Do you enjoy exclusive cosmetics?

December_1863 Member Posts: 206

Do you like cosmetics that are only available for a limited time or would you prefer if all cosmetics were available for everyone at all time?

Do you enjoy exclusive cosmetics? 76 votes

twistedmonkeyScience_GuyKamikaze_RoseArk_the_BonsaiSpaceCoconutFibijeanBlueberryTangledHelixVolfawottLethalPugyVampiroxWickedMilk03AcesthetiicFlamingTurdDr_TrautsMegMain98Speshul_KittenExerlinIcemanEldritchElise87 37 votes
Mc_HartyBossapathytheclownGuiltronGibberishPhantomMask20763KebekicemancatMr_KepicassassinMiriamGAK72209indieeden7Aztreonam78pemberleyanarchy753[Deleted User]Micheal_MyersNikkiwhatHellCatJane 39 votes


  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Yes and No. This is where I become a hypocrite lol.

    I like the exclusiveness when I am able to participate in the event.

    I don’t like the exclusiveness if I was not able to participate in the event. However with that being said as long as they give me the option to buy it then that’s a different story. You can just make the purchasable items a limited time as well

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I probably won't use em, but it's cool for players to show their time on the game.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    No not really, just makes people feel kinda left out

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I love my Huntress Hound mask for that very reason.

    Also, it was earned at a time when flashlight and pallet stuns forced a killer to drop a survivor during any point of the pickup animation.

    You wanna talk about a hard won cosmetic?

    Heck yea I'd be ticked off if other people could buy it without the pain of that patch...

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510


    Because the thrill of “look at me! Don’tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?” you feel with an exclusive skin cannot compare to the anxiety associated with trying to get that skin in the first place as well as the fact that once you get this exclusive skin, you won’t want to diversify your wardrobe a) to show off and b) get your time and money’s worth.

    Exclusivity is anti consumer and that pride you feel about having that rare, special skin is artificial. I’m not gonna go into the other (classist) implications of instilling an exclusive/rare skin hierarchy.

    Exclusive cosmetics is a double edged sword and the only real winners in this scenario is the company that got you to put your life and money aside for some pixels that won’t matter in 10 years time.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I kind of agree with this statement I understand the appeal of exclusives and when it comes to exclusives I am warm to the idea of ones where are everyone has a chance to earn it.

    Problem arises when it's platform-specific or area specific

    It basically means if I'm from the UK and I play Xbox I can't get something like golden Feng I never even had a chance to try to get it stuff like that I don't agree with.

    However event exclusives like pro-pain hammer and song bird dress are things I don't mind.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2019

    ######### no. Sorry but exclusivity and enjoying it because it's "rare" for a damn digital item, let alone videogame stuff and not wanting others to be able to obtain it days/weeks/months/years later...just screams entitlement to me.

    I had to deal with this song & dance in my MANY years of playing World of Warcraft. With the entitled crowd hating others that looted/earned mounts and/or gear & titles. Was stupid then, it's stupid now and I had a LOT of Vanilla exclusives including old PVP titles, which years later they brought back for players to earn. Same thing applies with this game & cosmetics.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2019

    Although i might be on the fence regarding the topic at times. Overall i think im for exclusive items, although i myself won't be able to get many as much as i was able to in the past for the david king or huntress cosmetics for example, that shouldnt restrict others who are more fortunate with their free time.

    I thought getting those exclusive items was great because i felt id actually earned something. and for someone else to just buy that, despite if they were able to get it legit or not, takes away any value the cosmetic has...

    though if they add a clown or Doc cosmetic and i cant get it ima be mad.

    EDIT: maybe to solve this issue, make some cosmetics only available to purchase through the use of devotion? that way people who arent able to play the events are still able to get the cosmetics, its still exclusive as you have to put in a lot of time and dedication to get it, and it actual makes the devotion system useful. everyone wins!

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I don’t like the “so close, yet so far away” feeling.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019

    I like exclusive skins personally. I love the idea of how you have a piece of history from an event or period of time from a game that is in limited quantity and unavailable anymore.

    To me, that makes me strive for something when an event comes out, or it just gives me a sense of accomplishment if I have one of these skins or items or whatever in a game, it's cool, nobody else really has it and anyone that does is in short numbers...

    I can wear it and feel unique within the game due to the skin, item, weapon, etc being a "stand out-ish" thing within that game.


    But I understand the downsides to this, I understand that a lot of people don't like having to waste their time with going to events or some people can't go to those events at all for reasons...

    I understand this, and can respect that issue. But if they brought exclusive items back into the game, I wouldn't complain at all if I missed it or not. And if I didn't, that's cool, I have another piece of history from this games timeline, and I can use it anytime I want and seem "unique" whenever I'm around the game with it.

    Should they bring them back? No, because not everyone has time or can really work on the grind for these skins or items or something

    Will they ever bring exclusives back? Well The Rift has said to have some exclusives within each season, and those skins will later on be put into the store though if you missed out...

