Spread the love, everyone.

Today has been a long day, I have a hard time giving emotion, I'm not talking showing emotion, I just don't give off emotion as easily, just the worst bits of your day make you feel numb, doesn't make you sad or mad, you just let it happen. No crying, no yelling, just a blank stare.
I want to go home and enjoy myself, but before all that, I wanted to let all of you know that I love you all. Thank you for giving me your hospitality and kindness.
You okay Shrek?
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You know you play video games and get burn out?
That's how I'm feeling, I try to keep the ear buds in you know, let the music calm me.
It's video game burnout but every day in your normal life.
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So extremely bored?
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I just lost enjoyment for everything, I want to stay to a state of being happy for what I have but life's been a constant downhill with little stability, everything is getting grey for me, and I don't want to lose what I love, imagine fearing that you don't want to do what you love most anymore, that soon everything that mattered to you is withering apart.
Really demotivates me from trying to love new things but I talk to myself, I am my own support.
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I still love DBD though.
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I'm sorry you had one of *those* days.
Have some of my favorite relaxation music.
Particularly 5:30. It's magnificent.
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That my friend is a sign of depression
Please find a way to not be depressed because nobody wants you gone
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This ^
My advice from someone whohas delt with depression and other isussues: Talk to someone.
Even if you think nobody cares I garuntee someone will be there for you, In addition don't be afraid to look for therapy or talk to your doctor about how you're feeling.
Most importantly it does get better, I know that it seems like everything is awful right now but it's not going to be like that forever.
Stay safe.
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Thank you a lot and welcome to the mod team.
I live each day hair by hair, may be little to go from A to B but I try every day, I gave up wanting to die, it was not the answer, instead of throwing away the life I have, I got to make it a gift like how it already is, life is beautiful but I just need to see it.
I've been distancing myself a lot, I am feeling more devoid of emotion within the coming days and weeks.
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What is it?
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I'm in a much better spot than I was.
I used to be full of excessive rage and anger, I had hate that boiled every day, to where that took over sadness, and I still had happiness.
I've gotten help but I don't like counselors, the idea of someone you never met just listening to you talk out your problems and getting paid for it pisses me off.
I've mellowed out tremendously and not much gets to me anymore, whether good or bad.
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A video.
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Just know that we're all here to support you, anytime you need it, privately or publicly.
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Thank you, I am not a new mod but i'm primarily on the steam forums.
I think you should consider therapy, even if you think it wont help or you don't need it having someone professional to listen to you can work wonders.
And as @Masantonio said, the community is here for you may be a forum around a videogame but a lot of people care about their fellow forum users.
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Take care of yourself @ShrekIsHot !
Please go and get some help. My sister suffers from depression and at first she thought therapy wouldn't help her but it actually really helped her.
If you need to talk to someone we're all here for you!
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@Boosted_Dwight @Commander_Fluffles
I did take therapy for 2 years, kinda got fed up and left her just recently, all she did was wanna play uno and just ask me about basic stuff and listen. I think friends and family always help, you guys always help.
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I don't want to be crass but you might have just had a crap therapist honestly.
Every therapist is different don't be afraid to get a different therapist if you're current one is not helping.
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Good luck mate, hard times eventually pass. You just gotta keep going.