We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

game benefits killers too much?

i play a survivor and i feel as though the game benefits killers too much ill give a few examples

  1. downing someone with one shot. they're down to the ground from a singular shot. ruins the fun for a survivor big time, basically just a killers game at that point,
  2. 2. cant recover on the ground without help. once you're down thats it. if someone else is down too you're finished,
  3. killer using offerings that overrides survivor offerings. for example my cat tingling sense offering is over ridden all the time and the killer is just there with no warning, if they have an offering that overrides it then its useless to a survivor
  4. warning music starts waayyy too late now.
  5. using weapons to kill not hooks. in my opinion this shouldn't be a part of the game, ruins the fun completely and destroys what the game is about , how can you survive if they just kill you on the spot giving no opportunity to be rescued?
  6. being able to see exactly where someone is on the map . ive had a killer put a survivor on a hook not even close to me and ive been in the basement already in a cupboard yet he comes all the way to the basement and to the exact cupboard, no offering should give a player that much advantage

and those are my examples .



  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96

    obviously i know something about the game im playing it

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    All of these things are balanced in this game, except Moris of course. Killers with a one shot ability are balanced around that one shot potential. Take thataway and they become useless. It would also be terrible balance wise if survivors could always pick themselves up after downed.

    And your last points, those are simply perks that give killer a helpful effect. The perk you described was probably Bbq and Chili. It's a good effect, but killers are giving up one of their four perks slots for that. And there are enough perks that are just as strong.

    As a tip though, lockers block your aura so as long as you are in a locker, the killer will not have your aura revealed to them.

    This game is honestly neither killer nor survivor sided. There are still a bunch of weak killers, but also strong ones and perhaps one or two op ones. In my opinion the only thing that you listed here that is indeed a problem are Moris.

  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2019
  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I mean, what can you say to it man? I didn't even really understand what they were saying. This isn't just a "You can only answer with relevant information" Forum. Look at all the posts on here and really ask yourself how much people even think before posting. You coming to me and calling me out is disrespectful to me. So how about you chill and NOT do that kinda thing?

    Now, for your advice, it's solid for them and I'm glad you could make heads or tails of what they were talking.

    SO, have fun in the Fog!

  • dbizzle
    dbizzle Member Posts: 96

    1.instadown example, one stab from ghost face

    3 cat tingling offering , it lights up when a killer is near but sometimes it doesnt light up and the killer is just there

    5 multiple characters can kill you on the ground with needing the hook

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    OH! that's a perk. You mean Spine Chill! That can't be countered as far as I know.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited October 2019

    Actually there is no offering that interfered with spine chill and none that let's them know exactly where you are in the basement.

    Myers can negate Spine Chill when he is T1, this is the only way to counter spine chill I think.

    If you ran into the basement and ran into the locker this gives a notification to the killer.

    Seems to me. You have a lot to learn.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    Quite the contrary really. The game 'benefits' ,as you put it, survivors too much. Always has and always will.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    "cat tingling sense", ok I'm done...😂

    This whole post is clearly made by someone who is new and needs to play both sides before making a judgement.

  • HellCatJane
    HellCatJane Member Posts: 698

    Also, regarding BBQ killer perk and lockers. You have to go into the locker before he throws them on the hook. As soon as the killer puts someone on hook the auras will show for a few seconds time, and if you are in a locker before then he can't see you. However if you go into the locker during that he can most likely see you, if he is facing his screen at you.

    And if you fast vault/fast actions into things they get a notification on where you could be. Bitter murmur also will show survivors when a generator is finished, but only around that gen. There's a few aura type related perks.

    For spine chill/cat tingle to light up it should light when a killer is near and also looking in your direction. With the patch coming (not out yet I dont think?), I think myers will now show up even in T1.

    Feels like its kind of the elephant in the room, discussing it. Frankly, Killer Q's take forever to get into a lobby. A lot more people play killer because it is easier. You can see this during events especially, at least I do. You can do barely anything and get the tons of blood points. You can even play "scummy" and get pips like candy.

    The issue is there is always going to be "survivor" vs "killer" mentality on the forums, as in you are WITH us or AGAINST us. So, this post will most likely just be viewed as a "entitled" survivor main! So, sorry about that.

