Why does BHVR hate Adam?

Seriously, Adam has been in the game for over a year now (since September 2018) when The Spirit released and he has basically no outfits.
He's gotten like two or three outfits, but that's it. Newer characters like Jane have more outfits than him, and characters who already have enough outfits keep getting more (I'm looking at you Nea and Claudette).
Show Adam some love. That is all I ask.
He keeps getting passed up every single cosmetic release.
Jane is thicc
Adam is Adam
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Maybe Adam should have thought about getting some nice gogo boots instead of dressing like Poindexter.
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give Adam some leather chaps
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Cause probably no one plays him. They want to make money soo that means more outfits for most played survivors
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Give him some good outfits that give people incentive to play him!
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Adam sucks. No one likes him. He's ugly in design. His perks are trash, yes even Deliverance. He's just a boring survivor. I think he's everyone's least favorite. I never see any Adam players.
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Ace is my least favorite. At least Adam doesn’t look like he’d creep on underage people. I will say that as survivor and killer, there are more nasty Adams - mean Aces are usually only encountered as killer.
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Why does bhvr hate legion
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Girl characters are almost always more popular among nerds. I wonder why...
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adam needs love and attention, he's one of my favorite survivors that i reached p3 with
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i play adam
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They should give Adam some Rasta inspired cosmetics to pay homage to his Jamaican roots.
Rasta mesh/net shirt.
Dreads with red, yellow, green rubberbands.
Heck, even the rasta beanie ala Claudette's head wrap.
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I think kucerka hit this one on the head. No one plays him, so why would BHVR make cosmetics for a character who is largely forgotten about. Which is a shame, as they could do so many things with him. Same goes for Jeff. Not many people play him, so there are so few cosmetics for him.
Define "everyone's least favorite." He has always been in my top three from the moment I saw him, and recently surpassed Feng Min for the title of "Favorite Survivor." I realize I am a very small voice in the multitudes of people who play, but saying that NO ONE likes Adam is a straight up lie.
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Boy you say that to my face and i'll peeble you to smithereens.
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Huh I think Adam has some of the best cosmetics in the game.
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Try it and I'll sandbag you at the pallet.
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Do zoomers really not know what hyperbole is? The point wasn't that LITERALLY no one likes him. It was that he really doesn't see much play. I guarantee you if we had the internal data we'd see he's the least played survivor.
Geez, I'm getting old. I remember when ppl knew when something was hyperbolic.
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Adam only needs the brown coat to become Man Claudette. That’s the only thing I ever will wear on my boy.
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Mmm, I'd agree. Ace as a Survivor I just don't like xP. I wish Adam was a bit more geeky/mad scientist ala Dexter's Lab but I like him and,his Perks WAY more than Ace & his Perks except Ace in the Hole being decent for Item hunting.
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Im just going to put this out there, all the black people i know main Adam....or Jane. Like i don't really know how many of us are out there but i mean surely enough to justify some love especially if they gave him some bad ass skins. Only other black guy is an old cop lol
Also why we're on the topic add Candyman damn it!
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Jane deserves them whatchu mean >:o
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I'm surprised they keep making cosmetics for Claudette considering a very few amount of people who play Claudette that actually get/use them.
At least on console anyway I don't know if PC has a more cosmetic loving Claudette fanbase.
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I'd honestly love to see if/how bhvr monitors which survivors are played most often since theyre basically skins. I assume its probably based on which characters get more cosmetic purchases, which explains wht characters with more cosmetics just end up getting more outfits since people have more to buy.
It really does bum me out adam only has 3 full outfits besides the color variants and a sweater ): at least his outfits are good?
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"At least Adam doesn’t look like he’d creep on underage people."
You kidding me with that, Quentin looks like he has and is luring some to his van, rn.
I think he is more perverted looking than Ace, personally. Ace just wants to pick up #######, he'd probably run from children in most cases.
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Make Adam the gay one.
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People need to stop trying to massacre my boy Quentin. He is an (traumatized!) angel! He did nothing wrong! He is literally the only survivor who is actually a survivor of trauma not of the serial killer Sole Survivor Club variety :(
Meanwhile Ace literally looks, acts, dresses, and has lore that just screams like “age is just a number” and dating people out of his age bracket is totally up his alley.
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What, you don't like the gamblin man runnin from the mob? I find his lore amazingly funny and cliche. XD
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Maybe that's region based, but I see a lot of claudettes on Xbox. : P
I do see more Neas though, in hindsight.
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It's less the amount of Claudette and more the amount of Claudette that actually wear cosmetics rather than just the P3 clothing.
I see a lot of Claudettes it's just P3 or maybe the darker recoloured shirt
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Quentin a nd Jeff are neck and neck for least played. I'd also argue that Ace has the worst perks and his design is blah but they gave him a nice wardrobe and he is an OG. Adam does need a new look. His cos have all been garbage so far.
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Well, that may be true. Whenever I am claudette though, I wear the ugly sweater or the blight cosmetics.
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Maybe cause he is black?
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BHVR doesn't hate Adam. Survivors hate Adam.
If they played him more maybe he'd get more outfits.
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That's backwards from a "love" ponit of view.
So you are saying you can only love Adam if he has outfits? That's not love isn't that just bribing someone to like you?
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I apologize. It is really hard to tell sarcasm online most of the time.
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Dude, ace looks like he made more 5 yr olds lose their virginity than Freddy, and why you gotta throw Quentin in there, he's just tired.
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Maybe one day...
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Give us shirtless Adam!
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No. But if his cosmetics don't entice people, then why would anyone play as him? If the devs make a really good outfit for Adam, I'm sure more people will be interested in him and will want to play as him.
I mean, think of Feng as an example. Her base outfit is ugly, but she has really neat cosmetics which is why people play her. You'll rarely see a Feng in P3 gear or base outfit gear because it's so ugly.
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Because Adam is going to send you to the principles office. 👿
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Dunno about you.
I'm still waiting for shirtless Myers
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"and why you gotta throw Quentin in there..." Same can be said about the original person who dissed Ace out of nowhere.
"...he's just tired." And Ace is just an old person, smiling.
I want to end this conversation, because this is really pointless. #JustBecauseYouAreAnOldPersonSmilingInGamblingClothesWithShadesDoesntMakeYouAPdeo
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"Adam who?"
- BHVR, probably,
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-Bill, probably
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I don't play Adam much despite his perks being favorites of mine but I have a great cosmetic set for him. I bought the 80's set for him when it was discounted, (300AC for the full set!) So I paired the fanny pack and the Fresh prince hair with the Christmas sweater and I've got to say it's the best set I've ever seen second only to a Jake set I have, I'd just much rather play Quentin, Ash, Steve, or Tapp than Adam which is probably why Adam doesn't have much selection of cosmetics, like Meg has so many and you see so many Megs so it's definitely connected.
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No one plays Jeff, look at him.
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That's true
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If devs doesn't create cosmetics for him means that people doesn't buy them