    The charms though have been said to be exclusive to The Rift, so that's something that's actually an "exclusive" item or trinket technically.... is it enough to really satisfy the collector in me? not really but it's still cool they considered it and are doing it!

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    No because I care more about the cosmetic itself then wanting to feel special. It’s sad that some people will only want something because others can’t have it. Very childish.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    edited October 2019

    Time limited/exclusive things literally only exist to exploit people with compulsion issues.

    Its a trick that long, long, long predates videogames, and will continue basically forever because it works.

    Its just scummy garbage, taking advantage of people with serious problems.

    There is zero justification for it.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    "Takes away the value" really doesn't. It's digital, lines of code. For example, Whether you got a Hallowed/Event costume by doing the event or buying it (which surprise, can only earn 2 free) doesn't change how YOU got it. And why would someone else wearing a cosmetic demean your own enjoyment? "Earn" stuff and only feeling proud you have something because others are arbitrarily deprived of....sends of flags to me of a person's personality....

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    It depends, while yes some people do feel that way when they have something others can't obtain anymore (through conventional means)

    there are others that just like to have these things because it gives them something to relate to during a period of them they've played within the game, or something to that effect.

    Of course though, I agree that having these skins isn't really the right thing to do despite me really wanting to have something like that in the future, and that I hold out for something similar to that...

    But hey, charms are technically exclusive to The Rift and are only obtainable for those specific seasons they're out... so that's cool! The skins... not so much on The Rift, you can get them later on when they release in the shop.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Yes I think charms are a perfect compromise because they are small and not as alluring as actual cosmetics.

    So to the people who want something to show that they earned something rather than buying it, grind for those charms!

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2019

    It kinda does take away the value though. if you played the game back when flashlights were still relatively op and pushed through it to get a specific cosmetic, then a little down the line someone just buys it. kinda makes you feel like youve wasted a load of time like @SpaceCoconut mentioned. Thats just how some people feel about it myself included.

    Yet i said im normally on the fence about it, because ive been on the opposite end of the spectrum where your busy with life and dont have the time to play a game all day or you dont go to a specific event irl and get a code for a cosmetic. im not MASSIVELY into exclusives, im just ever so slightly for them. personal preference is all, couldnt really care which way it goes. but i do want the devotion system to actual mean something, weather though 'exclusives' or something else

    EDIT: and saying ######### like "it sends flags about someones personality", i dont know why you try to make it personal just because i disagree with you slightly, if you have a discussion do it properly without stupid slurs

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited October 2019

    I mean hey, some exclusives are better than no exclusives!

    Plus, some of those charms are cool like that shadow puppet one... the weird kind of cool. That little Claudette charm is cool too.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2019

    With all due respect...we're playing videogames...we're already technically "wasting time". If a person won a trophy, a title or item and a year or so later, others can earn it...why does that bother a person? Not to mention, if others have it, whom are you to judge if that person "deserves" it or not, let alone when they got it to be judged by?

    I can easily guesstimate that 90% of players outside of the first few seconds/minutes of going "cool costume" aren't going to really care what someone else is running. So your self enjoyment is either dependant on faux rarity/perceived value or for others to drool over you having something they can't....which illustrates my previous points of entitlement as the core reasoning.

    EDIT: No one slurred at you mah dude, but go ahead and reach. :) I like to curse, deal with it with the forums censoring it genetically.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    This game has been down that road before. It is full of players begging for x cosmetic to come back.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    Alright, im just gonna stop this here i think as i dont think you understand what i mean. I dont care if other people have the exclusive item, if its a cool item and i see someone wear it in game good on them, let them wear whatever the ######### they want. The 'issue', in lack of a better word, i had with it is that people who do go after these exclusive things during times where its really hard to get them might get annoyed as "oh, i really liked this cosmetic and spent "x" amount of time or did "y" things to get it", sort of like prestige clothes, "oh look, i spent this amount of time on this killer" or in the case of exclusives "ive been playing this long or did this". and for someone to just buy it without having to do anything can be demeaning. Thats it. thats all i meant by it

    and i even said to fix the issue make it so rather than have time exclusive items, which sets up this "i want exclusives" "i dont think its fair" arguments, just make it so exclusives come in the form of devotion so that way they're still exclusive, but anyone can get them.

    and dont try to go philosophical with the "we're playing a video game so we're wasting time anyway". cause then you can say no matter what your doing your wasting time. the statements invalid, anyway tahts my 2 cents on the issue, if you understand what i mean great, if not that. i dont know how else i can describe it

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I feel like the way the battle pass handles it is probably the best method of it.

    You still managed to earn what you want and you have your six months of bragging rights.

    Is a decent chunk of time and then it gets open to everybody which I think is fair.

    I'm still fond of the special items I have like the pro-pain hammer so be hypocritical for me to say I don't like exclusives I'm glad they're changing update the system.

