Worst killer

Im curious what is your worst killer to play as and whats your reason for me its the nurse im not good at the the blinks and she gives me a bit of a headache whenever i play her but what about you
Hag, because I hate her. She's literally the only killer I don't play. Why? I don't like her power. I just don't like playing Hag somehow. Pretty strong killer, but not my "taste".
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My worst Killer? Nurse. Legit can't play her cause her blinks make me puke.
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nurse cause console lol also because my movement joystick is broken so that's even worse
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wraith because he is dogshit, leatherface because he is dogshit, then trapper because he is annoying and underpowered, then doctor because he is annoying but underpowered, then ghostface because his stalk is useless against actual good players... you know, the players the game should be balanced around?
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For myself as a console player, I personally suck with Nurse, Hillbilly and Clown.
I LOVE Clown to death, but until I can get better Perks on him for chases (Spirit Fury & Enduring) I just always have an upward climb to do good or better against coordinated Survivors, where as every other Killer I play, I can do really well with...I feel his ability is great in design but isn't as potent as other abilities and I feel less powerful & impactful to a match :/
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I feel pretty good about all the killers. I would like to improve on Billy’s curving and Mastering Nurse, Spirit and Huntress. Going to take time since I don’t usually have a lot of time to play.
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Just nurse idk i feel so slow with her i got so used to m1 chases and playing nurse is just yikes
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never got into her.
i kinda prefer other killer powers tbh
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I'm not gonna put effort into becoming good with Hag, super unfun for me.
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I’m not really good at Killer at all, but I am the worst at Nurse by far. I’m so bad that I usually maybe land 3 hits before the match ends, and I’ve found that I get messed with a lot once the Survivors realize they’re playing against a trash Nurse.
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For me it's Wraith. You can do something with him sometimes, but he got so much counterplay it's insane.
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I’m a terrible Nurse. I play on console so it’s not easy. I’ve had a few matches where I got a 4K but those are few and far between.
I’m also pretty awful with Huntress and Billy but those killers are a little more forgiving than Nurse is. If you don’t have the blinks down then you will lose.
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The worst killet for me is the wraith. I have knowledge of every killer and strats for them, but the wraith is very underwhelming without the windstorm addon. Also, without Play With Your Food, he is just a survivor who hits
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Trapper and ghostface are actually pretty strong
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Legion and doctor. Useless powers.
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Worst Killer for me too play is Nurse. She is just simply too strong for me too have fun with her.
Worst killer in the game is Bubba for sure. Dude has literally 0 pressure in chases and gens, and only works in defensive builds, which as a killer means your gonna loose.
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All of them. I'm pretty bad.
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Nurse. She's tough on console. No fun to play as.
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I mean, I use Legion well. But still... *cries in Legion main*
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Ghostface is strong without stalking. Trapper is decent but really annoying and needs quality of life changes.
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Hag or doctor. Doctor is just for meme builds and Hag is just Hag. Don’t like anything about Hag so I completely skip her.
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Agreed. Ghost Face seems better without an emphasis on stalking. He can remove his terror radius and red stain at will, which let's him easily sneak up on people. Also helps with loops, since so many survivors depend on seeing the red stain. He can find survivors easily by running out in the open with Night Shroud activated. If there is an easy survivor to stalk go for it, but don't depend on it.
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Hag or Clown. Whenever one of their dailies comes up it's just a long sigh and hoping I don't get bullied too much for that match.
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i have all killers p3 lvl50 except bubba
he's more boring to play than the god damn old freddy
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A good Trapper can beat 4 swf with no ruin. You can see Not Otzdarva’s yt videos and see for yourself
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I watch otzdarva. Hes a pro and really the main issue is that hes pretty addon dependant
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Definitly spirit.
Chasing survivors while you can see them is already hard enough for me
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On console it has to be Nurse.
But Leatherface, Legion, and Wraith are probably the other worst ones.
