Who to Prestige First Pig or Huntress?

I love both of these killers, but I'm not sure who I should Prestige next for my PS4 account. I have a PS4 Pro so I dont suffer from a lot of FPS dropping so Huntress is still very viable for my PS4 account.
Source I play PC too xD
Also would love any builds and tips people would be willing to suggest. I have all teachables unlocked so it will be fun to try new stuff while I level them back up.
Honestly it's just personal preference on who you Prestige first, but I would say Huntress because she has much more cosmetics that work well with the bloody outfits. Pig is getting another costume, but compared too Huntress it's not even close.
Plus, Huntress is very good at red ranks, while Pig will suffer against cordinated red rank survivors.
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Just prestige the character you like better.
Huntress is harder to learn, but once you are decent with her, she is more powerful than Pig.
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I'm voting pig because most of her addons aren't that good so you're losing less if you prestige her early. (I also just like her more. She's my only P3 killer)
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#1 best mom
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Pig, Prestige gives her a darker cloak. As a stealth killer it's one of the very few killers who actually gains something from prestige. That said all of her store clothes are better anyway.
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I'm a little over 1/4 the way for the blood points to bounce a killer back up. So I will hope to get more votes before then. Have a great day everyone and thank you for participating in my current problem and being of help.
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Pig's literal garbage because of the devs beating her with a nerf stick...
At least mommy huntress still has some viability.
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That's my problem I legit enjoy both about the same. I've played both about the same. I want both of them Prestige because I enjoy them and I feel I put in the time and I think it is worth it.
I do quite well with her at rank 1.
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Well... I'm biased because Huntress was my first Prestiged killer ever, I'd have to go with huntress... but objectively I'll say Pig. Pig's P3 cosmetics are actually really good for hiding yourself on certain maps, making her a little bit better... although the black leather cosmetic does that too...
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Because I am a baised pig fan.
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Well I prestiged Huntress due to the majority vote. I thank you everyone for your time and comments.