Bloodlust and looping

Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

Bloodlust should not be broken because you hit someone, break a pallet, or gets stunned.

the reason for this is, that it encourages looping. we've all seen it, you run after a guy, he loops around a pallet. after a bit of time, he throws it, you might not break it in order to avoid losing bloodlust. then we proceed to stage 2 of looping: pallet vaulting.

maybe you break the pallet, you lose bloodlust, and we're back to square one. we run to the next loop area and we're back again, rinse and repeat.

considering this is an actual tactic used by survivors, it also represents the worst part of this game. that its possible to begin with, and super time consuming for the killer considering he has to effectively catch everyone 4 times because most people run DS. and then theres flashlights and bodyblocks and yada yada.

anyway. if you dont lose bloodlust unless the chase is over, that way you could really encourage players to go for a break line of sight, rather than looping, because in the end, the killer would be rather fast and the chase would be ended, unlike now where its.. sometimes endless.

looping is such a horrible part of this game, and bloodlust has the opportunity to do something about that. thats why it makes no sense that it ends after you break a pallet or hits a guy. a game can be over in a heatbeat already, lets not waste a thousand years trying to chase people. let them instead try and break line of sight. and yes, if all the survivors runs around in front of the killer like headless chickens then your bloodlust wouldnt go away, but maybe they're supposed to scatter then. it should go off when you dont have line of sight of anyone, not because you hit, get pallet stunned or break a pallet.

would it really be so bad if survivors had to focus on hiding and breaking line of sight, rather than looping and swarming the killer and bullying him with shinenigans?

Post edited by Beardedragon on


  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243


  • Beardedragon
    Beardedragon Member Posts: 425
    edited July 2018

    ive edited the "slugging" part because i assumed it just meant that you hit someone.

    the only way to end it should be breaking line of sight. the chase has ended. of course downing a person tends to end the chase so that ends bloodlust too, unless another guy is standing in front of you i guess. at the very bare minimum the bloodlust should still remain active if you break a pallet.

  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    I actually agree. Bloodlust is massively broken and needs fixed.