NEW KILLER IDEA: The Doppelgänger

New Killer: The Doppelgänger
Real Name: Anastasia La’Belle
Ethnicity: French
Weapon: Ancestral Assassin's Blade
Radius: 35 meters
Speed: 115%
Difficulty: Hard
Playstyle: A Duplicating Killer, Able to confuse and cut off survivors by using her power, Deadly Shades. Her three personal perks, Assassin Take-down, Echoing Whistle and Venus Flytrap help her lure away other survivors from her obsession and Kill more efficiently.
Appearance: Has Long Deep red hair in a messy bun with a black rose on the side. Wears a black hooded jumpsuit and matching gloves. She has a scarf covering the bottom Half of her face. She has no eyes only blood streaming down her face. She wears crow black high heel combat Boots made with Steel hee, good for bashing faces inl.
Born In shame to a poor Irish butcher and a French daughter of rich business owners. With a lot of begging to her parents, Valentine La’Belle was allowed to keep her only child, A beautiful baby Girl, who she named Anastasia, after one of her favorite movies . But was Anastasia never to see or hear of her Father or there be serious consequences. While growing in the mansion, Anastasia grow closed with her great grandmother, She loved the stories that her great grandmother told about The Entity, A Powerful Being that had protected a lineage of assassins in the La’belle family. But When Anastasia turn 10 her great grandmother became very ill but before she died she gave Anastasia a Strange necklace made out of bones and different flower petals , Her grandmother said “with this necklace the Entity will keep you safe for as long you live but you must give” But before she could say anything else she pass away holding Anastasia’s hand. As the years pass, Anastasia learn about the line of assassins in the La’Belle
Family. By the time of Her grandparents death, Anastasia had started a successful assassin clan called Espions de l'ombre. The charm did what her grandmother told her, it kept her safe from the cops and most of her targets bodyguards. But soon a dark whisper began to take control of her. The whisper always said something about her owning Debt. Anastasia wonder how she could pay back this Debt but one day she look and thought to herself “I have the most beautiful eyes”.
Power: Deadly Shades:
The Doppelgänger can duplicate into “Mirror Shades” which can,
- Roam around the map
-Break Pallets
-Enter Chases
-Vault windows
- Hit survivors but they can only do this once disappearing into white dust.
- Will be destroyed if they are blinded or stun
She can only summon 2 Shades but she can teleport to the nearest Shade. Each time she summon one shade, it takes 5% away from her speed but also take 5 meters away from her radius as well. The Doppelgänger can teleport to her nearest deadly shade but doing this action will take 10 seconds to recharge.
MORI: the Doppelgänger soumom her two shades and one stab the survivor in side and open her bladed fan and other slits the survivor thorat. Then The Doppelgänger cut the survivor head off and walks over The survivor corpse.
Deadly Shades Addons
Decrease Speed Penalty,
White Charm Necklace,Common( By 1%)
Grey Charm Necklace,Rare(By 2%)
Entity’s Black Rose Charm Necklace,Ultra Rare(No Speed Penalty)
Increase Radius Decrease,
Ricin,Common(By 1 meter)
Foxglove,Uncommon(By 3 Meters)
Black Mamba’s Venom,Very rare(By 8 meters)
Increase Number of Mirror Shades,
Lilacs,Uncommon(Increase by 1)
Cherry Blossom Crown,Rare(Increase by 2)
Larkspur,Very Rare(Increase By 3)
Non sets:
Valentine’s Love Letter,Uncommon,
Slightly Decreased Speed Penalty( By 1%)
Slightly Increase Radius Decrease(By 1 meter)
Enchanted Long Blade,Uncommon,
Each time you summon a Shade,Your Lunge is Moderately Increase
Anastasia’s Ring,Rare,
When a Shade disappears, you see the survivors auras for 4 seconds
Mom’s locket,Rare,
When a Mirror Shade hits a survivor, They will suffer the broken effect for 100 seconds
Shadowed Blade,Rare,
When a Mirror Shade hits a Survivor you gain the Undetectable effect for 30 seconds
Pipevine Swallowtail,Very Rare,
Mirror Shades will carry on a chase even if they were stun
By 4.5 seconds for all stuns
Unsent Letter To Father,Very Rare
Mirror Shades now carry your terror radius when summon for 30 seconds
You are reduced to 1 mirror shade
Cannot use the Increase Number of Mirror Shades set
Great Grandmother’s Entity Charm
When a Mirror Shade hits a Survivor all survivors’s auras are revealed for 5 seconds.
Dying Rose,Very Rare
Mirror Shades cannot move or hit a survivor
Give 100% more blood points in all categories.
The La’belle Family’s Blood Oath,Ultra Rare
Mirror Shades can instantly put survivors into the dying state
Can no longer teleport to your nearest mirror shade
You been reduce to 1 mirror shade
Can not add more mirror shade
Teachable Perks:
1. Assassin Takedown
The urge to kill your obsession is unwavering. Each time you hit your obsession you gain a token. Each token will take away 2 meters from your terror radius. But each time you hook a survivor that is not your obsession you loose 3,2,1 token. If the obsession dies you gain 25,50,100% more blood points.
2. Echoing Whistle
You always have ways to lure away your victims. Each time a generator is kicked by you, The generator will appear almost done but when a survivor touches, they will suffer the obvious effect for as 40,50,60 seconds.
3.Venus Flytrap,
When you hook a survivor on any Hook, the entity summoning time is 1,5,10% faster and will add 1,3,5% if they try to wiggle off, And the struggling time is slightly decreased.
I personnally like it! Honest opinion... I feel that maybe the last perk could be a bit different. This killer is incredibly powerful (I can tell) but that last perk only helps 1% of her overall ability... Not trying to sound rude but that could use a rework :) maybe it covers 5 random gems until the surv is sacrificed during that hooking or is saved? I thibk this killer is great! Overall super nice and detailed ;)
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Venus flytrap is a gimmick perk and kinda eh...
Echoing Whistle should instead make the survivor oblivious for 60 seconds rather than exploding the gens. It would just be a better overcharge. Still it should decieve the survivor with the progress. I like that alot... Like absolutely gorgeous Idea.
Assassin takedown should be changed to disencourage tunneling otherwise just a gimmick build and theres enough terror radius perks.
Give an example of how the ability would be used because I am interested in the mindgames but im not sure how it works all the way...
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Well if a survivor is in a chase, They will have to guess if actually The Doppelgänger or one of her shades. They will only find out if they get hit or use up a pallet. Her teleport is design mainly for map control and nothing more( you teleport in a chase if you're lucky because you can't see the shades auras)
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i'm confused are you talking about Venus Flytrap or Echoing Whistle?