Anyone else remember when mettle of man was a god tier perk?
Remember when this perk was dummy broken?
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I don't have any hard data to back me up on this, but I feel I can say with a certain degree of confidence that the vast majority of games I play as a killer not all 4 survivors land pallet stuns against me. It is not a given that any one survivor will get a pallet stun. I do agree that as a killer it is not wise to respect pallets. But this does give the killer a certain amount of control over whether a survivor gets their MoM perk to activate.
I think some players seem to think that survivors should absolutely never be able to activate MoM under any circumstances. No perk should be worthless. There is room for fairness to both sides. That is what I'm striving for. I think what I've proposed would be fair. There is room for counter play on both sides.
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It should be buffed again to normal hits but reset if you are hooked. Also, when it reaches two charges, it should appear on the hud