    Hopefully to those that disagree, (as in they think that survivors benefit more or something.) Can actually answer your questions and discuss why they themselves feel that way. And help you out with knowledge, vs just saying "GIT GUD"... <- (Well how?) And then they may realize they can change your mind from an insightful, logical manner, maybe.

    And as for killer vs survivor. The game tries hard to make a balance with everything. It isn't 100% perfect, but things do change... eventually. There are tips and strategies to try to counter things. As well as perks. So, you may not like something or be annoyed with something, like lets say being found out through your aura. There is a perk called "Distortion" from the survivor Jeff. That will block your aura for 3 tokens/times. (The perk can sometimes be found in the shrine, if you do not have the character etc.) So, if they are using BBQ you will be hidden for 3 hook times. But to be honestly I don't think this perk is necessary, I was only using it as an example of ways to counter stuff in game. Sometimes actually being seen is better. Especially if you are far across the map, you might want the killer to come towards you. Just pretend you are doing something for a few seconds while visible and then walk off or hide. They waste time looking around etc. However, if you need more time and a gen is almost done, and they have pop the weasel (Which if they kick it regresses the gen by an insane amount). You might want to hide in a locker and not have the killer come to you, so you can finish the generator. Just saying sometimes being seen has its perks as well.

    This is a pretty good link to find out information from the game, and here's a list of perks if you want to check them out:

    If you have anymore questions or need help, maybe finding a counter to something that seems strong, don't hesitate to ask. There are helpful people here as well.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    This game has always favored killers.

    Survivors do gens too fast ? Killers get Ruin

    Survivors heal too fast ? Nerf that healing speed.

    Survivors have good perks ? Exhaustion

    Survivors have good addons ? BNP and now instaheal, gone

    Survivors play with their friend = match against the highest tier killer

    Survivors DLC have good perks ? No

    And so it goes...

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    I'm assuming you're new? When you first play it does seem unfair but then you play more and understand how it works. Other people have explained as well but I'll do one too.

    1.Only certain killers can do this and there's normally a draw back to it. Dodge the Hillybillys Chainsaw, stay as far away from Leatherface as possible, look directly at Ghostface so he can't expose you. Look at the killers abilities to get a better understanding.

    2. As someone has said, there are multiple perks to get you off the ground. It's part of the game otherwise it would be too easy for survivors and there would be no slugging (leaving on ground instead of hooking).

    3. Spin chill (cat tingle) only works when the killer is looking in YOUR direction and within a certain distance. So they could be right next to you but looking the other way so it won't work. This doesn't work on Myers in his 1st beginning phase.

    4. Music should play when you're getting chased, unless you're talking about the general killer heartbeat.

    5. In my opinion Moris should only activate after being hooked twice. Yesterday I played with a Rank 16 on my team (who should not have gone against a Rank 7 Ebony Mori killer :/ PS4) who was literally mori' d about 1 minute into the game. Very unfair, if I was that killer I would have gone easy on him or just wouldn't have brought a Mori in the first place 😞.

    6. Either you got in the locker too late so BBQ&Chillie activated or you left scratch marks and he followed them to locker.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm sorry, but all I can say is get more hours. You are simply wrong.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    It sounds like you're fairly new to this game.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Check out the DBD Wiki on perks. This’ll tell what they are and, when you see ones you like, which characters to level up to earn them.

    if you don’t like clicking on links (better safe than sorry, eh?) then just search online for “DBD perks”.

    when you see how they work, you can strategize how to counter them.

    since you’re doing survivor right now, study the killer perks. Some of the most commonly used perks are:

    • BBQ & Chili
    • A Nurse’s Calling
    • Hex: Ruin
    • Hex: No One Escapes Death (common at lower ranks where you’re likely playing right now, with more inexperienced killers)

    Study up on these for sure, and just assume that every killer is using the first 2. Study the others as well and try to think of some counterplay. For example, for the above perks:

    • get into a locker BEFORE the downed teammate gets hooked. You can also position an unfinished generator between you and the estimated hook area so that the killer’s only sees the gen aura (hint, don’t work in it or your butt might hang out the side.) Finally, you could move in closer to the hook since your aura isn’t revealed at close range.
    • if you know the killer is near, stop healing until he leaves the area. If killers tend to find you quietly healing in good hiding spots, this is why.
    • find and cleanse the “hidden” (sometimes clearly visible) hex totem (has a flame at the bottom).
    • cleanse non-lit, dull totems as you find them, before the last gen is finished. (Note: whether hex or dull, there are always 5 totems total on the map.)
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You need a ton more experience.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    no you dont. play both sides. and your opinion and point of view will change drastically lol.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    idk why they take the depip squad as example since they play in the time survivors were more stronger than its is now

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2019


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2019

    Some of the other points have all been pretty well covered, but I have a bit to add with regards to numbers 3 and 5.

    Firstly, it is true that there are some killer perks/abilities, though not many, which counter spine chill, but that doesn't make the game killer-sided. Survivors also have lots of perks which are direct counters to killer perks. Examples which come to mind are Distortion, Flip-Flop, Iron Will, Lightweight, Sole Survivor, Stake Out, No Mither, and, yes, Spine Chill.

    With the basement lockers, it sounds like you were in the locker in time for your aura to be hidden by Barbecue & Chili, however it's possible that you entered the locker at a sprint and so notified the killer to your position, or the killer may have had Territorial Imperative and seen you in the basement before you entered the locker. It's not a common perk, but it's one whose existence you should be aware of when going into the basement.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I know some people here are being GIT GUD, WUT R U CASUL gatekeepers, but I just wanted to say it gets easier to deal with these things you've described, once you start understanding the nuances of how the game flows.

    Survivors have a lot of power over the killer, but that isn't immediately obvious when you're new to the game. It's kind of a school of hard knocks -- as is every other game in this genre. I remember feeling this way when I first started playing Friday the 13th, and I wound up understanding that the killer in that game is very powerless against experienced survivors.

    DBD isn't quite as insane as that game when it comes to the balance of power, but I promise you'll start to look at some of this stuff differently in time.

    Except for moris. Those kinda do suck for exactly the reasons you described (plus they actually hurt the killer's score).

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    downing someone with one shot. they're down to the gr. ruins the fun for a survivor big time, basically just a killers game at that point

    Not all killers have instadowns, and those who do need to work for it.

     cant recover on the ground without help. once you're down thats it. if someone else is down too you're finished,

    There are perks for that, recovering for yourself all the time would be really overpowered. Sometimes as a killer you have to leave people on the ground.

    killer using offerings that overrides survivor offerings. for example my cat tingling sense offering is over ridden all the time and the killer is just there with no warning, if they have an offering that overrides it then its useless to a survivor

    I don't remember, but I'm sure that when killer and survivors uses offerings that override themselves both offerings aren't burned. Which means they're not used on that game.

    warning music starts waayyy too late now.

    Terror radius? Some killer's TR are bigger than others. You can run perks to help you see if the killer is near you.

    Killers terror radius is 32 or 24 meters (excluding EW1 Myers). And some others can nullify their TR completely, you just have to be careful.

    using weapons to kill not hooks. in my opinion this shouldn't be a part of the game, ruins the fun completely and destroys what the game is about , how can you survive if they just kill you on the spot giving no opportunity to be rescued?

    Moris. That's how they work. They will probably get changed soon.

    Being able to see exactly where someone is on the map . ive had a killer put a survivor on a hook not even close to me and ive been in the basement already in a cupboard yet he comes all the way to the basement and to the exact cupboard, no offering should give a player that much advantage

    Survivors also have aura reading perks and can hide theirs by going into a locker, behind of a gen, etc.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    First off... The exposed effect can be outlasted in most situations (except for Billy, Bubba, Iri Huntress, and Redhead Clown, but even then they have to be precise or time it just right). The perks that give exposed means you have to fulfill certain requirements to get that on a survivor (MYC for going away from the hook, DH for letting them save 3 people at a long distance, H:HG means you are giving them a totem cleanse, and H:NOED can be overridden by just doing the totems).

