers, pay for licensing, support their health insurance, pay for EVERYTHING they need. Notification noises are so arbitrary in the grand scheme of things— there’s no reason to when there’s no issue to begin with. I can understand the frustration but even if BHVR makes money they still can do however they want with the gross funds from it, not to mention the other things their workplace has to keep up with.
TLDR: No matter how you put it, BHVR still has to live up to paying workers livable wages, and this isn’t the only thing they focus on. They are allowed to put more money into cosmetics if they get more in return (which, they do), and budgeting and overall objective in the company is handled INTERNALLY. There’s so many external factors I feel like you ignored.
I simply can’t change your mind for you, nor am I too qualified to speak because I have maybe a few business classes underneath my belt, but that’s as far as my ray of knowledge goes. I just don’t understand what the issue is when it already is so minor.
Personally, I think notification noises don’t need to be addressed— colorblind settings do. Visual updates should take priority over something that is fine as it already is, however, I think you’re right in some aspects, yes, but I think that at the end of the day there’s only so much you can expect from a company. No matter how much a workplace can sugarcoat it, the goal of it is to make money. It’s only natural BHVR would push for such, they need to support all the costs they have to manage.
EDIT: I just want to provide feedback at the post at hand. I’m not attacking you, your ideologies or anything of the such, but rather, debate things in a polite manner where we can bring other topics to the conversation that may be relative to it— but simply put, I came here with an open mind (but bias will always exist), and I just want to know what you think of the issue.
I’m not affiliated with BHVR in the slightest but they what I’m trying to say is that they still have their own priorities and objectives.
While consumer satisfaction is important, I haven’t seen anyone have issues with the notification system as how it is now.
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It's weird how passive aggressive you throughout your posts. Despite this, I do agree with you. @StupidPallets
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Your vocabulary is phenomenal. I enjoyed reading this a lot.
Now I do agree with you, but you have to look at how the game is. I think it would be better to add a perk that could help you distinguish these sounds because it's better for both sides that the killer just hears a boom. You can't tell (as an actual human being) whether a person vaulted, jumped in a locker, stabbed someone while healing by accident, etc from certain distances. It's just a loud noise to you. You might be able to kinda tell but really I think it'd be unfair to add that base kit. Again, I think a perk for that would be a great idea. Or maybe they alter I'm All Ears to include that stipulation. I'm just saying it makes sense because it's not THAT easy to distinguish sounds from a far distance.
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They're similar on purpose, one of the things the game lets you do is distract the killer due to noise notifications being the same, hence the premise of Diversion.
To change the noise mechanic is to break a core part of the game.
You can call people that use Loud Noise toxic, but it's an effective way of getting the killers attention without exactly notifying them of what is currently happening.
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I feel like maybe not having spammable noises would help a lot, people repeatedly fast actioning to create noise is irritating.
Putting a cap on that would help a lot, also they have a different sound library for status effects like exposed or red puke.
but rushed actions is something where they want a universal sound effect for it.
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I'm pretty sure it's intentional to have the killer guess what that loud sound was.
Also, would you really be so cruel to basically nerf Diversion?
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I'm not going to lie it is kind of annoying hearing the same explosion sounds constantly.
Also some diversity in the sounds will help you prioritise whether a loud noise notification is worth investigating or not..
However I don't know how you would balance diversion around it as if the sounds are too diverse it's going to be easy to tell this perk apart from actually notifications and you can't randomise it because there is going to be some situations where won't make sense for example a healing missed skill check notification when everybody is healthy
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They actually spoke about this during one of their streams and I remember they discuss providing too much map awareness to the Killer. I think the notification itself is enough, it alerts you the location of the Survivor but really? People want the survivors aura revealed?
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Your heart is in a good place. While I disapprove, my likeness towards you forbids me to say much more on said topic.
I will say this: the colorblind option you and I agree on completely. In fact, I have a perk idea: A perk that simply highlights survivors much like, or perhaps exactly like, Myers stalking. You push a button and for a limited amount of time, survivors are highlighted. This means colorblind people can use this perk to make the game much more accessible. And because a whole perk slot is being used up, it's easy to balance around.
You're right. I hadn't thought of this.
No, not as in you can see them while they are moving. The boom sound already pinpoints a location. I'm just saying a change as in the change they made from booming Ravens to red aura Ravens. And these aura's will be static. Think Doc's tracking perk when a Survivor screams.