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For me against a good Trapper, I am so paranoid trying to look out for every bit of gras for Traps, and thats why I lose alot of awarness in chases and die really fast, he is the only Killer where I play immersed against him like a blendette xD
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I just don't like playing as him. I get no satisfaction from anything I do with him, and his power is pretty lackluster.
I'm not necessarily good with Nurse (PS4 player), but at least when I do land a hit with her it feels awesome. Bubba's chainsaw can be fun. You're a god if a survivor steps in one of Trapper's traps. But Clown? ...meh.
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Freddy - as strong as he is, I really don't like the visuals of the dream world. It's why I didn't play old freddy, and don't play new freddy.
Hag - her power is so boring to play against, and just as boring to use (in my opinion). Just a big camp fest.
Nurse - got good with her, and then got bored because you'll win almost all of your games if you are good enough at nurse. Might return to her now that she isn't broke as heck.
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Nurse. She is strong but very stressful
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If hitting a wall counts as a hit; then i'm right up there with you!
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Nurse or Hag, between Look-Down Simulator and being trap manic, I don't know which I dislike more
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Trapper, i was not having anything fun trying to grind him up to P3
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Probably spirit. Got a $200 headset but still can’t play her for poop. Well at least her adept I haven’t tried with real perks I have to get adept first.
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I'm hilariously bad at Nurse. It has a lot to do with the fact that she's completely unique from a mechanical perspective. Once you "get" other killers, you can swap between them and do ok for the most part outside of their unique powers. Not the case with Nurse.
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So play offensive hag, you don't have to camp with her at all.
I think huntress is boring af, don't like to play as her or pig.
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Very incorrect. Both Trapper and GhostFace can have their power's rendered useless by Survivors with half a brain.
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No, they cant. Ghostface is pretty strong, watch tru3s recent videos. And most of the time, the trapper will just end the powerful loops, so even if you know where the traps are you cant do anything. Also, disarming takes time, and you can reset the traps as trapper
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I find Hag not that fun to play as. When facing against a 4-person SWF group the match becomes a living hell for you. Calling out your trap locations, triggering them at the worst moments for you (like when carrying a survivor). Ugh. 😣
Plus teleporting to a trap sometimes disorients me.
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Tru3 is mediocre at best. He doesn't use GF's power to stalk, he uses it to get a free hit, like Wraith. When GF uses his power as it is intended, he is extremely weak. When he doesn't, he gets a free hit like Wraith, but relies on Survivors to make mistakes.
Trapper will ALWAYS get his traps meme'd on by a decent SWF. Solo? Yeah, I could see the argument where he could be good. They cannot tell each other where the traps are. Unfortunately, there are very few solo's, on Xbox at the least, in red ranks.
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To call tru3 mediocre, you must have played as much as he did right? I am really anxious to see your profile. Also, trapper is getting memed? You never faced a decent trapper by the looks of it. And ghostface doesnt need the survivors to make mistakes, and he isnt like wraith. He is an undetectable killer, but unlike wraith he can just hit you. And the marked power is very bad, you need a very specific situation to expose a survivor, and once you do he will just loop you. The Hit and Run way of playing ghostface is the best one, and trapper is a skill dependant killer, that is why people think he is weak
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No, I have around 5 devotion levels. Not sure how many hours, am on console. There are some really good Trappers that will destroy me if I play solo, but, when I'm with SWF, they get meme'd on. And GhostFace is an M1 Killer without his power, after you get the first hit, you are JUST LIKE WRAITH.
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Myers, I hate evry single part of him, both as him and against him
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Against him: I have lots of videos against every killer where I loop and dodge (360,180, etc.) every hit, I have videos making red ranks DC or let me go to chase someone else. EVERY KILLER but Myers...
Playing as him: It's impossible to use in red ranks, I never get more than 2k with him. Maybe I don't have the right perks, any tips?
REMEMBER this is my experience, not a law, I'm not generalizing, it's just for me.
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Trapper gets bullied cause he's M1 without traps, Wraith sucks cause people wait for me to uncloak as they wait at pallet, either I get hit by stun or somehow mindgame.