    Second: If you don't like being slugged, then just bring No Mither, Second Wind, or Unbreakable. That'll guarantee that you won't get slugged. It's that way so survivors can't be even more unfun to go against in higher ranks. Slugging is a legit strat according to the Devs.

    Third: you refer to Spine Chill as the "Cat offering". That indicates you don't separate offerings from perks. Also, Spine chill only lets you know if the killer is looking at you. If they aren't, they can still arrive. You have eyes and ears for a reason.

    Fourth: Not really, The TR hasn't changed at all. You can still hide quite easily.

    Fifth: Moris are rare enough that it's not frustrating. I get survivors are mad for being mori'd, since it requires you to play more stealthily, but it's your fault as a survivor if you get caught.

    Sixth: BBQ exists to make sure killers don't camp. It gives them points for each person they hook and tells them where you are for 4 seconds. If you mistime your hiding from BBQ, and he finds you, it's your fault.

    All in all, you need experience... not just as a survivor, but as a killer too, since you don't know the counterplay that exists... and don't understand how survivor sided the game can actually be.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Sounds like you don't play killer often. I also source you to this post:

    That vid explains why you're wrong better than me.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited October 2019

    There is Territorial Imperitave and BBQ that could read auras in the basement, and based on the desc. of what happened, I think the killer had BBQ. But those are perks, not Offerings like you said.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I also for got to remind them that last DLC they got Inner Strength and Second Wind and the best we got was Surge...

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    Omg I think the same way, killers are too op! The maps are in their favor and they can KILL, too OP pls nerf!

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    1. As others have said killers are balanced around their ability to one hit down. Your later example of Ghostface downing in one hit is only possible if he is standing near you watching you for a significant time, you are then given a warning that you are "exposed." (Can be one hit downed.)
    2. Inability to recover is so that downs can be used tactically, hooking isn't always the best option, and if survivors could always pick themselves up, there'd be no choice in how to play, every down would have to go straight to a hook.
    3. Those are perks, offerings are the ones that pick a map, or increase your bloodpoints for the match. The only thing in the game that counters Spine Chill is Michael Myers in his slow stealthy form he starts the match in, this is actually being changed next patch in a week or two. There are many interactions between survivor and killer perks, killer ones counter survivor ones, and survivor ones counter killer ones. It's just part of the balance of the game.
    4. The warning music is based on the killer. Generally it's 32m. If a killer has a mobility power, they generally move a little bit slower but have a smaller terror radius, 24m. It can be adjusted by some perks, and killers who are in a stealth mode won't have it, you'll only get warned if they come out of stealth or start a chase with you.
    5. Moris are poorly balanced, it's one of the hot topics at the moment and will probably get looked at. You at least need to be hooked once or have all gens done for them to work at least.
    6. Aura reading exists on both sides. As a survivor you can block it by hiding in a locker before it starts, or by using the perk "Distortion." You can also fake out killers by running one way, then changing after the reading ends. The most common perk for aura reading is BBQ and Chilli which grants reading for 4 seconds after a hook, so it's a good idea to get in a locker when you see the killer pick up the downed survivor. Only stealth killers can block aura reading from survivors.
  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm playing dbd for a long time now and i can just say: stick to the game, play both roles and maybe inform yourself over certain content creators. I wish you the best. <3

  • The_Daydreamer
    The_Daydreamer Member Posts: 744

    That doesn't even make sense.

    What do you think, why do they nerf survivors? Because the game IS survivor sided atleast in high rank.

    But I still agree that this game is heavily unfriendly for new players.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    They nerf survivors because killers cry harder for nerfs.

    Or maybe devs just play killers, who knows.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    I mean this could be entirely flipped: They nerf killers because survivors cry harder for nerfs. Or maybe jeyers just play survivor, who knows. Man you're the most biased survivor I've seen on this forum and I'm just starting to think that you're doing this for attention and/or trolling. Like I've stated previously, if you play DbD as much as you whine on the forums then maybe you would be much better at the game.

