Why are the Devs so stubborrn???

WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

The game has been at like 20,000 players and couldnt even grow from stranger things. Its always temporary. So why wont the devs just balance the game more competitively??? Literally would be rewarding the players who support the game. They keep trying to get new players but the start of the game is difficult. The tutorials are not great and the killers seem extremely powerful. If they balance the game competitively then old players (who have abandoned the game bc of its bugs and bc it is extremely imbalanced.

One thing you could do to rack in new players and keep them would be to add tutorials popping up on the screen for rank 20s on what to do. HINTS while playing. Tips in loading screen dont help noobs at all.


I am just rambling.


  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Obligatory "Balance isn't easy, or even really truly possible in an overall sense" observation.

    This game has some absolutely bonkers aggressively bad onboarding, though. I keep pointing this out, but it doesn't seem like anyone at Behaviour is directing or considering any kind of user experience improvements to the game. They do weird backwards things, and even regress on simple things like having a "Switch to Survivor/Killer" button in the lobby menu.

    The Stranger Things chapter would have been a perfect time to roll out a comprehensive UX upgrade and new player experience to the game, since one assumes it was an especially tantalizing jumping-on point for a lot of curious players. But it seems like that wasn't even remotely a consideration.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    I think its very possible that the game could be balanced, the devs just arent doing it and for no good reason. I agree. Steps need to be made on improving the game for starters but at the same time I almost dont even care about the starters because, if the game was competitively balanced, then the devs could teach players looping and #########. Its awkward if they teach that to people who expect it to be a horror game. Its not scary anymore.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Total balance is literally an impossibility in competitive games with any kind of strong asymmetry, going back to Street Fighter II and probably stuff that predates it. The more moving parts something has, the less likely it is for all of those things to have a true equilibrium. There will always be really strong stuff and really weak stuff, no matter what the developers do.

    I agree that some of the weaker killers need to be brought up and made more powerful and competitive -- and maybe we're arguing semantics here, but "balance" is a different thing than "having lots of competitively viable options."

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Hey the devs are trying their best. Balance isn't really possible in a game like DBD doesn't stop the devs and people from trying to get it closely balanced though which is good. The biggest factor for not having a growing playerbase is the fact that most killers are locked behind playtime or pay walls. Something that really makes new players say "peace I'm out" from my anecdotal data atleast. So many of my friends won't play because of grind/ these walls. Devs still deserve more credit though.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    The things that scare new players away, from my anecdotal experience with friends I have tried to bring in, are the absolutely insane grind and the complete lack of new player onboarding.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yea that also scares people away in my experience. Especially the grind.