5 vs 5
We don't have the popluation to have different game types, but what if we did?
What if they could do 5 VS 5. 4 survivors + 1 killer vs 4 survivors vs 1 killer.
Winning team could be based on some type of scoring system combining killer and survivor objectives....
Killers & survivors teaming up? That wouldn't work. Survivors can trap each other on so many spots on the maps...
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certain mechanics would have to be changed
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objectives would have to be reviewed...
scoring would have to be fleshed out...
would there be a timer or not...
blah blah blee
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I don’t understand how you would play the game as a 5v5. Are you thinking do like a weird TDM mode in DBD?
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Isn't this a mode in Identity V? It works there, does it not?
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So you mean 8 survivors
Only like a 4v4
2 killers
Like a 1v1
And both killers would have their own designated 4 survivors to kill... ?
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Yeah, basically.
Team A survivors vs Team B survivors would try to be the first to accomplish some objective while team A's killer would go after team B's Survivors and team B's killer would go after team A's survivors.
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Yeah, it would be a weird TDM instead of what you see with games such as COD,HALO, etc...
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I think this would be dope AF tbh.
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