    Anyway, remember old Freddy outrage, or Nurse complaints and even Spirit? Both sides complain as much as each other and the AMOUNT of nerfs mean nothing, it's how significant the nerfs are that matters. Two scenarios AS EXAMPLES:

    1) 4 nerfs to medkits, -5% speed x4

    2) 1 nerf to medkits with -20% speed

    Can you see that those 4 nerfs in example 1 would be the equivalent to the 1 nerf with -20%? Sure survivors might be receiving a lot of nerfs but the number of nerfs are not equivalent to the significant of the nerfs.

    If I could be bothered to get the link, someone kept a track record of all killer nerfs (perks, powers, addons) since release and you can see that killer has been getting nerfed since release but right now it may seem like survivors are getting more nerfs because the OLD DBD was heavily survivor sided and all of these nerfs are just balancing it.

    People like you need to get out of the mindset that if a survivor nerf happens the killer NEEDS to get nerfed because unfortunately balancing doesn't work like that all the time.

    Anyway it's laughable that you think the devs are only killer sided. A few of the developers/CMs that stream play a mixture of both roles so feel free to watch them when they are live just so your point is proven wrong with devs only play killer.

  • Theoretical_Heart
    Theoretical_Heart Member Posts: 398

    Nah, I find Killer extremely stressful. Sometimes it can seem like the Killer is OP if you are playing solo survivor (like I do) but if you calm down and actually look back you lost as a survivor because your team didn't do gens and unhooked people to soon. It's ok to sit on a gen for a bit before going for the unhook. Survivors have a LONG time on the hook.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Dunno if its bait or just someone who has just started playing the game.

    I'll go with the latter, to give the Op some credit.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    "it's not fun" are the magic words survivors use to get things nerfed now i think we all caught on.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Game favors killers in low rank. Game favors survivors in high rank.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    The trick is nerfing killers just a little bit once in a while to "make up" for all the survivor nerfs.

    "See they nerf us too!!! totaly the same guys!! devs arent biased"

    Survivors have had huge nerfs to gameplay over time now while killers have generally gotten smoother and better gameplay via good perks and bias.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    The largest nerf to the survivor base-kit in a long time was the removal of the pallet vacuum. Perks overtime get nerfed but that's because it was genuinely flawed (old MoM, old DS, etc) and it was mainly flawed due to no counter-play. But don't you realize that perks also get buffed too? Just because it's not meta doesn't mean that you cannot use it. Why don't you go out of your comfort zone and try different builds instead of using the current meta of try to use as many second chance perks as possible? Survivor IS playable without 4 second chance perks.

    If the devs are so killer sided why do they try out things like survivors being able to flash light save during the animation, survivors being able to drop the pallet during the pickup animation to save, etc? They even tried out an experiment to make the Nurse get pallet stunned if survivors dropped a pallet during her blink.

    Now Jeyers I want you to read this clearly for once. Lets say we have a set of scales with two sides to it. The survivor side is being pulled down more which means that it's survivor sided and for the devs to balance the scale out, they need to buff killers or nerf some survivor features. Now the scale is balanced, with your logic the killers need to receive a nerf now because survivors got nerfed and then guess what happens? The scale goes down on the survivor side again making it more survivor sided. If you nerf killer every time survivors get nerfed then the scale never changes and the balance stays the same.

    Due to how flawed this game used to be, which someone linked you a video showcasing it, survivors had to receive a few nerfs to balance it out. Don't you remember the dpip squad experiment? I know it's coming up to 2 years since then but people showcased how flawed this game was so of course survivors got nerfed.

    You also need to remember this is an asymmetrical horror game with FOUR survivors versus ONE killer and it should be a team based effort to win. That's why the current game is: solo is the weakest, killer is stronger than solo and SWFs are the power role. ONE survivor shouldn't be able to 1v1 the killer and just receive easy wins. Even if you look back at the dev dairies before the release of the game, killers were described as a power role but because so many people got too comfortable with easy wins BACK THEN they complain the more balanced the game gets and the more they need to work to obtain the victory.

    If the devs were so killer sided why does the pig get nerfed every patch (still don't understand why), why did the nurse get reworked, etc. I'm certain that if you compare the killer nerfs since release there are actually more killer nerfs than survivor nerfs so how are the devs killer sided?