This is why things aren’t happening

A lot of people (and I mean a LOT) are complaining about survivors being op or powerless and vise versa with killers. Just stop. Let the devs work on what they are working on and when it all gets released, then ask for more. It’s like treating small children. If they ask for you guys to beg for new stuff then go ahead other than that give them a break. They are trying their best.
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I support this post, and merely add that i hope buffing up lower Tier Killers is on there somewhere. Other than that, they have more data, resources, and less bias than the people here. Let the Devs figure it out.
Oh hey, we agree on something!
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It’s called feedback, though a lot of it could be more constructive.
The devs clearly listen to the fan base so why wouldn’t people have input.
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I completely agree with that statement, but this post is guided towards the more *cough cough* toxic side... there is plenty of good people implementing good ideas in the forums don’t get me wrong, but some is just inneccesary. Like all those damn posts about matchmaking. TJEY ARE WORKING ON IT DAMMIT CALM DOWN WE GET IT
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People simply overreact at the time of their inconvenience, usually spouting criticism that isn’t constructive and offering no real solutions.
Just gotta sift through all the rubbish and try to listen to the few voices of reason.
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Just gonna give u my up vote since I agree with u.
I would rather have useless Perks Bugged, Bad Killers Bugged, Weaker Killers looked at and reworked not nerfed, and Pig stop getting Soft Nerfed
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I agree! I have a REALLY long rework Legion thread for example. But if they change something, I don't just go "HOW DARE YOU!" i just think about it from the big picture.
Case in point! I left DBD for a long long time cause of 2016-2017 DBD. I came back cause of Legion, the lore and the playstyle. Never once used the exploit they got nerfed over. Know what I did when they nerfed them? Kept playing them. I understood WHY they did it. They might have been REALLY heavy handed, but I understood.