    Maybe somewhere down the line they might actually give a chance for previous exclusives to be available

    So while yes I do enjoy exclusives as long as they were earnable by everybody and not region or platform locked.

    I think the idea of making it accessible to everybody is a lot more inclusive but the Grace period still gives people who want the bragging rights a chance to show off before it comes out

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    Yes i like exclusive it's something special you earn and cant buy.

    I don't like giving them over a short period though. I think events that had these should really have been around 4 weeks to give everyone a chance but remove the bloodpoints bonus and other features after the two weeks.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Agreed. I got a Golden Feng Min outfit off a Random Twitch streamer i logged into one day for PC. I love using it and being legit, but I would be happier if everyone could get the old skins via the paid battle pass.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Nope. There's no reason for something like skins to leave people out.

    It's such an arbitrary punishment for people who pick up the game. "Hey, welcome to the community, ######### you for not playing earlier!"

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    For the people that dont wanna feel left out, just play when there are exclusives???

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Its not a ######### YOU its a reward for devoted players.

    If you arent supporting the game then you will miss out on some. I am sad i missed out on some sea of thieves exclusive gear but its my fault i missed it. And at the same time i were there when there were some cool items and I now have bragging rights.

    That is fun. That is a reward for the players who actually care. If you want the skin then play til u get it. Rift skins should be exclusive and event skins too I think.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    It isn't about being devoted or not, it's just about finding the game earlier. Hell, DBD is barely advertised anywhere, the biggest attention it's got has been Stranger Things, that doesn't mean people who join later won't be just as devoted as any player now, just that they'd be punished for not playing it right now.

    Exclusives are just a terrible concept in general, and there's no value in them except to lord it over people who don't get the chance to have them.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    they arent punished at all. The other players are rewarded, the late ones just dont get it. That is not punishment. Punishment would be something like, late players pay double for auric cells. That is a punishment.

    The reason they are there is to reward the players who are currently supporting the game. There is nothing wrong with that.

    If you get a job, you get paid less than someone who has been working there longer than you. Is that punishment? no. He got a raise.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    I enjoy exclusives when they're more like "trophies"

    Like something you have to work hard to obtain. So like if the lantern event had them I'd love it.

    I don't really care for them when it's for an event where you just play normally though. Because then it's like a "I was here" picture. Pointless given I can just save an offering for the same effect.

    It'd also feel like a slap in the face if all this battle pass stuff had exclusives

  • December_1863
    December_1863 Member Posts: 206

    I'm a console player, i've been playing for over a year.

    Right now i'm saving to buy a computer, when i end up starting from scratch, i won't have any of the eXcLUsiVe ReWArds from the 1-2 first rifts.

    I'm a devoted player, i love this game, i played it for over 2,5k hours. How is this fair? Why do I get punished for wanted to play on a better platform with better framerate and better controls?

    Explain that to me.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I like them a little bit, but I'd like exclusives more if there were MORE of them. Stuff like the huntress' hound mask being unobtainable makes them even cooler to have, but since there are only a handful of exclusives, you hardly notice them. Plus, most characters don't have exclusives at all, so you might not ever use the one exclusive you've managed to grab. If there were more (but not an abundance), you'd be able to feel the thrill of using exclusives more without the stress of missing the only one your character might ever get.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    Thats just part of it. I prefer to play on console and I have my pc right here. You still have them. You know whats worse than not having exclusives and restarting? Having to restart.

    I wish it were cross save but it isnt. Nothing we can do about that.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Wow, this is split asf.

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699

    only a tiny bit, like if it was so dumb you wouldn't want it even if you did have it. Like a pre-order bonus for a game that rewards an in-game shirt that says "Pre-Order," ya know, stupid stuff like that.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Even if i put yes it doesn't matter to me either way. I like how the rift is going to be exclusive for 6 months then available for everyone after that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I won't dive into the social complications of it, since the question was just about me personally.

    I like exclusives, not because I like being able to lord it over other people, but because I enjoy that completionist sense of achievement I get from owning them. Doesn't matter that I've never even worn David's donkey jacket - it's there, in my collection, and it makes me happy to look at. Knowing that I put in the hard work and I got a reward out of it is what makes them fun for me. The reason I like things to be exclusive is because knowing that someone else can just buy the thing I worked so hard to earn cheapens the reward and therefore puts a damper on my own sense of personal satisfaction I got from earning it.

    And it goes both ways. Yeah, the legacy skins are super cool. I could have got one if I'd ground more back then, I've been around long enough, and I wish I had, but I didn't and that's okay. I wouldn't want legacy skins to be released in the store or something like that because I wouldn't get that sense of achievement just from buying an exclusive, and it would, again, cheapen the reward from my perspective and make them feel less special.

    In conclusion, I like exclusives because they're unique and special, regardless if whether I get to have them or not.

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  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    I want all cosmetics available to everyone, it kinda seems unfair if it has timed exclusivity...